Sweden refuses to lockdown the country in 'huge experiment' on coronavirus


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Worth reading, they admit it isn't without risk and or criticism. I don't propose one solution or another, though I have my own philosophy on how I would probably implement it as leader.

I believe jurisdictions are facing similar though critically different challenges, and thus, they must take all of this into account when deciding how they would proceed with whatever determination they conclude.

Swedish children continued to pour through the gates into their schools and kindergartens yesterday as the country stood increasingly alone in Europe in its approach to tackling the coronavirus pandemic.

Shops and restaurants also remained open, with parks and recreational areas packed with groups enjoying the spring sunshine.

Despite a surge in Covid-19 patients and growing dissent among epidemiological experts, the Swedish government’s medical experts were last night standing by their decision not to follow almost all other EU nations in organising economic and social lockdowns.

Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s state epidemiologist, said the different approach reflected the independence traditionally enjoyed by government agencies, such as the Public Health Agency of Sweden, and the reluctance of politicians to override expert advice.

“I might look like the figurehead, but agencies in Sweden are very much working as a whole,” he told The Daily Telegraph. “These are not decisions I take on my own in my little office.”

Data isn't gonna be given...............They just flipped off the whole world............3000 cases and 99 deaths before they stop giving data.............interesting..........we shall see..........
Kudos to them for not caving to the hysteria. They are following their own experts and exercising a common sense response. Sure it could backfire on them but I admire their resolve and it will be a very important data point after this mess is over.

Agreed. None of this bullshit about not pointing fingers. Some people were right and some people were wrong.

If it turns out that our massive efforts were needed, the people like me, who poo-pooed it, need to be pointed out, as people who were really wrong and if listened to, would have resulted in needless, and massive death.

If on the other hand, it turns out that Sweden and Belarus, are fine, with death tolls in the same range as US, then those that fucked up our economy with their panic mongering need to be called on their bullshit.
Worth reading, they admit it isn't without risk and or criticism. I don't propose one solution or another, though I have my own philosophy on how I would probably implement it as leader.

I believe jurisdictions are facing similar though critically different challenges, and thus, they must take all of this into account when deciding how they would proceed with whatever determination they conclude.

Swedish children continued to pour through the gates into their schools and kindergartens yesterday as the country stood increasingly alone in Europe in its approach to tackling the coronavirus pandemic.

Shops and restaurants also remained open, with parks and recreational areas packed with groups enjoying the spring sunshine.

Despite a surge in Covid-19 patients and growing dissent among epidemiological experts, the Swedish government’s medical experts were last night standing by their decision not to follow almost all other EU nations in organising economic and social lockdowns.

Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s state epidemiologist, said the different approach reflected the independence traditionally enjoyed by government agencies, such as the Public Health Agency of Sweden, and the reluctance of politicians to override expert advice.

“I might look like the figurehead, but agencies in Sweden are very much working as a whole,” he told The Daily Telegraph. “These are not decisions I take on my own in my little office.”
Everyone will be watching closely

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