TARGET EARTH - GROUND ZERO, Countdown To The Final Battle


Apr 15, 2008
If you want the first 85 pages of this book please email me at [email protected] it is important that everyone reads it.

As we all know there is something wrong in this world and something big is about to happen. Oil, Terrorism, Strange Weather patterns, Failing Economy, Earthquakes

Our Prayers to have a better world have been answered but not the way you expected.

A message from the Author.

About this orientation manual -

I am directing you to this book, “TARGET EARTH - GROUND ZERO, Countdown To The Final Battle.” I believe it is something you should at least read without question.
This book is one of the most important pieces of work that has ever been written for the people of planet Earth. I needed to get this information out to the public very quickly. Your future and the future of every man, woman, and child may depend on what I do over the next 7 years, from 2006 to2012. You will find out how to adapt in this new era we face on Earth today.
We are living in a period of time on Earth that has never been seen before. The increased UFO sightings and strange weather conditions have puzzled even the greatest scientists. With all of the strange unexplained anomalies which are occurring on Earth at this time, forces people to take a look at the fact that we might be in the End Times era.
I have been working full time for 7 months to complete this book, so that you could have an accurate account of the past 17,000 years, and what the current status is on Earth. I will reveal to you how the dinosaurs and the ancient Neanderthal man got here and who took them out. This book explains many gaps in Earth’s history. Earth is a small planet at the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy and there’s been a lot of intergalactic activity in this sector. I’ve given a full report in this manual.
Nobody can deny that we are in some aspect of the Revelation era. But nothing has been written since the Apostle John wrote “Revelation,” the last book of the New Testament in 95 A.D. This book is a continuation from where John left off.
I was given a vision in 1984, which depicted what the upcoming events will be in the End Times. It also depicted the many things in the book of “Revelation” that have already come to pass.
People will clutch this book with hope, because it will finally shed some light on what has been said in the Bible. It will describe in modern terms, how everything is coming into alignment. It will show you how all of the events in history were all meant to happen in order to bring about the events that are occurring today, which were predicted in the Bible. This book is about how current events in modern times relate to specific Revelation prophesy.
This book will provide answers to many mysteries that are yet unsolved, on planet Earth. The journal entries I include in this book are not fiction or a script for a new movie. What I indicate in this book is true. It also in no way negates or counters the Bible, but proves specific accounts are true. It shows how many events predicted in the New Testament have transpired and brings more light to certain aspects of history as well. This is not a religious book however.
Even though the Bible, which was given to the Adamic race of people primarily for spiritual guidance, describes some abstract concepts, my book will show you how they are reality and not fiction. The book will clarify some supernatural concepts, so they can be understood in the modern culture we live in today.
The people of today need to be brought up to this level of the supernatural. We are entering a different supernatural era than those seen in previous times. Many supernatural aspects of the Old Testament era and the era of Jesus will again be witnessed by the people in this modern era.
You will understand how everything could be in alignment, which would allow you to meet me through this book. It’s no coincidence that you have this book in your hand. This moment has already happened in the universal time stream. You were meant to read it.

You have probably had many interesting experiences and thoughts in your life which has led you to this book. Because of the times that we are in, you may have prayed for supernatural intervention and support. When it does finally show up, what will you do with it? Or is it “something you’d rather see only in the movies?” I am the answer to your prayers and the many unanswered questions that you may have about what’s really happening on this planet, at this time. A supernatural force has finally arrived. But I am on your side.
You are on Earth at a very critical time in history. Aside from when Jesus came, this Revelation era which began after I arrived, will be the second most exciting time to be alive. You are at target Earth - ground zero. The countdown to the final battle will begin after 2012.
I have been sent here to accomplish a very urgent mission. There have been many evil forces which were here before me, who have attempted to foil this plan. It’s no accident that I arrived on Earth. I was meant to be here at this time. I am a messenger and a scientist from afar. Before the Adamic era began, there were two advanced races of beings that were here. I am a member of one of those races.
You will know who I am once you’ve read my book. You will know I am who I say I am, and you will know that what I say is true, because the many prophesies I make will come true.
“Target Earth-Ground Zero” is an orientation manual for this new era. If you choose to read it, your perspectives will be forever changed and there will be no turning back. You will be given the supernatural “virtual glasses” to see the invisible forces that are planning to take over this planet. I am the counter force, and they were expecting me.
Because I know who they are and have this information, I’ve been laying low for 7 years, because of the people who had plans to stop this mission, before this year.
But they did not succeed. It is now 2006, which was the designated target date to begin my 7 year mission, which is to inform, defend, and guard the people of Earth. The first phase of this mission will be completed in December 2012. Success is my only option. I have no time to waste.
This is zero hour. This book will prepare you for the spiritual and intergalactic battle that has already begun. And you may want to know about certain details before they show up again, very soon. You are about ready to embark on a very exciting journey. Hope you join me. I’ll be waiting for you.

