T-Rump imposes Censorship in Iowa!

Trump campaign bars Iowa paper from Iowa event - CNNPolitics.com

Trump campaign bars Iowa paper from Iowa event after critical editorial

(CNN)The Des Moines Register, Iowa's largest newspaper, reported early Friday evening that it has been barred from attending a Donald Trump campaign event in Iowa after the paper's editorial board called on him to drop out of the race.

A Register article said Friday that the Trump campaign had informed the paper that its reporters were not welcome at The Make America Great Again Rally and Family Picnic on Saturday in Oskaloosa. The campaign denied them press credentials, reporters said.

"We are disappointed that Mr. Trump's campaign has taken the unusual step of excluding Register reporters from covering his campaign event in Iowa on Saturday because he was displeased with our editorial," Register editor Amalie Nash said in a statement to her paper. "We hope Mr. Trump's campaign will revisit its decision instead of making punitive decisions because we wrote something critical of him."

Apparently T-Rump doesn't understand the 1st Amendment and therefore is unqualified to be president.

The 1st Amendment states that the government shall not abridge freedom of speech or freedom of the press.

T-Rump might have the right to exclude the media from his campaign events for the highest office in the land but the message he is sending is that he can't handle legitimate criticism and will abuse the power of his office in the event that we were to be elected as POTUS.

Needless to say his sycophantic supporters will agree with his thin-skinned attitude and defend it but none of them understand anything about the Constitution outside of the 2nd Amendment anyway.

For those with a better grasp of the problem here please feel free to provide your own input regarding T-Rump's actions.

They were not barred from attending, which they did. He just did not offer them journal credentials. Probably in order to make a statement over their duplicitousness --- and a very effective one at that. Have you not noticed the man is not willing to play politics with the left or the right? Did you notice he is expressing the anger and frustration a huge segment of the American public has been getting sick over these past twenty years.

Did you notice he called the Des Moines Register a "super liberal rag" from the podium? Bravo. Don't you think it is time the truth of all the political B.S. and media glaring bias be made all the more pubic for all to hear? Don't you love free speech vs. selective reporting by the MSM and covering up other scandals?

Trump thin-skinned? Ha! Get serious. Apparently you would rather wallow in sorrow, misery, lies, deceit and betrayal with our current administration? Oh joy.
Apparently T-Rump doesn't understand the 1st Amendment and therefore is unqualified to be president.
The 1st Amendment states that the government shall not abridge freedom of speech or freedom of the press. ... Snip ...
For those with a better grasp of the problem here please feel free to provide your own input regarding T-Rump's actions.
The Donald Trump campaign is not the government.
Trump campaign bars Iowa paper from Iowa event - CNNPolitics.com

Trump campaign bars Iowa paper from Iowa event after critical editorial

(CNN)The Des Moines Register, Iowa's largest newspaper, reported early Friday evening that it has been barred from attending a Donald Trump campaign event in Iowa after the paper's editorial board called on him to drop out of the race.

A Register article said Friday that the Trump campaign had informed the paper that its reporters were not welcome at The Make America Great Again Rally and Family Picnic on Saturday in Oskaloosa. The campaign denied them press credentials, reporters said.

"We are disappointed that Mr. Trump's campaign has taken the unusual step of excluding Register reporters from covering his campaign event in Iowa on Saturday because he was displeased with our editorial," Register editor Amalie Nash said in a statement to her paper. "We hope Mr. Trump's campaign will revisit its decision instead of making punitive decisions because we wrote something critical of him."

Apparently T-Rump doesn't understand the 1st Amendment and therefore is unqualified to be president.

The 1st Amendment states that the government shall not abridge freedom of speech or freedom of the press.

T-Rump might have the right to exclude the media from his campaign events for the highest office in the land but the message he is sending is that he can't handle legitimate criticism and will abuse the power of his office in the event that we were to be elected as POTUS.

Needless to say his sycophantic supporters will agree with his thin-skinned attitude and defend it but none of them understand anything about the Constitution outside of the 2nd Amendment anyway.

For those with a better grasp of the problem here please feel free to provide your own input regarding T-Rump's actions.

They were not barred from attending, which they did. He just did not offer them journal credentials. Probably in order to make a statement over their duplicitousness --- and a very effective one at that. Have you not noticed the man is not willing to play politics with the left or the right? Did you notice he is expressing the anger and frustration a huge segment of the American public has been getting sick over these past twenty years.

