Supposedly "Pro-Russian" Trump Announces He's Pulling U.S. Out of the INF Treaty, Infuriates Putin


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
I guess that many liberals here missed the news that President Trump recently announced that he's pulling the U.S. out of the INF/ABM treaty with Russia? Putin and other Russian officials quickly condemned the announcement as "dangerous," etc. Gee, I thought Trump was in Putin's pocket? What gives?

'Donald Trump's plan to rip up the anti-ballistic missile treaty with the Soviet Union may not be as disastrous as we think'

Trump says US will withdraw from nuclear arms treaty with Russia

Russia Says President Trump's Nuclear Treaty Pullout Would Be a 'Very Dangerous Step'

Let's see, the supposedly "pro-Russian" Donald Trump has done all these actions that have been opposed and condemned by the Russian government: pulled the U.S. out of the Iran nuke deal, imposed tariffs on Russian steel, sold weapons to Ukraine and Georgia, expelled a bunch of Russian diplomats, shut down one of Russia's consulates in the U.S., and condemned the German-Russian natural gas pipeline. What gives, libs?
If Putin turns on Trump, the media will start sucking Putin’s Russian balls.
Sometimes I wonder if "hurting Putin" is the only goal of US foreign policy?

May be it's time to be pragmatic and to think how to potentially benefit from cooperation with Russia? Because more than half a world is already cooperating with Russia and benefiting from it (SCO only now includes almost half a world).
Then there were 8: Eurasian powerhouse SCO expands after India & Pakistan join
Russia and Singapore ink $1bn worth of investment deals at ASEAN Summit
"Putin Is The New Master Of The Middle East"

Add the population of ASEAN and BRICS countries.
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Sometimes I wonder if "hurting Putin" is the only goal of US foreign policy?

May be it's time to be pragmatic and to think how to potentially benefit from cooperation with Russia? Because more than half a world is already cooperating with Russia and benefiting from it (BRICS now includes more than half a world).

Fine with me. I miss all that cheap Russian ammunition I could buy before Obama and Putin had their little snit.
Trump n Putin danced all night while in Europe.... it's simply a ''show'' by Trump and Putin, to pretend they are not 2 peas in the same pod.... imo ;)
Trump n Putin danced all night while in Europe.... it's simply a ''show'' by Trump and Putin, to pretend they are not 2 peas in the same pod.... imo ;)
Yeah, keep digging there has to be a pony in there.
The only illegal collusion with Russians have been that done by Democrats:

Barry whispers to Putin Puppet Medvedev to pass on to Putin that he will 'be more flexible' after winning re-election.

2014: Barry, Mueller, Hillary, & Holder hide Russian crimes associated with KGB Bank's attempt to buy Uranium One / acquire US uranium.
- The Russian who gave Hillary $120+ million leads the KGB Bank effort to acquire Uranium One
- Obama & his crew sell Uranium One to Putin & gives him 20% of US supply of uranium

2014: Barry breaks US promise to help decent Ukraine's sovereign border - sits back and watches Putin invade / annex Crimea

2014: Barry learns of Russia counter-Intel OP in the US, about Russian efforts to hack electrical grid, attempts to (successful) hack Hillary server (along with 5 other foreign entities)....DOES NOTHING - ALLOWS IT TO CONTINUE FOR 2 YEARS...In exchange for Putin's permission to illegally invade Syria

2016: Hillary illegally colluded with and pays foreign spies - working FOR Obama's FBI and WITH Obama's DOJ & Mueller - and Russians for their help in trying to win the WH...Russian-authored dossier delivered to Hillary & illegally used by Obama's FBI, NIA, & CIA...

The population of Russia is around 144,495,040, which is the 9th largest population of all countries in the world. Russia has the largest land mass, however. Population, total | Data

I don't understand why anyone would criticize either a candidate or a President for getting to know and communicating with any foreign country with all the resources and people in a similar sized country. Peace on earth cannot be achieved by too much political hatred in the same country which has already been devastated by one civil war.

Today, I read about a man who will be getting a 20-year sentence for a serial career in false claims, false terrorist threats, and the false claim that a person at a certain address was holding hostages, which resulted in a police shooting that killed the man who merely went outside of his home to see why police lights were flashing in his neighborhood.

