Senior Member
Over 350 billion dollars of the bail out has been given to various banking companies who are not using it to make loans but are hoarding it or using it to buy up other banks. They just appointed and Inspector General now that half of the money is gone.
The Republican Congress blocked an auto loan in the lame dick session.
Why do we give the money to the money lenders who totally screwed up their business but not give it (with strings attached: i.e. paid back and fire current CEOs, and more) to the Auto industry that will layoff 3 million people if it goes belly up.
Because the banks are the Bush friends as in Paulson former CEO of Goldman Sacks of Money.
This is just like Iraq and all the money that just went away there. 9 Billion on pallets. Someone who knows someone has that money in their account right now, while the average American may be laid off, losing his/her home and healthcare.
Long life the Corporations for they are the Saviors and Heart of the Country : NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Bailout Lacks Oversight Despite Billions Pledged - washingtonpost.com
The Republican Congress blocked an auto loan in the lame dick session.
Why do we give the money to the money lenders who totally screwed up their business but not give it (with strings attached: i.e. paid back and fire current CEOs, and more) to the Auto industry that will layoff 3 million people if it goes belly up.
Because the banks are the Bush friends as in Paulson former CEO of Goldman Sacks of Money.
Along the way, the Bush administration has committed $290 billion of the $700 billion rescue package.
Yet for all this activity, no formal action has been taken to fill the independent oversight posts established by Congress when it approved the bailout to prevent corruption and government waste. Nor has the first monitoring report required by lawmakers been completed, though the initial deadline has passed. They don't care, they will be gone with the dough.
"It's a mess," said Eric M. Thorson, the Treasury Department's inspector general, who has been working to oversee the bailout program until the newly created position of special inspector general is filled. "I don't think anyone understands right now how we're going to do proper oversight of this thing."
This is just like Iraq and all the money that just went away there. 9 Billion on pallets. Someone who knows someone has that money in their account right now, while the average American may be laid off, losing his/her home and healthcare.
Long life the Corporations for they are the Saviors and Heart of the Country : NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Bailout Lacks Oversight Despite Billions Pledged - washingtonpost.com