T-Rump imposes Censorship in Iowa!

There was no legitimate criticism. There was smearing and smarmy insults.
As usual you don't get it.

It was an op-ed, newspapers are at liberty to express opinions on the issues of the day – that you and others on the right don't like the opinion expressed has no bearing whatsoever on the paper covering news events;

Trump's denying the paper credentials was unwarranted and cowardly.
The left has an amazing lack of memory or they have an amazing double standard.
The left's motto must be " Do as I say, not as I do!"
Clinton campaign bans national pool reporter from N.H. events
Hillary Clinton campaign bans national pool reporter from N.H. events - Politics - The Boston Globe

The reporter is from London. Hardly a coparison. She was trying to give preferential access to US reporters, unlike T-Rump who will attack anypne critical of him...,,.YOU FAIL!
The left has an amazing lack of memory or they have an amazing double standard.
The left's motto must be " Do as I say, not as I do!"
Clinton campaign bans national pool reporter from N.H. events
Hillary Clinton campaign bans national pool reporter from N.H. events - Politics - The Boston Globe

From your own link;

Merrill said the Daily Mail reporter was denied because the campaign is trying to follow White House conventions for pooled coverage. The Daily Mail has not been added to the White House’s regular print pool, which is controlled by the White House Correspondent’s Association.

On Monday evening, the news organizations representing Hillary Clinton’s traveling press pool released a statement on the matter, underscoring “the pool is open to any print organization willing to take part.”

The Boston Globe, which participates in the Clinton traveling press pool and the White House pool, has access to Clinton’s events today because the Clinton campaign selected a reporter from the paper was selected as a member of a so-called local pool. The Globe’s circulation area includes New Hampshire. Additionally, several other national outlets were invited to the pooled events, along with wire services, which typically are always with the candidate.

Clinton held three events today, and two of them are open only to pooled coverage.
There was no legitimate criticism. There was smearing and smarmy insults.
As usual you don't get it.

It was an op-ed, newspapers are at liberty to express opinions on the issues of the day – that you and others on the right don't like the opinion expressed has no bearing whatsoever on the paper covering news events;

Trump's denying the paper credentials was unwarranted and cowardly.


Limiting the number of press at an event is legitimate especially when there are limited facilities.

Denying a specific media outlet access to a public event on the basis of not liking what they print is an attempt to infringe upon freedom of the press.
"Apparently T-Rump doesn't understand the 1st Amendment and therefore is unqualified to be president."

Trump isn't qualified to be president because he's not a serious candidate - he and his supporters might believe he is, but in fact he is not.
Yes because you say so. Polls from potential voters say otherwise. :) I am not even a trump fan but he is the best the GOP has by far.

Hi, n00b, and welcome to USMB. Roping the press off is one thing. Completely banning one specific outlet is another...
They both seem like examples of restricting the press to me.

Indeed, I will not argue that point. Only, the press that was cordoned off at the one Hillary event, partly because the way was so narrow, still had the ability to film, to audio and later, to ask questions. In this case, the Des Moines Register is not allowed to be there at all. I think that makes for a huge difference, nööö?
It seems to me the press had the ability to film, audio and ask questions but only from their restricted vantage point. Not a huge difference to me.

Well, if being there and NOT being there mean the same thing to you, well, ok....

Well if not inviting the press to your event and not allowing the press the access to do their jobs at your event are somehow amazingly dissimilar to you, well, ok....
"Apparently T-Rump doesn't understand the 1st Amendment and therefore is unqualified to be president."

Trump isn't qualified to be president because he's not a serious candidate - he and his supporters might believe he is, but in fact he is not.
Yes because you say so. Polls from potential voters say otherwise. :) I am not even a trump fan but he is the best the GOP has by far.
Further evidence that none of the GOP candidates are worthy to be president.
I am not even a trump fan but he is the best the GOP has by far.

Which is a damning indictment of the shallowness of the GOP field on offer to the American people.
Well I am not even a GOP fan which is why I pick Trump. He isn't a politician,he speaks his mind,he doesn't need to kiss ANYONE'S ass to win or get money...now if I was a pure GOP republican Cruz or Paul would be tops on my list. I am not though.
"Apparently T-Rump doesn't understand the 1st Amendment and therefore is unqualified to be president."

Trump isn't qualified to be president because he's not a serious candidate - he and his supporters might believe he is, but in fact he is not.
Yes because you say so. Polls from potential voters say otherwise. :) I am not even a trump fan but he is the best the GOP has by far.

