Tea partiers would never "Occupy Wall Stree Protester defecates on police car...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
in other words "barbarians at the gate"...
Occupy Wall Street: Shocking photos show protester defecating on POLICE CAR | Mail Online

Or this...
Stinking up Wall Street: Protesters accused of living in filth as shocking pictures show one demonstrator defecating on a POLICE CAR
Bloomberg: 'Protesters are taking jobs away from the city"

On the other hand..
Tea Party ‘Cleaning Up’ After The Left…Again | RedState

"And can there be a more discernable difference between the tea party and the far left than in what each leaves behind in it’s wake. We’ve all seen the pictures of the thorough trashing of the U.S. Capitol grounds after Obama’s inauguration, or similar photos of countless other far left gatherings.

In comparison, we’ve also seen the reverence in which tea party folks respect their surroundings and, more importantly, their fellow man as they gather by the hundreds of thousands, yet leave those surroundings pristine.

So patriots will travel far and wide today in Wisconsin to clean up their beloved Capitol after the squatters left it a mess, and so too will patriots around this great country continue cleaning up the mess that the Progressive Left has made of America over the past two years – one state Capitol and one election at a time."
in other words "barbarians at the gate"...
Occupy Wall Street: Shocking photos show protester defecating on POLICE CAR | Mail Online

Or this...
Stinking up Wall Street: Protesters accused of living in filth as shocking pictures show one demonstrator defecating on a POLICE CAR
Bloomberg: 'Protesters are taking jobs away from the city"

On the other hand..
Tea Party ‘Cleaning Up’ After The Left…Again | RedState

"And can there be a more discernable difference between the tea party and the far left than in what each leaves behind in it’s wake. We’ve all seen the pictures of the thorough trashing of the U.S. Capitol grounds after Obama’s inauguration, or similar photos of countless other far left gatherings.

In comparison, we’ve also seen the reverence in which tea party folks respect their surroundings and, more importantly, their fellow man as they gather by the hundreds of thousands, yet leave those surroundings pristine.

So patriots will travel far and wide today in Wisconsin to clean up their beloved Capitol after the squatters left it a mess, and so too will patriots around this great country continue cleaning up the mess that the Progressive Left has made of America over the past two years – one state Capitol and one election at a time."

Right....99% of the Tea Party have integrity and a strong sense of dignity and personal accountability. I am proud of that movement.

And now...off to MY job!!! I am one of the fortunate to have one, but then I have earned my employment by being an asset to my company. :) *Bygones* :lol:
in other words "barbarians at the gate"...
Occupy Wall Street: Shocking photos show protester defecating on POLICE CAR | Mail Online

Or this...
Stinking up Wall Street: Protesters accused of living in filth as shocking pictures show one demonstrator defecating on a POLICE CAR
Bloomberg: 'Protesters are taking jobs away from the city"

On the other hand..
Tea Party ‘Cleaning Up’ After The Left…Again | RedState

"And can there be a more discernable difference between the tea party and the far left than in what each leaves behind in it’s wake. We’ve all seen the pictures of the thorough trashing of the U.S. Capitol grounds after Obama’s inauguration, or similar photos of countless other far left gatherings.

In comparison, we’ve also seen the reverence in which tea party folks respect their surroundings and, more importantly, their fellow man as they gather by the hundreds of thousands, yet leave those surroundings pristine.

So patriots will travel far and wide today in Wisconsin to clean up their beloved Capitol after the squatters left it a mess, and so too will patriots around this great country continue cleaning up the mess that the Progressive Left has made of America over the past two years – one state Capitol and one election at a time."

Right....99% of the Tea Party have integrity and a strong sense of dignity and personal accountability. I am proud of that movement.
Yeah.....they're some "great Americans".....with non-functioning gray-matter.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqiFSx6pTtA]Papantonio: Too "Stoopid" to Know They're Stupid - YouTube[/ame]

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in other words "barbarians at the gate"...
Occupy Wall Street: Shocking photos show protester defecating on POLICE CAR | Mail Online

Or this...
Stinking up Wall Street: Protesters accused of living in filth as shocking pictures show one demonstrator defecating on a POLICE CAR
Bloomberg: 'Protesters are taking jobs away from the city"

On the other hand..
Tea Party ‘Cleaning Up’ After The Left…Again | RedState

"And can there be a more discernable difference between the tea party and the far left than in what each leaves behind in it’s wake. We’ve all seen the pictures of the thorough trashing of the U.S. Capitol grounds after Obama’s inauguration, or similar photos of countless other far left gatherings.

In comparison, we’ve also seen the reverence in which tea party folks respect their surroundings and, more importantly, their fellow man as they gather by the hundreds of thousands, yet leave those surroundings pristine.

