Tea Party-Birther Recruiting Posters & more...

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
For a little while (since I got another computer and software), I have been thinking about making an image that captures the essence of the wingnut/moonbat experience.

Inspiration has hit me. I will work on a creation of my own, but below is an image that captures it, although the author who linked to it says it captures one side of that.

From Nat Turner's Revenge
Finally, a real Tea Party-Birther recruiting poster...


Perfect. Got the bumpkinesque quality (pitchfork)...the beautify tagline: Fear your neighbor. I love it.

Maybe I'll post a series of designs. What do you think?

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Maybe you should get out more. Seriously, you're not even a one trick pony. It takes a lot for me to feel sorry for anyone, but you do have my sympathy.
Dante, I think it's pretty much an accepted fact that of all the myriad and diverse personalities on this board...you are one of the craziest.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oqD5z96HEg&feature=related]YouTube - "Banking Queen" - a Live Performance by Barney Frank[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iW5qKYfqALE&feature=related]YouTube - Barney Frank in 2005: What Housing Bubble?[/ame]

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