Supreme Court Justice Clarance Thomas Declares He’s Now a Female

Of course you’re ignorant and uninformed. Or just plain stupid.

Spin and excuses coming in 3, 2,......
Having never posted one, I wouldn't know. I take a dim view of anyone who uses the Nazi moniker. We have a few of them on this board. That's not satire either.
Of course you’re ignorant and uninformed. Or just plain stupid.

Spin and excuses coming in 3, 2,......
Obviously, Sotomayor's remark was wrong. As always, every word spoken by Supreme Court justices during a hearing is immediately fact checked, and she, as well as all the other justices were informed of the false statement at the end of the day's proceedings, if not before. By no means would any one of the justices been allowed to make any ruling concerning the day's testimony without specifically knowing what untrue information was said, and the correct information that should replace it. The system is self correcting when it comes to mistaken remarks such as that one. The media immediately informed the public of the false numbers as well. It's doubtful that a Supreme Court justice could intentionally spread a lie from the bench if they wanted to. It's true that you might be able to guess which way any particular justice might be leaning on an issue, but to present her remark as intentionally trying to spread a lie is just childishly goofy.
Obviously, Sotomayor's remark was wrong. As always, every word spoken by Supreme Court justices during a hearing is immediately fact checked, and she, as well as all the other justices were informed of the false statement at the end of the day's proceedings, if not before. By no means would any one of the justices been allowed to make any ruling concerning the day's testimony without specifically knowing what untrue information was said, and the correct information that should replace it. The system is self correcting when it comes to mistaken remarks such as that one. The media immediately informed the public of the false numbers as well. It's doubtful that a Supreme Court justice could intentionally spread a lie from the bench if they wanted to. It's true that you might be able to guess which way any particular justice might be leaning on an issue, but to present her remark as intentionally trying to spread a lie is just childishly goofy.
My Point proven. Your pathetic spin is also expected. Yet no correction from the liars on the left. It was an intentional remark meant to try to spread fear through disinformation. Independent is right. Your name is really BULLSHIT.
My Point proven. Your pathetic spin is also expected. Yet no correction from the liars on the left. It was an intentional remark meant to try to spread fear through disinformation. Independent is right. Your name is really BULLSHIT.
Care to point out which part of my remark you think is untrue?
Sotomayor's spouse never endorsed the 1/6 coup attempt and expressed her love for the attackers in a tweet. Sotomayor's spouse was never a speaker at or member of any fringe right wing nutbag groups either. Thomas's spouse did.
Wow, moving the entire conversation, are you? Just how fucking pathetic is that?
Care to point out which part of my remark you think is untrue?
If you need that pointed out, you’re dumber than anybody thought. Sotomayor didn’t just make her remarks out of the blue. But of course you have to defend the not-so-wise Latina.
Wow, moving the entire conversation, are you? Just how fucking pathetic is that?
Is there a problem with me responding to a post with information that post called for? I'm shocked that you would call me an idiot. Heaven help me. I'm clutching my pearls.
If you need that pointed out, you’re dumber than anybody thought. Sotomayor didn’t just make her remarks out of the blue. But of course you have to defend the not-so-wise Latina.
I never defended her mistake. She Was Wrong!! Feel better now?
This just in:

After an extensive and exhaustive investigation it can now be reported that:

Ginni Thomas is NOT a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
This just in:

After an extensive and exhaustive investigation it can now be reported that:

Ginni Thomas is NOT a Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
But she is the wife of a justice of the Supreme Court, and is in controlling positions of groups that have had cases being heard by the supreme court her husband is a member of. That would have been illegal in any other court in the country.
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But she is the wife of a justice of the Supreme Court, and is in controlling positions of groups that have had cases being heard by the supreme court her husband is a member of. That would have been illegal in any other court in the country.
What tripe.

According to hacks like Bullfrog, if Ginni Thomas is on a conservative group’s board and that group takes a position on a pending SCOTUS case by filing an amicus brief, Justice Thomas has some legal or ethical obligation to recuse himself.

That notion is such incredibly self-serving nonsense that only a libtard would say it.
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