So patriots will travel far and wide today in Wisconsin to clean up their beloved Capitol after the squatters left it a mess, and so too will patriots around this great country continue cleaning up the mess that the Progressive Left has made of America over the past two years – one state Capitol and one election at a time."

Do you realise that some of those "trash" pictures shown in your link are people belongings .

They are sleeping bags and tents stacked up for the day.

In one of those pictures you see blankets and sleeping bags piled and FEET sticking out of them.

ITS SOMEONE SLEEPING and you lie sight labeled a human being trash.
It really goes to show just how fucking desperate the leftwing street shitters are to justify this neanderthal behavior.

Quite Amusing.


and don't forget obie doodle endorses it..
in other words "barbarians at the gate"...
Occupy Wall Street: Shocking photos show protester defecating on POLICE CAR | Mail Online

Or this...
Stinking up Wall Street: Protesters accused of living in filth as shocking pictures show one demonstrator defecating on a POLICE CAR
Bloomberg: 'Protesters are taking jobs away from the city"

On the other hand..
Tea Party ‘Cleaning Up’ After The Left…Again | RedState

"And can there be a more discernable difference between the tea party and the far left than in what each leaves behind in it’s wake. We’ve all seen the pictures of the thorough trashing of the U.S. Capitol grounds after Obama’s inauguration, or similar photos of countless other far left gatherings.

In comparison, we’ve also seen the reverence in which tea party folks respect their surroundings and, more importantly, their fellow man as they gather by the hundreds of thousands, yet leave those surroundings pristine.

So patriots will travel far and wide today in Wisconsin to clean up their beloved Capitol after the squatters left it a mess, and so too will patriots around this great country continue cleaning up the mess that the Progressive Left has made of America over the past two years – one state Capitol and one election at a time."

Do you realise that some of those "trash" pictures shown in your link are people belongings .

They are sleeping bags and tents stacked up for the day.

In one of those pictures you see blankets and sleeping bags piled and FEET sticking out of them.

ITS SOMEONE SLEEPING and you lie sight labeled a human being trash.

Is your friends naked ass on the police car a lie ?...... :eusa_whistle:
Where is the SHIT the caption claims in that picture?

There is NO shit is there.

The people captioning these pictures are LIARS
Where is the SHIT the caption claims in that picture?

There is NO shit is there.

The people captioning these pictures are LIARS

The piece of SHIT is putting his naked ass on the police car and it's obvious you condone it.......
"you wrote" The SEC of Cox under Bush held up the protections in the GLBA for years. They allowed the banks to get arround the protections."
AND are you aware of WHY??
A) Acorn/Obama filed lawsuits against banks forcing banks to lend to UNQUALIFIED borrowers who were known to default on prior loans! By forcing banks to make unqualified loans..
B) FDIC auditors start flagging loans.
C) Banks knowing they can't meet FDIC requirements dump toxic loans to Fannie/Freddie.
D) Fannie Freddie repackages toxic loans and under the following understanding:
Oct. 23,2008 (Bloomberg) --
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have an ``effective'' federal guarantee, not the
"full faith and credit'' of the U.S. government, Federal Housing Finance Agency Director James Lockhart said after the hearing. That does give them effectively a guarantee of the U.S. government.''
Lockhart's Fannie, Freddie Guarantee Remarks Stir Up Confusion - Bloomberg

So why wouldn't investors buy these toxic loans repackaged by Fannie/Freddie KNOWING eventually something like TARP would HAVE to guarantee their investments!
And That's what happened.
All because Democrats wanted voters to know via Community Reinvestment Act who
put them in homes and allowed flipping by substandard qualified borrowers.
Just as Motor Voter did to identify voting/driver's license and Democrats..
HOME loans to unqualified potential Democrat voters!
Warned by Bush Administration warned about Fannie/Freddie once in ’01, once in ’02, six times in ’03, three times in ’04, once in ’05, five times in ’07, and 17 times in ’08. Congress didn’t listen especially Democrats LAUGH!!!!

"When warned about Fannie Mae in (House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA)
"these two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of
financial crisis....
The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure
there is on these companies,
the less we will see in terms of affordable housing." (New York Times, 9/11/03)

And then Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Chairman
Christopher Dodd also ignored the President's warnings and called on
him to "immediately reconsider his ill-advised" position. .
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis...
(New York Times, 9/11/03.
Where is the SHIT the caption claims in that picture?

There is NO shit is there.

The people captioning these pictures are LIARS

Oh really? What do you think he's doing?


I wonder what TM thinks the brown smear running down the car from his ass to the wheel well is? And maybe while she's at it, she could explain the spots on the ground next to the tire.
In fairness, it is just one individual shitting on that police car. I won't tar them all with that brush... which is a damned sight more reasonable and rational than the left were about the TEA Parties.

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