SURPRISE: Gitmo to remain open!


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
I knew the Hussein was a complete fraud from the start. He never intended to close Gitmo, it was all a sham to appease the retard base.

House Panel Deals Gitmo Closure a Major Setback The Washington Independent

Or that was the plan. The actual bill hasn’t been released yet. But buried at the bottom of an extensive summary the committee released last night is an express prohibition on the use of any Defense Department money to buy a new detention facility. According to the bill summary, the bill now requires Defense Secretary Robert Gates to give Congress a report that “adequately justifies any proposal to build or modify such a facility” if it wants to move forward with any post-Guantanamo detention plan.

“The Committee firmly believes that the construction or modification of any facility in the U.S. to detain or imprison individuals currently being held at Guantanamo must be accompanied by a thorough and comprehensive plan that outlines the merits, costs, and risks associated with utilizing such a facility,” the summary text read. “No such plan has been presented to date. The bill prohibits the use of any funds for this purpose


The bill, which passed the committee on a vote of 59 to 0, will go to the House floor and receive a vote most likely next week. A Senate Armed Services Committee mark-up of the companion bill in the Senate is scheduled for the end of May.


Gee, I guess all those Dems in the House Arms committee who are now voting to keep them at Gitmo are "for torture", since that was of course the big reason to shut Gitmo.
I knew the Hussein was a complete fraud from the start. He never intended to close Gitmo, it was all a sham to appease the retard base.

House Panel Deals Gitmo Closure a Major Setback The Washington Independent

Or that was the plan. The actual bill hasn’t been released yet. But buried at the bottom of an extensive summary the committee released last night is an express prohibition on the use of any Defense Department money to buy a new detention facility. According to the bill summary, the bill now requires Defense Secretary Robert Gates to give Congress a report that “adequately justifies any proposal to build or modify such a facility” if it wants to move forward with any post-Guantanamo detention plan.

“The Committee firmly believes that the construction or modification of any facility in the U.S. to detain or imprison individuals currently being held at Guantanamo must be accompanied by a thorough and comprehensive plan that outlines the merits, costs, and risks associated with utilizing such a facility,” the summary text read. “No such plan has been presented to date. The bill prohibits the use of any funds for this purpose


The bill, which passed the committee on a vote of 59 to 0, will go to the House floor and receive a vote most likely next week. A Senate Armed Services Committee mark-up of the companion bill in the Senate is scheduled for the end of May.


Gee, I guess all those Dems in the House Arms committee who are now voting to keep them at Gitmo are "for torture", since that was of course the big reason to shut Gitmo.

Yeah... It turns out that the Bush Policies were sound, based in common sense and essential.
So, no new facility can be built.

How does that preclude housing detainees at other existing facilities?

Oh, and shouldn't this thread be under "legal"?
So, no new facility can be built.

How does that preclude housing detainees at other existing facilities?

Oh, and shouldn't this thread be under "legal"?

did somebody piss in your wittle cherriors this mawning?
Barry is finding out just what Bush found out. Gitmo isn't easy to close.

Gitmo's the perfect place to keep the dirtbags. It should stay open. Why close a perfectly good facility to appease a bunch of left wing idiots??

Its just plain common sense. If it ain't broke, don't fix the damned thing. Jeeze.
did somebody piss in your wittle cherriors this mawning?

Nope, just wondering why certain issues are being left in "Current Events" while good economic news is sent to a sub-category.

Seems like if you're going to downgrade one to a sub-category, you should be doing the same for all.

After all, we don't want USMB to start picking and choosing what people pay attention to, like MSNBC or FoxNews.
did somebody piss in your wittle cherriors this mawning?

Nope, just wondering why certain issues are being left in "Current Events" while good economic news is sent to a sub-category.

Seems like if you're going to downgrade one to a sub-category, you should be doing the same for all.

After all, we don't want USMB to start picking and choosing what people pay attention to, like MSNBC or FoxNews.

Because the point of it is not to discuss the legal code, its about how the Hussein is a complete fraud, even to his own base.
Because the point of it is not to discuss the legal code, its about how the Hussein is a complete fraud, even to his own base.

Actually, I simply assumed it was to discuss the future location of prisoners, which would clearly fall under "law".

If it is actually meant to criticize the president, with no other purpose, it belongs in "the Flame Zone".
Barry is finding out just what Bush found out. Gitmo isn't easy to close.

Gitmo's the perfect place to keep the dirtbags. It should stay open. Why close a perfectly good facility to appease a bunch of left wing idiots??

