Taliban bans the Covid Vaccine


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
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The Taliban has banned the Covid Vaccine in parts of Afghanistan.

Thsi is just the beginning of the Taliban’s return to an 8th century mentality.

Afghan suffering under Taliban rule is just beginning.

Hey CONTROL GROUP---unfortunately they will likely outlive those in the west getting vaccinated.
The Taliban has banned the Covid Vaccine in parts of Afghanistan.

This is just the beginning of the Taliban’s return to an 8th century mentality.

Afghan suffering under Taliban rule is just beginning anew.

Thank heaven we live in nation where facts and science rule.
Well...after all they are Conservatives.
The Taliban has banned the Covid Vaccine in parts of Afghanistan.

This is just the beginning of the Taliban’s return to an 8th century mentality.

Afghan suffering under Taliban rule is just beginning anew.

Thank heaven we live in nation where facts and science rule.
God bless them.
The Taliban has banned the Covid Vaccine in parts of Afghanistan.

This is just the beginning of the Taliban’s return to an 8th century mentality.

Afghan suffering under Taliban rule is just beginning anew.

Thank heaven we live in nation where facts and science rule.

Which is worse, Taliban or democrats....

Both hate, burn, murder, loot, rape, and lie.

Both tear down statues and ancient monuments.

Both demand conformity and punish free thinking

If Taliban has the intelligence to ban the murderous fraud vax, that is one step up on the Dems, and also suggest that the reason Israel wants Taliban in control is because mullah Omar is no clueless religious leader, but rather a Mossad fraud like col Tim osman....
The Taliban has banned the Covid Vaccine in parts of Afghanistan.

This is just the beginning of the Taliban’s return to an 8th century mentality.

Afghan suffering under Taliban rule is just beginning anew.

Thank heaven we live in nation where facts and science rule.
well this actually might make the dems mad
Which is worse, Taliban or democrats....

Both hate, burn, murder, loot, rape, and lie.

Both tear down statues and ancient monuments.

Both demand conformity and punish free thinking

If Taliban has the intelligence to ban the murderous fraud vax, that is one step up on the Dems, and also suggest that the reason Israel wants Taliban in control is because mullah Omar is no clueless religious leader, but rather a Mossad fraud like col Tim osman....
Well, there's the Irony moment for today. :heehee:
Be sure to let us know when an American governor bans a covid vaccine.
My thread is about the Taliban. Why are you projecting the Taliban mindset to American governors?
The Taliban has banned the Covid Vaccine in parts of Afghanistan.

This is just the beginning of the Taliban’s return to an 8th century mentality.

Afghan suffering under Taliban rule is just beginning anew.

Thank heaven we live in nation where facts and science rule.

And how many Americans will be salivating at the thought of banning the vaccine?
Banning the Vax is worse to them than rape and murder.
Your response is beyond idiotic. The OP concerns itself with Afghanistan’s return to an 8th century mentality. That you would be stupid enough to read it as banning the vax is worse than the rape and murder of women is as ignorant a statement as I have ever read on this Board.
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