Supposn USA would evolve from effectively only two, to be a more multi political party nation?


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Supposn USA would evolve from effectively only two, to be a more multi political party nation?

It's conceivable Republicans will be unable to agree among themselves. In that case, conceivably the next elected 2023 Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives may be elected by a coalition of Republican and Democratic members of the House.

In2024, the old and newly elected majority members of the House will vote to elect their new Speaker of the House; If the House majority is again a Republican majority, and they again cannot agree among themselves, then it's further conceivable that both the 2023 and 2024 Speaker of the House maybe elected by a coalition of Democrats and Republicans. What if USA voters begin to appreciate government policies determined by an effective pro-active political coalition of house members.?

Could we now be observing the beginning of USA establishing a government more similar to most other of the world's parliamentary democratic republics? Multi effective political parties and coalition governments are messy and risky; but our retaining effectively only two major parties has shown itself to be of greater risk to our nation.

WellI was just supposn. Respectfully, Supposn
Someone else claimed there are only two political parties in the United States. That is totally false. The following are "actual" political parties in the United States:
The Libertarian Party.
The Green Party.
The Citizens' Victory Movement.
The Constitution Party.
The Working Families Party.
The Reform Party.
The Legal Marijuana Party.
The Natural Law Party.
The Unity Party.
The Justice Party.
The Socialist Workers Party.
The Socialist Quality Party.
The Freedom Socialist Party.
The Socialist Action Party.
The Communist Party.
The Progressive Party.
The American Freedom Party.
The United States Pirate Party.
There are others, but that list comprises most political parties. Here's the thing though. Most people are logical and mature enough to review these fringe parties and discard them as non-serious contenders, not covering the really important issues.
The reason the Republican Party isn't as unified as the Democrat Party is because:
1. RINO's. Republicans In Name Only. These politicians reside in areas that are pro-Republican and couldn't get elected on a Democrat ticket, so they claim to be Republican to get elected, then side with the Democrats on various topics.
2. Republicans who are and have been, "part of the swamp." They are in it for the perks, don't give a damn about their constituents or what the voters want.
3. Republicans like George W. Bush, who are actually part of the "New World Order, Globalist, neo-Marxist, World Economic Forum herd. Essentially, traitors to the nation.
Here's an idea... ban ALL political parties.

Every candidate runs on his or her own platform.

Every candidate is self-funded by private donations, kick-starter or other. Corporate donations prohibited.

No elected politicians are allowed to take a gift, honorarium, speaking fee, book or movie deal for at least five years AFTER they leave office.
On the issue of a multi-party system vs. a two-party system. Here, in Sweden, we have had a very clear, very obvious multi-party system. By far the most popular and adored party was the Social Democrats led by Olaf Palme. Life was sweet ….. for EVERYONE. All of the other parties had their own little agendas that were OK or not OK but the fundamental value was all about life for the citizen and it was shared by every political party. Fast-forward to 1986 when Palme was assassinated by the CIA (debate it among yourselves if you like) and that was the end of Social Democracy. It died along with Olaf Palme. Oh yes, the name “Social Democracy” lives on but the qualities of “socialism/democracy” has been eroded to nearly nothing at all. So, what happened after that? Well, until recently there was an "effectively two-party system" (if I can borrow the OP's terminology) but now the major difference has been removed so that they are all in favour of abandoning our tried and true neutral status … and joining NATO. We’re fucked now. Where did it all go wrong? 1986. We now have our collective lips glued to Washington's butt-hole. Goodbye multi-political system, goodbye Democracy! :(

Ps. There actually are two political parties that are opposed to joining NATO but they are the « Communist Party » (run by children) and « Alternative for Sweden » (who are out-and-out Nazis). Neither of them has a snowball’s chance in El Centro, California of getting one square passed “go”, thank goodness.

Pps. So, without a completely new barrel containing the likes of Palme or Trump (my personal opinion only) all of the apples you will ever have will be rotten. :mad:
Supposn USA would evolve from effectively only two, to be a more multi political party nation?

It's conceivable Republicans will be unable to agree among themselves. In that case, conceivably the next elected 2023 Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives may be elected by a coalition of Republican and Democratic members of the House.

