T-Rump imposes Censorship in Iowa!

Trump is more Democrat than Reoublican......but don't tell the RW loons.....:biggrin:
Trump campaign bars Iowa paper from Iowa event - CNNPolitics.com

Trump campaign bars Iowa paper from Iowa event after critical editorial

(CNN)The Des Moines Register, Iowa's largest newspaper, reported early Friday evening that it has been barred from attending a Donald Trump campaign event in Iowa after the paper's editorial board called on him to drop out of the race.

A Register article said Friday that the Trump campaign had informed the paper that its reporters were not welcome at The Make America Great Again Rally and Family Picnic on Saturday in Oskaloosa. The campaign denied them press credentials, reporters said.

"We are disappointed that Mr. Trump's campaign has taken the unusual step of excluding Register reporters from covering his campaign event in Iowa on Saturday because he was displeased with our editorial," Register editor Amalie Nash said in a statement to her paper. "We hope Mr. Trump's campaign will revisit its decision instead of making punitive decisions because we wrote something critical of him."

Apparently T-Rump doesn't understand the 1st Amendment and therefore is unqualified to be president.

The 1st Amendment states that the government shall not abridge freedom of speech or freedom of the press.

T-Rump might have the right to exclude the media from his campaign events for the highest office in the land but the message he is sending is that he can't handle legitimate criticism and will abuse the power of his office in the event that we were to be elected as POTUS.

Needless to say his sycophantic supporters will agree with his thin-skinned attitude and defend it but none of them understand anything about the Constitution outside of the 2nd Amendment anyway.

For those with a better grasp of the problem here please feel free to provide your own input regarding T-Rump's actions.

Oh, you mean like Obama does with almost everyone? Or how about Hitlery and how she has been so forthcoming? How many questions has she actually answered in the months she's been running?

Epic thread fail dude...truly epic.

Why do you think this is a thread fail?

Really, I mean that quite seriously.

Are we not, as adults, able to handle one subject at a time without quid-pro-quos ruling the day?

I put out a thread on this as well: it's news, it's discussion-worthy.

And if you think so little of Clinton or Obama because of perceived transgressions against the media, where is your disdain for the Trumpublican?

BTW, nice to see you here today. I hope you are doing well and prospering.


Because Trump is controlling the media instead of the other way around. Personally I can't stand the man but he has shown the media to be the biased asshats that they truly are. DT here calls trump out on that but completely ignores the fact that Obama has done worse. And that after promising to be the most open and available admin in the history of this country. Instead he has done the opposite.

The same goes for hitlery, she hasn't answered a real question since she got started. She controls every aspect of media even getting in the fucking room with her and DT blissfully ignores that fact.

So, yes, this is an epic thread fail.

And I thank you for the kind words and I hope you are doing well too! Tou posted that excellent thread by Nate Silver, thanks for that!

Thanks for the nice response.

What exactly has Pres. Obama done with the press that is somehow worse than this?

And actually, your first sentence about Trump controlling the media instead of the other way around could apply just as well to Hillary. Oh, I think you misspelled her name!!! :eek:

Mebbe you need new glasses...


If you want a dictator, do elect Trump. He is not used to hearing the word NO!

Thank you for purchasing your life-sized Trumpublican version 10,000,000,000a.

Make sure to unplug your Trumpublican version 10,000,000,000a every night before going to bed or watching porn until 6 am, the Trumpublican version 10,000,000,000a tends to overheat very quickly.

Although the Trumpublican version 10,000,000,000a is equipped to speak, it is still better to stick with simple phrases like "McCain is a dummy" and such.

Do not try to feed your Trumpublican version 10,000,000,000a, it will then breed like a tribble.

Should your Trumpublican version 10,000,000,000a do anything unseemly in public, you may get sued for it, but no worry, your Trumpublican version 10,000,000,000a will sue back.

Hi, n00b, and welcome to USMB. Roping the press off is one thing. Completely banning one specific outlet is another...
They both seem like examples of restricting the press to me.

Indeed, I will not argue that point. Only, the press that was cordoned off at the one Hillary event, partly because the way was so narrow, still had the ability to film, to audio and later, to ask questions. In this case, the Des Moines Register is not allowed to be there at all. I think that makes for a huge difference, nööö?
It seems to me the press had the ability to film, audio and ask questions but only from their restricted vantage point. Not a huge difference to me.