Did you notice he called the Des Moines Register a "super liberal rag" from the podium? Bravo. Don't you think it is time the truth of all the political B.S. and media glaring bias be made all the more pubic for all to hear? Don't you love free speech vs. selective reporting by the MSM and covering up other scandals?

Trump thin-skinned? Ha! Get serious. Apparently you would rather wallow in sorrow, misery, lies, deceit and betrayal with our current administration? Oh joy.

Thank you for admitting to being gullible and easily duped by a known shyster. T-Rump made his billions off of people like you.
Trump campaign bars Iowa paper from Iowa event - CNNPolitics.com

Trump campaign bars Iowa paper from Iowa event after critical editorial

(CNN)The Des Moines Register, Iowa's largest newspaper, reported early Friday evening that it has been barred from attending a Donald Trump campaign event in Iowa after the paper's editorial board called on him to drop out of the race.

A Register article said Friday that the Trump campaign had informed the paper that its reporters were not welcome at The Make America Great Again Rally and Family Picnic on Saturday in Oskaloosa. The campaign denied them press credentials, reporters said.

"We are disappointed that Mr. Trump's campaign has taken the unusual step of excluding Register reporters from covering his campaign event in Iowa on Saturday because he was displeased with our editorial," Register editor Amalie Nash said in a statement to her paper. "We hope Mr. Trump's campaign will revisit its decision instead of making punitive decisions because we wrote something critical of him."

Apparently T-Rump doesn't understand the 1st Amendment and therefore is unqualified to be president.

The 1st Amendment states that the government shall not abridge freedom of speech or freedom of the press.

T-Rump might have the right to exclude the media from his campaign events for the highest office in the land but the message he is sending is that he can't handle legitimate criticism and will abuse the power of his office in the event that we were to be elected as POTUS.

Needless to say his sycophantic supporters will agree with his thin-skinned attitude and defend it but none of them understand anything about the Constitution outside of the 2nd Amendment anyway.

For those with a better grasp of the problem here please feel free to provide your own input regarding T-Rump's actions.

Wow, that is Hillary-ous, assclown.
Thank you for admitting to being gullible and easily duped by a known shyster. T-Rump made his billions off of people like you.

And thanks for having the courage to respond instead of slinking away.

Although it only seems to enhance your intransigence on matters that are poorly serving you. Be it political or religious or making money (sigh). Just my opinion, but I do feel sorry for so many out there.
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Thank you for admitting to being gullible and easily duped by a known shyster. T-Rump made his billions off of people like you.

And thanks for having the courage to respond instead of slinking away.

Although it only seems to enhance your intransigence on matters that are poorly serving you. Be it political or religious or making money (sigh). Just my opinion, but I do feel sorry for so many out there.

Since I am the OP why would I "slink away"?

And could you explain your 2nd paragraph? It made no sense.
Yeah, I'm no Trump fan but maybe you shouldn't be so quick to toss stones? The First applies to everyone

Solyndra sensitivity? “The most open Administration in history” barring reporters from Obama’s tech fundraisers

In a week in which Silicon Valley is the focus of intense news coverage, the White House that promised the “most open administration in history” has made an unusual move — barring local reporters from covering a pair of high priced presidential fundraisers in the tech region Sunday.
The President will star at two big Silicon Valley fundraisers Sunday, attending a $38,500 per person dinner at the Atherton home of COO Sheryl Sandberg, and starring at $2,500 and up fundraiser starring Bruce Hornsby at the Woodside home of Sandi and John Thompson.

But in a rare move — and a departure from the President’s previous trips to California — local media have been informed that the White House will not allow any of their representatives to act as a “pool” reporter and file reports from those events.
Peter Scheer, who heads the First Amendment Coalition, said that “it’s their party and they can design that party list the way they want — but it shows, in my judgement, poor judgement for them to exclude the press. What goes on in a meeting where people pay this much to see the president is not trivial.” And by barring local reporters specifically, he adds, that means the journalists most likely to know personalities — and donors — present will be outside the doors.

Solyndra sensitivity The most open Administration in history barring reporters from Obama s tech fundraisers - Politics Blog

Plus Hillary banned reporters recently too. One that won the reporter "lottery". And then wasn't allowed on the bus.
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They both seem like examples of restricting the press to me.

