Take Public Education Away From The Democrats

School politics are local, billy. Has nothing to do with anything outside the district. State sets curricula, locals teach and enforce it, and hire teachers. The failure is local. Your claim of a national political party flaw doesn't float.

Yes. Local Democrats, pushing an all-inclusive agenda that includes incompetence..
School politics are local, billy. Has nothing to do with anything outside the district. State sets curricula, locals teach and enforce it, and hire teachers. The failure is local. Your claim of a national political party flaw doesn't float.

Yes. Local Democrats, pushing an all-inclusive agenda that includes incompetence..
School politics are local, billy. Has nothing to do with anything outside the district. State sets curricula, locals teach and enforce it, and hire teachers. The failure is local. Your claim of a national political party flaw doesn't float.

Yes. Local Democrats, pushing an all-inclusive agenda that includes incompetence..
Show that it's "local Democrats"...in Texas. :lol: That kid would fit right in with the Texas GOP.
Is anyone surprised that adults with a Texas education would believe that note?

Idiocracy in practice
School politics are local, billy. Has nothing to do with anything outside the district. State sets curricula, locals teach and enforce it, and hire teachers. The failure is local. Your claim of a national political party flaw doesn't float.

Yes. Local Democrats, pushing an all-inclusive agenda that includes incompetence..
Show that it's "local Democrats"...in Texas. :lol: That kid would fit right in with the Texas GOP.

No reasonable adult regardless of political proclivity would accept that child's note as from an adult under any circumstances. Of course, all-inclusive hiring standards found the one that would.
School politics are local, billy. Has nothing to do with anything outside the district. State sets curricula, locals teach and enforce it, and hire teachers. The failure is local. Your claim of a national political party flaw doesn't float.

Yes. Local Democrats, pushing an all-inclusive agenda that includes incompetence..
Show that it's "local Democrats"...in Texas. :lol: That kid would fit right in with the Texas GOP.

No reasonable adult regardless of political proclivity would accept that child's note as from an adult under any circumstances. Of course, all-inclusive hiring standards found the one that would.
Demonstrates the value of a Texas education
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