Swalwell ERUPTS: Nunes buried Russia evidence to protect Trump. I know because I’m on the committee!

This time Swalwell had a brain fart in implicating Adam Schiff on
Chris Wallace Sunday interview.
Swalwell in saying it's an impeachable offence to ask someone to make up dirt on your opponent, inadvertantly is saying Schiff who abused his power & made up that account on his opponent to manipulate the election is impeachable, because we all know Trump never asked to make up stuff that's the made up version from
Adam Schiff. *LMAO*
So far 100% of all conspiracy and charges by Dems on opponents have been deflections of things they are doing or have done. Not 50% not 75% but 100% of the finger pointing is at an opponent they see in their mirror. Their hate is in reality for everything they themselves have become and they are to affraid to self reflect on this fact.
Let's hope they use the New Years introspective and resolutions to make serious introspective changes.
First step should be to ask yourself, are you arguing against your opponent or are you saying something that can be attributed to yourself? Ask yourself the same standard or question first before you deflect and embarass yourself, because seriously I'm getting sick of posting that Grandma meme regarding Dems tripping themselves up, it's getting to common and should have been a lesson learned by now.
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