Its just plain common sense. If it ain't broke, don't fix the damned thing. Jeeze.

in my opinion:
That's to simple a concept for these people in Washington D.C. who are running our lives and our futures.Now they 'see the light'? They are really brilliant tacticians who are tearing America apart at the seams, using smoke and mirrors, outright lies and misdirection,to achieve their goals, while our so called 'enemies' applaud from the sidelines. 'They' enjoy having their 'work' done for them by our own people.

I am glad it's staying open to keep those scumbags in one place, and out of America.
Gitmo is the right solution to the problem and should remain open and the prisoners held there until the war on terror is over. Paying millions to open a new facility (plus the bucks to close Gitmo) to do the what Gitmo does - and does extremely well -- . . . how does this makes sense anyway? Oh shit, never mind.
Gitmo is the right solution to the problem and should remain open and the prisoners held there until the war on terror is over. Paying millions to open a new facility (plus the bucks to close Gitmo) to do the what Gitmo does - and does extremely well -- . . . how does this makes sense anyway? Oh shit, never mind.

gitmo is a punt not a solution.

obama does apparently not have the balls to close it.
When reinventing the wheel it is important to not have your final product look like a wheel.
But again, none of this answers the question:

Even if Gitmo remains open, how does that preclude housing detainees at other existing facilities?
I knew the Hussein was a complete fraud from the start. He never intended to close Gitmo, it was all a sham to appease the retard base.

House Panel Deals Gitmo Closure a Major Setback The Washington Independent

Or that was the plan. The actual bill hasn’t been released yet. But buried at the bottom of an extensive summary the committee released last night is an express prohibition on the use of any Defense Department money to buy a new detention facility. According to the bill summary, the bill now requires Defense Secretary Robert Gates to give Congress a report that “adequately justifies any proposal to build or modify such a facility” if it wants to move forward with any post-Guantanamo detention plan.

“The Committee firmly believes that the construction or modification of any facility in the U.S. to detain or imprison individuals currently being held at Guantanamo must be accompanied by a thorough and comprehensive plan that outlines the merits, costs, and risks associated with utilizing such a facility,” the summary text read. “No such plan has been presented to date. The bill prohibits the use of any funds for this purpose


The bill, which passed the committee on a vote of 59 to 0, will go to the House floor and receive a vote most likely next week. A Senate Armed Services Committee mark-up of the companion bill in the Senate is scheduled for the end of May.


Gee, I guess all those Dems in the House Arms committee who are now voting to keep them at Gitmo are "for torture", since that was of course the big reason to shut Gitmo.

Did you hear? Obama is also gonna get us out of Iraq next year. He keeps on moving it up a year even though he ran against it during his fake Campaign. I don't think it falls into his master Rahm Emanuel's agenda, nor does closing Gitmo. = Fraud. ~BH
I knew the Hussein was a complete fraud from the start. He never intended to close Gitmo, it was all a sham to appease the retard base.

House Panel Deals Gitmo Closure a Major Setback The Washington Independent

Or that was the plan. The actual bill hasn’t been released yet. But buried at the bottom of an extensive summary the committee released last night is an express prohibition on the use of any Defense Department money to buy a new detention facility. According to the bill summary, the bill now requires Defense Secretary Robert Gates to give Congress a report that “adequately justifies any proposal to build or modify such a facility” if it wants to move forward with any post-Guantanamo detention plan.

“The Committee firmly believes that the construction or modification of any facility in the U.S. to detain or imprison individuals currently being held at Guantanamo must be accompanied by a thorough and comprehensive plan that outlines the merits, costs, and risks associated with utilizing such a facility,” the summary text read. “No such plan has been presented to date. The bill prohibits the use of any funds for this purpose


The bill, which passed the committee on a vote of 59 to 0, will go to the House floor and receive a vote most likely next week. A Senate Armed Services Committee mark-up of the companion bill in the Senate is scheduled for the end of May.

Gee, I guess all those Dems in the House Arms committee who are now voting to keep them at Gitmo are "for torture", since that was of course the big reason to shut Gitmo.

Did you hear? Obama is also gonna get us out of Iraq next year. He keeps on moving it up a year even though he ran against it during his fake Campaign. I don't think it falls into his master Rahm Emanuel's agenda, nor does closing Gitmo. = Fraud. ~BH

at least he tried, lol. but how naive can you be. campaigning and governing have almost no intersection. i still blame the guy who CAUSED the mess, not the one who promised to clean it up.

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