Syrian Christian family, visas in hand, turned back at airport

The point is watch out what entire group you demonize and base your policy on that, it could come around to bite you

I guess Hillary learned that the hard way after Obama demonized those on the right.

Two brothers, their wives and children left war-torn Syria with 16 suitcases and crossed the border into Lebanon. They were finally on their way to the United States after working for almost 15 years to join their family members stateside.

But after a flight from Beirut to Doha, Qatar, and then to Philadelphia on Saturday, the two families were told to get on a flight back to Doha. It was becausePresident Donald Trump had just signed an executive order denying citizens from seven countries, including Syria, entry into the United States.

Syrian Christian immigrants turned back at airport -
Suddenly you care about Christians?

don't particulatly like our homegrown fundy christers , but would never support a policy to deny them their rights unless they put in policies to take away others rights , like herr drumpf and that pinhead bible thumper pence is tying to do

Maybe his policies will get you out of here.
Prioritize does not mean a walk-through. Was their religious belief confirmed? If so, how do you know?
Well here we go folks. There's the path we've started down.

What path is that? That CNN wrote a story?

Please, we've been here before.
No I don't recall America ever forcing people to prove they are from a preferred religion. I can think of another country that's done that before though...
You guys sure love your Nazi/Hitler references.
There's a reason they fit so snuggly.

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