There's a huge difference from actually being there to ask those questions and to take the film from not being there at all.

trump didn't allow a newspaper to be represented at the event.

As a member of the press I know that it's common for us to be put at the back or on the sides so that the supporters of the politician can be in front and can actually see the politician.

What media outlet do you represent or contribute to? I would think that a person who makes statements as you have would have first hand experience and knowledge of what you're posting about.

If you do or don't, either way, you obviously don't know the difference between actually being there and not being there.
Trump campaign bars Iowa paper from Iowa event - CNNPolitics.com

Trump campaign bars Iowa paper from Iowa event after critical editorial

(CNN)The Des Moines Register, Iowa's largest newspaper, reported early Friday evening that it has been barred from attending a Donald Trump campaign event in Iowa after the paper's editorial board called on him to drop out of the race.

A Register article said Friday that the Trump campaign had informed the paper that its reporters were not welcome at The Make America Great Again Rally and Family Picnic on Saturday in Oskaloosa. The campaign denied them press credentials, reporters said.

"We are disappointed that Mr. Trump's campaign has taken the unusual step of excluding Register reporters from covering his campaign event in Iowa on Saturday because he was displeased with our editorial," Register editor Amalie Nash said in a statement to her paper. "We hope Mr. Trump's campaign will revisit its decision instead of making punitive decisions because we wrote something critical of him."

Apparently T-Rump doesn't understand the 1st Amendment and therefore is unqualified to be president.

The 1st Amendment states that the government shall not abridge freedom of speech or freedom of the press.

T-Rump might have the right to exclude the media from his campaign events for the highest office in the land but the message he is sending is that he can't handle legitimate criticism and will abuse the power of his office in the event that we were to be elected as POTUS.

Needless to say his sycophantic supporters will agree with his thin-skinned attitude and defend it but none of them understand anything about the Constitution outside of the 2nd Amendment anyway.

For those with a better grasp of the problem here please feel free to provide your own input regarding T-Rump's actions.

Oh, you mean like Obama does with almost everyone? Or how about Hitlery and how she has been so forthcoming? How many questions has she actually answered in the months she's been running?

Epic thread fail dude...truly epic.

Why do you think this is a thread fail?

Really, I mean that quite seriously.

Are we not, as adults, able to handle one subject at a time without quid-pro-quos ruling the day?

I put out a thread on this as well: it's news, it's discussion-worthy.

And if you think so little of Clinton or Obama because of perceived transgressions against the media, where is your disdain for the Trumpublican?

BTW, nice to see you here today. I hope you are doing well and prospering.


Because Trump is controlling the media instead of the other way around. Personally I can't stand the man but he has shown the media to be the biased asshats that they truly are. DT here calls trump out on that but completely ignores the fact that Obama has done worse. And that after promising to be the most open and available admin in the history of this country. Instead he has done the opposite.

The same goes for hitlery, she hasn't answered a real question since she got started. She controls every aspect of media even getting in the fucking room with her and DT blissfully ignores that fact.

So, yes, this is an epic thread fail.

And I thank you for the kind words and I hope you are doing well too! Tou posted that excellent thread by Nate Silver, thanks for that!

Thanks for the nice response.

What exactly has Pres. Obama done with the press that is somehow worse than this?

And actually, your first sentence about Trump controlling the media instead of the other way around could apply just as well to Hillary. Oh, I think you misspelled her name!!! :eek:

Mebbe you need new glasses...



Obama is a master of not answering questions and making sure that reporters that he doesn't like have no access to him. This is well documented. My comment abount Trump controlling the media is more about how he doesn't let them dictate the narrative.

Anderson Cooper tried to blindside him with some virtually unknown poll that placed Trump at the bottom of the pile and Trump immediately went on the attack pointing out with well known polls that he was leading the field, he then made it a point to tell Cooper that the public no longer trusted him (Cooper) or the media at large to which Cooper answered "that's true".

That's what I mean by Trump controlling the media. He will appear on their shows, and he will answer their questions but if they try and take comments he made out of context he will rip them a new one.
Trump is more Democrat than Reoublican......but don't tell the RW loons.....:biggrin:

Trump is more about Trump. I don't honestly think he truly cares about America and her people other than it is a system where he can work his "magic". No other country in the world would put up with him so he has a vested interest in keeping the US as it is.

I don't think it's about caring for the people at all, I think it is about not letting America turn into yet another third world style government where he would be out of a job.
If you want a dictator, do elect Trump. He is not used to hearing the word NO!
You just described the asswipe currently in the White House.

