Survivor of the Borderland shooting? I should have been able to be armed...

Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there

Not much.....

Allowing guns into bars has ‘surprising’ result - WND

When Virginia passed a law allowing concealed carry in bars and alcohol-serving restaurants beginning July 1 of last year, opponents of the change decried the dangers of mixing guns and alcohol, for fear violent crimes would escalate.

But one year later, the Richmond Times-Dispatch did a study to see if the gloomy prognostications came true.

According to state police records, not only did gun violence in bars and restaurants not increase under the new law, it decreased by 5.2 percent.

In fact, of the 145 reported crimes with guns that occurred in Virginia bars and restaurants in fiscal 2010-11 (compared to 153 incidents in the year before the new law took effect), only two of the aggravated assault cases were related to concealed-carry permit holders. In one incident, the crime took place at a restaurant that didn’t serve alcohol – thus unrelated to the new law – and in the other, the weapon was neither discharged nor withdrawn from its holster.

“The numbers basically just confirm what we’ve said would happen if the General Assembly changed the law,” Philip Van Cleave, president of the pro-gun Virginia Citizens Defense League, told the Times-Dispatch. “Keep in mind what the other side was saying – that this was going to be a blood bath, that restaurants will be dangerous and people will stop going. But there was nothing to base the fear-mongering on.”

Read more at Allowing guns into bars has ‘surprising’ result - WND

More.....actual research by Richmond Times-Dispatch

Gun crimes drop at Virginia bars and restaurants

The number of major crimes involving firearms at bars and restaurants statewide declined 5.2 percent from July 1, 2010, to June 30, 2011, compared with the fiscal year before the law went into effect, according to crime data compiled by Virginia State Police at the newspaper's request.

World Nut Daily advocates guns in bars. Why am I not surprised?

And all WND did was point out what his other article showed, which was from I assume they are a right wing news source too, right? Got nothing else to attack so attack the source because you don't like the contents?

The facts are guns in bars have been tried with wonderful results. Why are you against that? Do you want people helpless and defenseless? I mean I know the left needs their victims to stay in power, but really? You don't want people to be able to shoot back?
Yep...a survivor of the shooting is speaking out on the truth...he should have been able to defend himself and others against the attacker....

Yeah, because some drunk college kid would have totally outdrawn a trained marine with combat experience.

There was a Security Guard and a Cop there, who were among the dead.. "the Good guy with a gun" didn't work.

Moron, anyone carrying a gun in the bar wouldn't have been drunk, and in close quarters in that chaos an armed civilian has just as much a chance of stopping the shooter as he does when he is killing unarmed, helpless victims....
Any mass shooting has a better chance of being stopped if there were more responsible armed citizens in this country that are out and about in society. Problem is that most responsible good citizens don't hang around where the shooters choose as their soft targets, and this is why they choose the targets that they choose when they choose them.

again, this place had a security guard and a cop was there in seconds... "Good guys" weren't the problem... it was a bad guy who was able to get a gun even though he had mental issues.

Your god..."Government" cleared him to own that gun, and your god, "Government" set up the gun control laws that didn't stop him..... your god failed....
Self defense with a firearm is final, that way you don’t have to deal with the riffraff anymore
Moron, anyone carrying a gun in the bar wouldn't have been drunk, and in close quarters in that chaos an armed civilian has just as much a chance of stopping the shooter as he does when he is killing unarmed, helpless victims....

Um, yeah, clearly someone at a bar at 11 PM would be stone cold sober, no really!

So, no one in the bar is sober? There is no such thing as designated drivers? And the fact, the fact that states all over the country already allow people to carry guns into bars.....and nothing you claim would happen has happened.... makes you change your attitude?
A bad guy with a truck, bomb or anyother method is just as bad, so why is your focus on the gun only, and on the responses to that gun when it goes bad for everyone ? Political agenda ???

Bombs are illegal, and trucks are pretty strictly licensed....

If a person snaps due to whatever, and the person is very intelligent as an added problem, then that person can do very serious damage to alot of humans and property.

Yes, they can be... which is why we should really restrict who can buy a gun the way we restrict who can drive a truck.

The only answer is to identify character traits among those who show signs of mental problems. Once these problems are identified, then it's time to lose this PC bullcrap that becomes an excuse to leave the person alone, and leave him to his own evil devices, and his desired time to then strike.

Here's the problem with that.. We could probably lock up 90% of USMB members based on the crazy stuff some of us write here.
Your last line made the best sense of all, and I bet you think that you are excluded in that line of thought. Uh NO.