Statist sees the same act differently depending on which party does it.

The GLORIOUS peoples demgogue party can do no wrong, according to Statist.
Of the two at least Trump was up front and not passive-aggressively banning the press by restricting their access to anyone at all.
Some people will defend anything, including herding the press (which is left friendly anyway) into little manageable pens.
I guess Hillary isn't qualified to be president then.

Hillary Clinton Bans Press From San Francisco Events, Making Habit Of Blocking Media

Press looking to cover Hillary Clinton’s two appearances in San Francisco this week are out of luck -- the potential 2016 presidential nominee has barred the media from officially covering the events, a move that is unlikely to fly in the country’s most liberal major city and social media hub.

The Huffington Post received the following reply to requests for coverage of both her speech at the National Association of Realtors conference this week and from her Clinton Foundation “Millennial Network” fundraiser event this weekend.

Thank you for reaching out to the Clinton Foundation and for your interest in covering the Millennial Network fundraiser at San Francisco’s Regency Ballroom this Saturday. Unfortunately, it is a closed press event.

Hillary Clinton Bans Press From San Francisco Events Making Habit Of Blocking Media
Wow. Lefties bitching about limiting free speech.....the irony is thick enough to choke on.
Since I am the OP why would I "slink away"?

And could you explain your 2nd paragraph? It made no sense.
Your first response (post #104) to my post #101 struck me as slinking away vs. addressing the points.

As to your second question, you are an atheist, correct? Well no doubt that influences your political opinions and I do not see how a huge misunderstanding on God cannot alter other ideas. Sin has no real definition or eternal consequences, for instance. Might very well alter habits wouldn’t you think? (note: not sure how Trump made billions off of people like me, but getting rich should not be the goal of a Christian, so your supposition that is thee goal or our goal falls short of the truth.)
Your first response (post #104) to my post #101 struck me as slinking away vs. addressing the points.

From my perspective your misinformed "points" were merely your opinion and I don't see the point in trying to change anyone's misinformed opinions.

As to your second question, you are an atheist, correct?


Well no doubt that influences your political opinions

Not really. My political opinions are based on what is best for We the People. Religion only factors into my political opinions if I see at as being detrimental to We the People. I most certainly don't care what, if any, religious beliefs any candidate has if they don't influence their ability to serve We the People.

and I do not see how a huge misunderstanding on God cannot alter other ideas.

Any "huge misunderstanding on God" is not my problem.

Sin has no real definition or eternal consequences, for instance. Might very well alter habits wouldn’t you think?

Sin is a problem only for theists. I stick to the Law of the Land which has immediate consequences in the here and now if someone violates it.

(note: not sure how Trump made billions off of people like me, but getting rich should not be the goal of a Christian, so your supposition that is thee goal or our goal falls short of the truth.)

T-Rump made his billions via projects like the Trump Casino where gullible fools go to give their money to T-Rump. There is nothing remotely untruthful about that fact.

Hi, n00b, and welcome to USMB. Roping the press off is one thing. Completely banning one specific outlet is another...

You mean like President Obama did to Fox News?

Care to cough up a link for that one??


Doug Ross Journal Unprecedented White House Tries to Ban Fox from Press Pool

The difference was that the other news outlets banned together on that one.
Nothing on this one though, not one word about it one way or the other.

Oh, I remember that!! Thanks!

Only, most of it was a lie.

Fox News White House Bans Fox News Story Is Starting To Unravel Become Clearer Updated Mediaite


"On Thursday night, Fox News ran a shocking report that the “Obama administration” had “contacted the White House pool” and made executive pay czar Kenneth Feinberg available for round-robin interviews, “but specified that all members of the pool were welcome except Fox News.” They billed it as the Obama administration’s “first concrete step” in the direction of treating Fox News Channel like it’s not a real news organization.

The report went on to say that the bureau chiefs of the 5 networks in the TV pool decided that none of them would interview Feinberg unless Fox was included, and that “the administration relented,” making Feinberg available to all 5 networks and Bloomberg TV. A Fox News panel then went on to debate the White House’s attempt to “ban” Fox from the interviews.

Through our own reporting, and the reporting of others, my reporting has shown that Fox News’ report of this incident was, at best, incomplete and self-serving, and serves as a neat encapsulation of what Robert Gibbs told us the first time we asked him if the White House was “bullying” Fox News....