Seems to me he has been heatin NO from the do nothing Congress for years. Trump would have given out all their personal cell numbers by now.....
Maybe because congress understands what he is, a socialist asswipe.

:badgrin:Still got butt hurt, huh?
"T-Rump might have the right to exclude the media from his campaign events for the highest office in the land but the message he is sending is that he can't handle legitimate criticism and will abuse the power of his office in the event that we were to be elected as POTUS."

It demonstrates that Trump has little understanding of how a free and democratic society works.
If you want a dictator, do elect Trump. He is not used to hearing the word NO!
You just described the asswipe currently in the White House.

Seems to me he has been heatin NO from the do nothing Congress for years. Trump would have given out all their personal cell numbers by now.....
Maybe because congress understands what he is, a socialist asswipe.
It's this sort of ignorance and stupidity that renders you and others on the right ridiculous and devoid of credibility.
Trump campaign bars Iowa paper from Iowa event - CNNPolitics.com

Trump campaign bars Iowa paper from Iowa event after critical editorial

(CNN)The Des Moines Register, Iowa's largest newspaper, reported early Friday evening that it has been barred from attending a Donald Trump campaign event in Iowa after the paper's editorial board called on him to drop out of the race.

A Register article said Friday that the Trump campaign had informed the paper that its reporters were not welcome at The Make America Great Again Rally and Family Picnic on Saturday in Oskaloosa. The campaign denied them press credentials, reporters said.

"We are disappointed that Mr. Trump's campaign has taken the unusual step of excluding Register reporters from covering his campaign event in Iowa on Saturday because he was displeased with our editorial," Register editor Amalie Nash said in a statement to her paper. "We hope Mr. Trump's campaign will revisit its decision instead of making punitive decisions because we wrote something critical of him."

Apparently T-Rump doesn't understand the 1st Amendment and therefore is unqualified to be president.

The 1st Amendment states that the government shall not abridge freedom of speech or freedom of the press.

T-Rump might have the right to exclude the media from his campaign events for the highest office in the land but the message he is sending is that he can't handle legitimate criticism and will abuse the power of his office in the event that we were to be elected as POTUS.

Needless to say his sycophantic supporters will agree with his thin-skinned attitude and defend it but none of them understand anything about the Constitution outside of the 2nd Amendment anyway.

For those with a better grasp of the problem here please feel free to provide your own input regarding T-Rump's actions.

I have to admit, T-rump is good, but I still think Donald Dump is better. ;)

Hi, n00b, and welcome to USMB. Roping the press off is one thing. Completely banning one specific outlet is another...

You mean like President Obama did to Fox News?

Care to cough up a link for that one??


Doug Ross Journal Unprecedented White House Tries to Ban Fox from Press Pool

The difference was that the other news outlets banned together on that one.
Nothing on this one though, not one word about it one way or the other.

Thank you for bringing up that example because it is exactly the same principle of censorship.

The 1st Amendment prohibits abridging the freedom of the press.

The WH would have been wrong in that instance (if it had actually happened) and the rest of the media used their own freedom of expression to call out the violation and have FauxNoise reinstated.

T-Rump is doing the exact same thing so as an American you should be condemning him and demanding that he allow the Des Moines Register access to his campaign event.

Trump is not a conservative in social issues.
I kind of wish Trump could be elected as a Republican and then watch the GOP lose their minds when he turns progressive in January.....:badgrin:
Hi, n00b, and welcome to USMB. Roping the press off is one thing. Completely banning one specific outlet is another...

You mean like President Obama did to Fox News?

Care to cough up a link for that one??


Doug Ross Journal Unprecedented White House Tries to Ban Fox from Press Pool

The difference was that the other news outlets banned together on that one.
Nothing on this one though, not one word about it one way or the other.

Thank you for bringing up that example because it is exactly the same principle of censorship.

The 1st Amendment prohibits abridging the freedom of the press.

The WH would have been wrong in that instance (if it had actually happened) and the rest of the media used their own freedom of expression to call out the violation and have FauxNoise reinstated.

T-Rump is doing the exact same thing so as an American you should be condemning him and demanding that he allow the Des Moines Register access to his campaign event.

Trump is not a conservative in social issues.


This is a Constitutional issue and you either agree with T-Rump or you support the Constitution.

Where do you stand?

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