In2024, the old and newly elected majority members of the House will vote to elect their new Speaker of the House; If the House majority is again a Republican majority, and they again cannot agree among themselves, then it's further conceivable that both the 2023 and 2024 Speaker of the House maybe elected by a coalition of Democrats and Republicans. What if USA voters begin to appreciate government policies determined by an effective pro-active political coalition of house members.?

Could we now be observing the beginning of USA establishing a government more similar to most other of the world's parliamentary democratic republics? Multi effective political parties and coalition governments are messy and risky; but our retaining effectively only two major parties has shown itself to be of greater risk to our nation.

WellI was just supposn. Respectfully, Supposn

Both parties have become so polarized that showing any support to the other on anything, no matter how mundane, is a sure-fired way to see your money dry up and get yourself challenged in the primary and general election. It is a huge risk.
Supposn USA would evolve from effectively only two, to be a more multi political party nation?

It's conceivable Republicans will be unable to agree among themselves. In that case, conceivably the next elected 2023 Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives may be elected by a coalition of Republican and Democratic members of the House.

In2024, the old and newly elected majority members of the House will vote to elect their new Speaker of the House; If the House majority is again a Republican majority, and they again cannot agree among themselves, then it's further conceivable that both the 2023 and 2024 Speaker of the House maybe elected by a coalition of Democrats and Republicans. What if USA voters begin to appreciate government policies determined by an effective pro-active political coalition of house members.?

Could we now be observing the beginning of USA establishing a government more similar to most other of the world's parliamentary democratic republics? Multi effective political parties and coalition governments are messy and risky; but our retaining effectively only two major parties has shown itself to be of greater risk to our nation.

WellI was just supposn. Respectfully, Supposn
There is a yin and yang to the universe. When it tips too far one way it has a way of correcting itself. Perhaps we have reached the point where the two parties can't actually get any more further apart and we are seeing the beginning of the universe's correction.
There is a yin and yang to the universe. When it tips too far one way it has a way of correcting itself. Perhaps we have reached the point where the two parties can't actually get any more further apart and we are seeing the beginning of the universe's correction.
Revolution? Splitting of States "United"? Giving it back to the Indians? Earthquake? Atomic annihilation?
Supposn USA would evolve from effectively only two, to be a more multi political party nation?

It's conceivable Republicans will be unable to agree among themselves. In that case, conceivably the next elected 2023 Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives may be elected by a coalition of Republican and Democratic members of the House. ... Could we now be observing the beginning of USA establishing a government more similar to most other of the world's parliamentary democratic republics? Multi effective political parties and coalition governments are messy and risky; but our retaining effectively only two major parties has shown itself to be of greater risk to our nation.
WellI was just supposn. Respectfully, Supposn
Apparently E.J. Dionne Jr. of theWashington Post also (as I do), perceives the House ofRepresentatives majority party's inability to elect the Speaker ofthe House as an opportunity to possibly improve our governingprocedures. Respectfully, Supposn

Refer to Opinion| The GOP’s speaker chaos is a blessing in disguise - TheWashington Post
Supposn USA would evolve from effectively only two, to be a more multi political party nation?

It's conceivable Republicans will be unable to agree among themselves. In that case, conceivably the next elected 2023 Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives may be elected by a coalition of Republican and Democratic members of the House.

In2024, the old and newly elected majority members of the House will vote to elect their new Speaker of the House; If the House majority is again a Republican majority, and they again cannot agree among themselves, then it's further conceivable that both the 2023 and 2024 Speaker of the House maybe elected by a coalition of Democrats and Republicans. What if USA voters begin to appreciate government policies determined by an effective pro-active political coalition of house members.?

Could we now be observing the beginning of USA establishing a government more similar to most other of the world's parliamentary democratic republics? Multi effective political parties and coalition governments are messy and risky; but our retaining effectively only two major parties has shown itself to be of greater risk to our nation.

WellI was just supposn. Respectfully, Supposn

You only need to look at Germany to see what might happen. Other right and left wing parties of different moderations, so people have proper choice

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