Tea Party Praying for Sen. Byrd to drop Dead, member breaks down on C-Span

I'm not the one bending what was said by senator colburn and going off their rocker at every opportunity to bash a group referred to as the teaparty. You are soo hell bent on it you missed the OBVIOUSNESS of this youtube video and the caller not being part of the movement.

sorry bro, you got duped this time.

EDIT: You can have the last words

I didn't get duped. And while I understand you want to leave after making a kool-aid post such as the previous one, I'm not out to bash the tea party movement. However, if you want it to be a legitimate group that is serious about doing something, you should be there right next to me wanting to weed out the crazies. However, you're willing to be quiet about them in order to gain their votes for the movement.

And as long as they tout people like Sarah Palin as "Fiscally Conservative" and have lines of politicians at these rallies then it's difficult for me to take them seriously as a "grassroots" movement.
Yeah. Its more then just a stretch to think that the Senator was praying for someones death. Its an outright manipulation of the facts through the use of fear-mongering.

Course, posting a video of Coburn's comment in their entire form is definitely "outright manipulation of the facts through the use of fear-mongering." :cuckoo:


Be sure you don't miss your daily serving!
I'm not the one bending what was said by senator colburn and going off their rocker at every opportunity to bash a group referred to as the teaparty. You are soo hell bent on it you missed the OBVIOUSNESS of this youtube video and the caller not being part of the movement.

sorry bro, you got duped this time.

EDIT: You can have the last words

I didn't get duped. And while I understand you want to leave after making a kool-aid post such as the previous one, I'm not out to bash the tea party movement. However, if you want it to be a legitimate group that is serious about doing something, you should be there right next to me wanting to weed out the crazies. However, you're willing to be quiet about them in order to gain their votes for the movement.

And as long as they tout people like Sarah Palin as "Fiscally Conservative" and have lines of politicians at these rallies then it's difficult for me to take them seriously as a "grassroots" movement.

You insults wont silence or diminsh the truth of what I stated.

I would denouce that guy you showed a youtube clip of IF he was a legit tea party person. Its blatantly obvious from the audio that he is not.
Whats funny is that Pagan and Hedonistic sap of a Tea-Bagger was crying because HIS fellow-member died instead of the Senator.

God DOES work in mysterious ways.

You get an Amen from me truthmatters.
You insults wont silence or diminsh the truth of what I stated.

I would denouce that guy you showed a youtube clip of IF he was a legit tea party person. Its blatantly obvious from the audio that he is not.

Except the video does make a legitimate point and ask a legitimate question. Whether you think my posting all of Coburn's comments is dishonest or not, the fact was he was praying for someone to not show up tonight. That in itself is wrong.

You can have the last word Pilgrim, off to do some Christmas stuff. Merry Christmas and all.
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Praying for Americans to have their representation taken away is pretty fucking unamerican by any perspective
BTW...anyone else notice that caller was from Georgia? And aren't we just assuming it was a man? Could have been a husky voiced female...high on something with a tendency towards crazy behavior.......
I sho did...I live in Lithonia myself and that dude sounds quite authentic.

go watch the video and realize just who some of the teabaggers are.
They are surrounded by nuts and then refuse to shut the nuts down.

Then they sit there and claim the nuts they have in their party are just Dems pretending to be them.

Nope people you have arroused the nut bag fringe.
They are surrounded by nuts and then refuse to shut the nuts down.

Then they sit there and claim the nuts they have in their party are just Dems pretending to be them.

Nope people you have arroused the nut bag fringe.
Whats funny is...they STILL are encouraging the nut fringe.

They think USING them for their votes while Obama's in office will be beneficial to them.

go watch the video and realize just who some of the teabaggers are.

Watch the video and get an idea of who some of the leftists are. I deliberately did not post the videos of signs calling for Bush and Cheney's deaths.



We can do this forever. Your video doesn't mean a thing. The person who called in had an agenda and exposed themselves as having an agenda though the use of their own words.

The OP has been caught yet again with a misleading and dishonest thread.

DW I willl do what you refuse to do.

Those people are assholes if they indeed do say what you say they are saying.

I would tell them that to their faces.

Now will you tell the



Obama is a muslim

we found WMDs

Obama is hitler

Obama is Mao

Obama is a ni&&er

Obama will enslave whites

And so on and so on people who inhabit the tea bag pot that they are assholes?

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