Be Ye Transformed,

L.A. Heller

Faithfully remaining-
The Guardian

About the publishing-

I considered going the traditional publishing routes, but soon realized that I didn’t have the time to wait up to two to five years before my book could be published and released. So I am self-publishing the book, for now, to maintain control of content, distribution, and usage. But in the meantime, I am presenting to you the first version of this book.
In today’s society we need to be able to understand a new concept very quickly. The information must be presented in a digest for faster assimilation and comprehension. We all need to become experts and familiar with a subject - fast! This manuscript is written in conversational English for those expressed purposes. A very complex subject is presented in a very simple fashion to ensure full understanding of the things we face in these End Times.
Grab a cup of coffee or tea, listen to your favorite music, and enjoy this book. Happy reading!
I'll offer the soundtrack to the apocalypse! Though, this thread deserves something just a little more special than the actual Europe version...

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>



what in the fuck is up with embedded videos at USMB? for crying out fucking loud.
Countdown To The Final Battle&#8482;

Copyright © November 2006 by: LA Heller Library International

All rights reserved
Version 7.3

Published in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of the author except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review or for promotion purposes.
The names: Independent Thinkers Party, Applied Technologies-Total Life Systems, ATTLS, ATTLS-U, Guardian Foundation, Guardian Mission Control, &#8220;The New Thought Movement,&#8221; &#8220;The Extreme Way,&#8221; Advance Revelation Team (ART), &#8220;End of Series,&#8221; &#8220;America&#8217;s Undeclared War on Kids,&#8221; &#8220;America&#8217;s Worst Holocaust,&#8221; &#8220;America&#8217;s Wailing Wall,&#8221; L.A. Heller quotations are all trademarks and registered trademarks of :LA Heller Library International LLC.

To be published by: Mill City Press
212 3rd Ave North Ste 570 Minneapolis, MN 55401
Visit our website at

For more information contact:
Independent Thinkers Party Organization&#8482;
e-mail: [email protected]

To purchase copies of this book go to: and go to Target Earth-Ground Zero link.

Manufactured in the United States of America
First Edition: November 15, 2006

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meh.. im good on my list of fiction. Thanks though.

Come on. read your thread title and TELL ME you don't hear The Final Countdown in the back of your mind.
I have yet to tackle the wall of introductory text, but now that we're getting to the actual story I think I'll start following along.

I must admit to breifly having a vision of the turkey-robot from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, waving his arm to on-coming mist and intoning "Hundreds of billions of years ago..."

I await the next instillation with mild curiosity.
Removed Text. Download is becoming available on Home

Thanks to Everyone that took the time to read.
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I'm a fairly credulous guy, willing to entertain all sorts of notions. Lots of intelligent life out there in the universe? Sure, why wouldn't there be? Feasible interstellar travel? I sure as hell hope so. The omnipotent creator of the universe walking Earth via his half-human son? Eh, lots of people seem to think so. But this?:

In all of the hundreds of billions of years our Federation was in existence, we never knew evil.

A galactic federation spanning countless civilizations of sentient beings over hunderds of billions of years, and NO ONE was ever EVIL???


...whoa, you posted a lot between when I started typing this and when I previewed it...
What you have just read was the first 81 pages of Target Earth Ground Zero - Count Down to the Final Battle by L.A. Heller.

This is not based on fiction but on actual events.

The book contains another 700 page's involving the history of the Earth with a timeline on how we got here and Identifying some of the major players. There is a solution and we need to come together.

There will be no more post out of the book on this site. You must make the decision to send me a private message or email me for more information.

[email protected]

A website is being built and I will have the address for more information and updates. Website update.

The countdown has already begun and this is our last chance if we want to be free.
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