Surviving Socialism


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
So many kids are brought up today believing they are entitled to free stuff (not just black kids) that they carry that belief over into adulthood and thus have no problem with socialism/communism and of course they have little knowledge of how communism/socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried.....and of course they pay no attention to what is going on in kuba as we speak.
So many kids are brought up today believing they are entitled to free stuff (not just black kids) that they carry that belief over into adulthood and thus have no problem with socialism/communism and of course they have little knowledge of how communism/socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried.....and of course they pay no attention to what is going on in kuba as we speak.

As much disdain as I have for the younger generation:

The kids who have gone to Iraq and Afghanistan have carried the rest. They went toe to toe with an enemy that didn't care if they died.
Not since the Nips in the Pacific have we seen such ferocity. Mad respect.

Millennials: "What free shit?" Boomers were the single most subsidized, pampered and sheltered generation of humans in history. They grew up and decided their children and grandchildren were just not worth what they took for granted.
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As much disdain as I have for the younger generation:

The kids who have gone to Iraq and Afghanistan have carried the rest. They went toe to toe with an enemy that didn't care if they died.
Not since the Nips in the Pacific have we seen such ferocity. Mad respect.

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Those guys who voluntered to go into the service and they are all volunteers now not represent the millrnials in any way shape or form.....truly exceptional patriots....and that is the great sadness today.....patriotism is not that common any longer.

If someone stands up today and shouts give me liberty or give me death the biden regime will label them an insurrectionist and lock them up..

It is considered kewl by the millinials to be see them on here....doing their best to hate America.

In our lifetimes we have gone from a time when

Uncommon Valor Was a Common Virtue

to this current generation of politically correct morons.
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So many kids are brought up today believing they are entitled to free stuff
Too much real estate fraud. The idea that people owe 30% or even 40% of their disposable lifetime income for a house or home, to live in, not to mention the money corporations spend on commercial buildings for them to work in — there isn't enough money or resources left over to do anything useful or enjoyable or productive inside those buildings. There's already a landlord entitled to all the kids stuff as soon as they move out of their parents home.
Millennials: "What free shit?" Boomers were the single most subsidized, pampered and sheltered generation of humans in history. They grew up and decided their children and grandchildren were just not worth what they took for granted.
It's that real estate.
It was available for the Boomers in their day.
Not for the Millennials. Not at the wages they're allowed to make.
I have five kids who are millennials, and they are all great kids in their 30s now. I'm Gen X. The boomer generation killed half of us before we were even born and now we have to support them.
I have five kids who are millennials, and they are all great kids in their 30s now. I'm Gen X. The boomer generation killed half of us before we were even born and now we have to support them.
Of course. That was the Hippie era of peace and love and Roe vs. Wade and LBJ's Gun Control Act of 1968. Unless you were mental of course. Then it's a whole different story.
So many kids are brought up today believing they are entitled to free stuff (not just black kids) that they carry that belief over into adulthood and thus have no problem with socialism/communism and of course they have little knowledge of how communism/socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried.....and of course they pay no attention to what is going on in kuba as we speak.
Actually, nobody really thinks that there is such a thing as "free stuff". If you fund something by paying taxes it is not "free".

A lot of millennials or for that matter members of generations X, Y, Z just don't have the Pavlovian reflex to consider taxation a punishment of God, or for that matter consider the Government incapable of funding certain Social Programs better than private business.
So many kids are brought up today believing they are entitled to free stuff (not just black kids) that they carry that belief over into adulthood and thus have no problem with socialism/communism and of course they have little knowledge of how communism/socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried.....and of course they pay no attention to what is going on in kuba as we speak.
Capitalism failed in 1929 and socialism has been bailing out Capitalism ever since.

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