"The best".......good grief......
I am not even a trump fan but he is the best the GOP has by far.

Which is a damning indictment of the shallowness of the GOP field on offer to the American people.
Well I am not even a GOP fan which is why I pick Trump. He isn't a politician,he speaks his mind,he doesn't need to kiss ANYONE'S ass to win or get money...now if I was a pure GOP republican Cruz or Paul would be tops on my list. I am not though.

Cruz or Paul would just be asskissing versions of T-Rump.

T-Rump is a troll and he is doing a great deal of damage to the GOP brand with the willing support of the lowest common denominator amongst the electorate.
I am not even a trump fan but he is the best the GOP has by far.

Which is a damning indictment of the shallowness of the GOP field on offer to the American people.
Well I am not even a GOP fan which is why I pick Trump. He isn't a politician,he speaks his mind,he doesn't need to kiss ANYONE'S ass to win or get money...now if I was a pure GOP republican Cruz or Paul would be tops on my list. I am not though.

Cruz or Paul would just be asskissing versions of T-Rump.

T-Rump is a troll and he is doing a great deal of damage to the GOP brand with the willing support of the lowest common denominator amongst the electorate.
I don't see how. He is bringing up issues we actually care about that the others won't touch because they are afraid of offending some whiny minority....Trump isn't. Plus since you aren't a republican I really wouldn't worry about it,I love politics and don't really love any of the candidates I prefer Sanders economic policies but not his social ones.
Trump campaign bars Iowa paper from Iowa event - CNNPolitics.com

Trump campaign bars Iowa paper from Iowa event after critical editorial

(CNN)The Des Moines Register, Iowa's largest newspaper, reported early Friday evening that it has been barred from attending a Donald Trump campaign event in Iowa after the paper's editorial board called on him to drop out of the race.

A Register article said Friday that the Trump campaign had informed the paper that its reporters were not welcome at The Make America Great Again Rally and Family Picnic on Saturday in Oskaloosa. The campaign denied them press credentials, reporters said.

"We are disappointed that Mr. Trump's campaign has taken the unusual step of excluding Register reporters from covering his campaign event in Iowa on Saturday because he was displeased with our editorial," Register editor Amalie Nash said in a statement to her paper. "We hope Mr. Trump's campaign will revisit its decision instead of making punitive decisions because we wrote something critical of him."

Apparently T-Rump doesn't understand the 1st Amendment and therefore is unqualified to be president.

The 1st Amendment states that the government shall not abridge freedom of speech or freedom of the press.

T-Rump might have the right to exclude the media from his campaign events for the highest office in the land but the message he is sending is that he can't handle legitimate criticism and will abuse the power of his office in the event that we were to be elected as POTUS.

Needless to say his sycophantic supporters will agree with his thin-skinned attitude and defend it but none of them understand anything about the Constitution outside of the 2nd Amendment anyway.

For those with a better grasp of the problem here please feel free to provide your own input regarding T-Rump's actions.

Good! See how that works?



Go Figure... .

Understand... Ben Carson did the same thing at the Prayer Breakfast a couple years back. Unapologetically telling the room and the degenerate to his right posing as a US President, that The Ideological Left; which is to say Political Correctness, was EVIL... thus destructive to those who practice it and the cultures that tolerate those fools.

The Swell of Support for Carson, came as a direct consequence of speaking that self-evident truth.

The same is true for Ted Cruz... who with his recent truth telling on the floor of the Senate, will find himself on a brand new plain, 'polling wise', in the next batch of polls taken in the wake of that action.

Americans are sick and tired of Leftists and those in the GOP who lend any sense of respect for Leftists.

The political worm is turning... and the cult is not going to enjoy it, at all... anywhere.
Trump represents the wrongheaded rightwing notion that government can be 'run like a business,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth, rendering a 'businessman' no more qualified to be president than any other candidate, if not less so.
If you want a dictator, do elect Trump. He is not used to hearing the word NO!
You just described the asswipe currently in the White House.

Seems to me he has been heatin NO from the do nothing Congress for years. Trump would have given out all their personal cell numbers by now.....
Maybe because congress understands what he is, a socialist asswipe.
It's this sort of ignorance and stupidity that renders you and others on the right ridiculous and devoid of credibility.
That would be you idiots on the left with no credibility.
Trump represents the wrongheaded rightwing notion that government can be 'run like a business,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth, rendering a 'businessman' no more qualified to be president than any other candidate, if not less so.
We have the least qualified president in office now.

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