Why is it that liberals/leftist think they have all the answers for everything, yet the problems not only continue, but they actually get worse and worse when listening to your ideas or thoughts on the issues.
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there

Seems that it's ok in Colo.
Armed Security Guard Service For Bars & Night Clubs

Armed security guards not the patrons.
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there

Seems that it's ok in Colo.
Armed Security Guard Service For Bars & Night Clubs

Armed security guards not the patrons.
After one of the worst mass shootings in a bar down there in Florida, you would think that the nation would have shored up the bar scene with needed security everywhere. How dumb can this nation be, that it has something happen like that, and then ignore it until BAM it happens again ??

The same with the schools etc ?
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there

Seems that it's ok in Colo.
Armed Security Guard Service For Bars & Night Clubs

Armed security guards not the patrons.

It is already allowed in some form in 24 states...... patrons carrying guns into bars or restaurants where they serve alchohol.....what is it about these topics that make people like you stop thinking?
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there
Guns in a bar. Sure, what could go wrong there

Seems that it's ok in Colo.
Armed Security Guard Service For Bars & Night Clubs

Armed security guards not the patrons.

It is already allowed in some form in 24 states...... patrons carrying guns into bars or restaurants where they serve alchohol.....what is it about these topics that make people like you stop thinking?

I'm for the 2nd amendment.
Most of our bars in AZ. Have guns behind the bar.
So, no one in the bar is sober? There is no such thing as designated drivers? And the fact, the fact that states all over the country already allow people to carry guns into bars.....and nothing you claim would happen has happened.... makes you change your attitude?

That we have drunks shooting at bars? Happens all the time, dummy.

3 shot, 1 killed in Elgin parking lot

1 arrested, 1 wanted in shooting outside Piranha's Bar

More Details Emerge In Chicora Shooting - - Butler, PA
So, no one in the bar is sober? There is no such thing as designated drivers? And the fact, the fact that states all over the country already allow people to carry guns into bars.....and nothing you claim would happen has happened.... makes you change your attitude?

That we have drunks shooting at bars? Happens all the time, dummy.

3 shot, 1 killed in Elgin parking lot

1 arrested, 1 wanted in shooting outside Piranha's Bar

More Details Emerge In Chicora Shooting - - Butler, PA

And more people in 24 states who carry and don't do it, you moron......

Hey....moron....the second link....Piranha's didn't read the link, did you? You moron.......the two guys were kicked out of the bar, you moron, and came back when it was you can't even get that right...

1 arrested, 1 wanted in shooting outside Piranha's Bar

The men were escorted out of the bar and told not to come back.

However, police said the men did return a little while later when employees were leaving for the night.

A witness sitting in the parking lot at the time told police that Hughes pulled a pistol.

And none of your links shows if the shooter was even legally able to have the gun in the first place, if they had a criminal record to begin with.....try doing some research before you post.
And more people in 24 states who carry and don't do it, you moron......

Hey....moron....the second link....Piranha's didn't read the link, did you? You moron.......the two guys were kicked out of the bar, you moron, and came back when it was you can't even get that right...

Doesn't matter... point is, guns and bars just don't mix...
And more people in 24 states who carry and don't do it, you moron......

Hey....moron....the second link....Piranha's didn't read the link, did you? You moron.......the two guys were kicked out of the bar, you moron, and came back when it was you can't even get that right...

Doesn't matter... point is, guns and bars just don't mix...

What? Shelter in place isn't working?
I guess you want to die on your knees.
If showing signs of mental instability, then the person should be detained and evaluated over a period long enough that it would finally force the rest of his illness out into the open for the right people to analyze.

Then once his real condition is known over time, then the proper treatment is to be administered.
But you do realize though that in two instances in just the last year, the mental health experts were proven to be wrong right? This guy in Thousand Oaks and Nickolas Cruz in Parkland, Florida.

I've read that the school resource officer who refused to entered the building during the Parkland shooting was one of the individuals who attempted to have Cruz committed under Florida's Baker Act. He received a lot of flack for not entering that building however if he knew that Cruz was a ticking time bomb about to explode and he did what he could to try to get him committed but was overruled, I find it hard to blame him for not rushing to face Cruz if he didn't feel he could single handedly deal with him. For all he knew Cruz could have been there looking for him, pissed that he tried to have him committed.
Still doesn't change his cowardness.
That's not cowardness, that's self-preservation, the strongest instinct in all living creatures.

Now it could be argued that perhaps he should have resigned if he felt that they couldn't do the job he was hired to do.
The claim that this particular mass shooting might have been stopped by armed patrons is just stupid.
Why? Because you're assuming they would have been consuming alcohol?

I heard that there was a security guard out front and that he was the first person shot, but that he was unarmed. I have no idea if he was trained on how to handle an active shooter event but you don't think had he been armed that maybe the shooter wouldn't have been able to carry out as much carnage as he did?

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