Taliban going door to door to capture sex slaves

Biden's haste left American weaponry in the capable hands of Iran by way of cooperative hands of the Taliban, the organizatio that brought the World Trade Center down. The secret is out: Biden ignored his advisers in the miliatry he appointed because his handlers told him he had to pick a Democrat to leD the defenders of this soverign nation the Democrats believe are worse than those who have been planning our end since WWII didn't go their way.

In the mean timeChina and North Korea are doing their last- minute planning of terrorizing population centers in poopy Frisco and the fallen angels of LA.

They have paid a ransom to get greedy Joe elected and Putin is likely grinning ear to ear on all this infighting caused by The house Speaker the secretive Nancy Pelosi, mistress of misinformation and party hatred/intolerance of the people of the country she vowed to serve when it was clear she planned only self-service.
So, where is the evidence of a ransom? You don't have any do you? It's all bull shit lies with you.
does anyone really think xiden and his cult of dembots actually care what is going to happen to these women?
does anyone really think xiden and his cult of dembots actually care what is going to happen to these women?
You know slick, it's "your body your life", when it comes to covid, but when it comes to women and their rights to do the same, that doesn't count. Get out of here with your hypocrisy about women. You have no skin in this game.
What a gift from Joe “Fingers” Biden, the Taliban are now going door to door to rape women and take child sex slaves.

Well you know, it’s just “their culture”.

Looks like Afghanistan is sliding back to the 10th century.
An INCEL paradise....when you going?
You know slick, it's "your body your life", when it comes to covid, but when it comes to women and their rights to do the same, that doesn't count. Get out of here with your hypocrisy about women. You have no skin in this game.
um these women have no rights anymore…thanks to joey xiden and his cult like supporters

speaking if hypocrisy…your post drips of it
um these women have no rights anymore…thanks to joey xiden and his cult like supporters

speaking if hypocrisy…your post drips of it
Right! So, let me see if I get this straight, did we invade Afghanistan over women's rights? Who would have guessed, that since 2001, we have been there this whole time because of women's rights. I didn't know you expected the US military to stay in Afghanistan over women's rights. :auiqs.jpg: Dude, wtf? You are so full of it. Because of Joe Biden, we don't have to lose any more US troops over a war with no mission. Wake the hell up.
Yes, we are. Not everyone thinks it's time for bullets. That may come when the Democrats render elections useless
With 400 Republican voter suppression bills to cheat people out of free and fair elections, they are.
Right! So, let me see if I get this straight, did we invade Afghanistan over women's rights? Who would have guessed, that since 2001, we have been there this whole time because of women's rights. I didn't know you expected the US military to stay in Afghanistan over women's rights. :auiqs.jpg: Dude, wtf? You are so full of it. Because of Joe Biden, we don't have to lose any more US troops over a war with no mission. Wake the hell up.
women’s rights certainly came along with overthrowing the taliban regime that also supported and aided terrorist

xiden came it all back to them.

why do you have a problem with women rights?
So, where is the evidence of a ransom? You don't have any do you? It's all bull shit lies with you.
Sorry you're wrong. I saw the grin on Putin's face on last night's tv. You've been blindsided by your trust in the DNC party's power grab lying. They sure pulled the wool over your face.
Sorry you're wrong. I saw the grin on Putin's face on last night's tv. You've been blindsided by your trust in the DNC party's power grab lying. They sure pulled the wool over your face.
:auiqs.jpg:You saw Putin's face? Wow, another lie on top of that one. It's their MO.

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