...First of all, Fox omitted the fact that it was the Treasury Department that handled the interviews, not the White House. They also failed to produce the press announcement for the event, which Mediaite has obtained, or any direct quotes from the bureau chiefs involved. Most glaring, to me, was the fact that they didn’t initially interview Major Garrett who conducted the Feinberg interview, for their report. Garrett later filed a report on the incident, providing a much fairer account than that first report. Still, he doesn’t address whether Fox requested the interview. The whole thing smacked of an oversell, a minor snafu being spun into a scandal.

As the story spread yesterday, there was no on-the-record confirmation of the story from any source other than Fox News. None of the other network bureau chiefs stepped forward to take credit for this “courageous stand,” and no other documentation surfaced to support it.

Last night, Mediaite was first to learn that the Treasury Department denied the story, telling us “There was no plot to exclude Fox News, and they had the same interview that their competitors did. Much ado about absolutely nothing.”

Now, TPM is reporting that the Treasury Department did omit Fox News from a list of networks requesting an interview with Feinberg because Fox didn’t request one. The press bulletin for the event stated, “This is a pen and pad briefing only; no cameras or recording devices for broadcast purposes will be allowed.” The requests for on-camera interviews were a special request.

The other networks insisted on Fox’s inclusion on the basis of their mutual pool arrangement, not as some show of solidarity. In fact, when Treasury brought the matter to the White House’s attention, it was the administration who approved Fox News’ inclusion. TPM also points out that logistical negotiations of this sort are usually treated as off-the-record.

The White House, for its part, isn’t looking to make nice with Fox News, telling TPM “This White House has demonstrated our willingness to exclude Fox News from newsmaking interviews, but yesterday we did not.”


So, yeah, I remember that special lie.

Got anything else? I mean, anything that actually really DID happen?

Nevertheless, the Obama regime tried to ban FoxNews from the WH Press Pool.
Your first response (post #104) to my post #101 struck me as slinking away vs. addressing the points.

From my perspective your misinformed "points" were merely your opinion and I don't see the point in trying to change anyone's misinformed opinions.

As to your second question, you are an atheist, correct?


Well no doubt that influences your political opinions

Not really. My political opinions are based on what is best for We the People. Religion only factors into my political opinions if I see at as being detrimental to We the People. I most certainly don't care what, if any, religious beliefs any candidate has if they don't influence their ability to serve We the People.

and I do not see how a huge misunderstanding on God cannot alter other ideas.

Any "huge misunderstanding on God" is not my problem.

Sin has no real definition or eternal consequences, for instance. Might very well alter habits wouldn’t you think?

Sin is a problem only for theists. I stick to the Law of the Land which has immediate consequences in the here and now if someone violates it.

(note: not sure how Trump made billions off of people like me, but getting rich should not be the goal of a Christian, so your supposition that is thee goal or our goal falls short of the truth.)

T-Rump made his billions via projects like the Trump Casino where gullible fools go to give their money to T-Rump. There is nothing remotely untruthful about that fact.

So you ignore the fact that Hillary has banned the press before as well ?
Your first response (post #104) to my post #101 struck me as slinking away vs. addressing the points.

From my perspective your misinformed "points" were merely your opinion and I don't see the point in trying to change anyone's misinformed opinions.

As to your second question, you are an atheist, correct?


Well no doubt that influences your political opinions

Not really. My political opinions are based on what is best for We the People. Religion only factors into my political opinions if I see at as being detrimental to We the People. I most certainly don't care what, if any, religious beliefs any candidate has if they don't influence their ability to serve We the People.

and I do not see how a huge misunderstanding on God cannot alter other ideas.

Any "huge misunderstanding on God" is not my problem.

Sin has no real definition or eternal consequences, for instance. Might very well alter habits wouldn’t you think?

Sin is a problem only for theists. I stick to the Law of the Land which has immediate consequences in the here and now if someone violates it.

(note: not sure how Trump made billions off of people like me, but getting rich should not be the goal of a Christian, so your supposition that is thee goal or our goal falls short of the truth.)

T-Rump made his billions via projects like the Trump Casino where gullible fools go to give their money to T-Rump. There is nothing remotely untruthful about that fact.

So you ignore the fact that Hillary has banned the press before as well ?


That was dealt with earlier in the thread.

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