Take away erroneous information from studies and climate crisis vanishes


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Al Gore, who has a way bigger carbon footprint than most, is full of shit.

I know the left believes that some of these wealthy people with absolutely everything to gain from new regulations regarding global warming are really concerned about the earth, but that would not be correct. The idea for such a mass crisis that supposedly involves the entire planet was suggested decades ago by radicals who laid out a plan for bringing in a one world government and literally controlling the world. Too many of the global warming "experts" who keep sounding the alarms have everything invested in the scam of a solution that they offer for the contrived problem. It's nothing more than the most massive redistribution of money ever imagined. Even if implemented, the difference it would make for the climate is too small too measure, if there is one. The difference it would make for the average person is huge, but only because of the financial hardship it would cause.

We should take care of the earth, but let's just focus on the so-called solutions offered by the global warming criers. They want our money and for one group to have total control over all energy sources in the world. Of course, they are willing to exclude some of the worst countries which would mean those solutions would never have even the slightest impact on the climate if they were correct. The solutions merely transfer mind blowing sums of money to the few. While some countries will lap up the money to shore up public pension funds, the true 1%, the federal reserve banks, will forever hold the lion's share of all the money in the world. The rest of us will pay ridiculously high fees for all energy costs. Companies who use more than their allotted share of energy will simply purchase, at high cost, the shares that Goldman Sachs purchased from people, at very low cost, to offset their usage. It's the 1% that benefits, not the climate and certainly not the average person. All that money changing hands will merely transfer more wealth and power to the few.


"The billion-dollar climate models that have so profitably predicted Thermageddon are hopelessly wrong," Monckton said.

"We said the models were wrong because they were using a rogue equation borrowed from electronic circuitry and bolted on to the climate, where it does not fit. That equation, and that alone, leads the modelers erroneously to triple the small and harmless 1 Cº global warming we should expect from a doubling of CO2 in the air," he wrote.

"Our irreducibly simple climate model does not replace more complex models, but it does expose major errors and exaggeration in those models, such as the over-emphasis on positive or amplifying temperature feedbacks," Monckton explained.

"Take away the erroneous assumption that strongly net-positive feedback triples the rate of manmade global warming and the imagined climate crisis vanishes."

Tell me what have you done to protect it, then I will tell you what I have.
Take away climate change altogether and the RWnuts are still wrong about protecting the environment.

Wrong as in they don't want to.
That's garbage, NY. Obama could give a shit about the environment. But the rest of you tree huggers glob on to anything he says, like the EPA is going to save you. Cap and trade was a pollution get out of jail free card. If you are the highest bidder, you get to pollute more than the others.

The reason Obama doesn't want a pipeline is because his bff Buffett owns the railroads that hauls the oil. If you think rail is the greenie way to go, google the rate of oil spills from train wrecks.
You liberals are idiots. You swallow anything out of the gov. mouth. Grow the hell up and do some homework. Preferably before you vote for Obama's cohort Clinton. She is going to be worse than Obama. Green and climate are the least of our worries.

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