When we have politicians shooting off false claims to smear a politician they dislike for other reasons, that's not all that much different from the man who ruined several people financially by stealing their credit card numbers (identity theft), closed down schools with false claims of bombs planted there, etc. Illegal voters who do not have to submit identifications in some states are like a false witness. People who are actually hostile to America have been compromising the polls for almost 30 years. It's just wrong.

I think bashing President Trump over Putin wreaks of impropriety and should be avoided. Our President represents us here and overseas. We are either engaged in a footshoot of this nation or the internet is overladen with international visitors who resent America, who welcomed guests from many countries at different times in our history, and these guests became US citizens in many instances of their just liking our way of life, even with all the problems we have.

Beating up a President over a foreign country is just hooey. And I think using calumny in the press against President Trump is as bad as the vote in Broward County. It is doing damage to our national reputation, and the majority of Americans would like to see political cheating ended immediately.
I guess that many liberals here missed the news that President Trump recently announced that he's pulling the U.S. out of the INF/ABM treaty with Russia? Putin and other Russian officials quickly condemned the announcement as "dangerous," etc. Gee, I thought Trump was in Putin's pocket? What gives?

'Donald Trump's plan to rip up the anti-ballistic missile treaty with the Soviet Union may not be as disastrous as we think'

Trump says US will withdraw from nuclear arms treaty with Russia

Russia Says President Trump's Nuclear Treaty Pullout Would Be a 'Very Dangerous Step'

Let's see, the supposedly "pro-Russian" Donald Trump has done all these actions that have been opposed and condemned by the Russian government: pulled the U.S. out of the Iran nuke deal, imposed tariffs on Russian steel, sold weapons to Ukraine and Georgia, expelled a bunch of Russian diplomats, shut down one of Russia's consulates in the U.S., and condemned the German-Russian natural gas pipeline. What gives, libs?

Well hell.

Trump must have slipped the leash and collar the lefty loons think Putin has on him.

Not bad for a Putin lover. LOL
This is all just a ruse to make it seem like Trump and Putin are at odds, but we all know that Trump and Putin colluded to rig the 2016 POTUS election.

Our hero Bill Mueller is going to prove that Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin colluded to rig the 2016 POTUS election.
This is all just a ruse to make it seem like Trump and Putin are at odds, but we all know that Trump and Putin colluded to rig the 2016 POTUS election.

Our hero Bill Mueller is going to prove that Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin colluded to rig the 2016 POTUS election.
his campaign with people like Roger Stone and Sam Clovis and Randy Credico and Jerome Corsi etc DID..... pay attention....
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I guess that many liberals here missed the news that President Trump recently announced that he's pulling the U.S. out of the INF/ABM treaty with Russia? Putin and other Russian officials quickly condemned the announcement as "dangerous," etc. Gee, I thought Trump was in Putin's pocket? What gives?

'Donald Trump's plan to rip up the anti-ballistic missile treaty with the Soviet Union may not be as disastrous as we think'

Trump says US will withdraw from nuclear arms treaty with Russia

Russia Says President Trump's Nuclear Treaty Pullout Would Be a 'Very Dangerous Step'

Let's see, the supposedly "pro-Russian" Donald Trump has done all these actions that have been opposed and condemned by the Russian government: pulled the U.S. out of the Iran nuke deal, imposed tariffs on Russian steel, sold weapons to Ukraine and Georgia, expelled a bunch of Russian diplomats, shut down one of Russia's consulates in the U.S., and condemned the German-Russian natural gas pipeline. What gives, libs?
I couldn't care less about the Trump-Russia-Mueller crap. This, I don't like. Bolton is a warmonger and I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. No one in the US will admit that we have been provoking Russia for a long time. We have basically encircled them and I don't blame them for being paranoid. I've never been a big Trump fan, but putting Bolton on the team is the first time I've truly been alarmed.
I guess that many liberals here missed the news that President Trump recently announced that he's pulling the U.S. out of the INF/ABM treaty with Russia? Putin and other Russian officials quickly condemned the announcement as "dangerous," etc. Gee, I thought Trump was in Putin's pocket? What gives?

'Donald Trump's plan to rip up the anti-ballistic missile treaty with the Soviet Union may not be as disastrous as we think'

Trump says US will withdraw from nuclear arms treaty with Russia

Russia Says President Trump's Nuclear Treaty Pullout Would Be a 'Very Dangerous Step'

Let's see, the supposedly "pro-Russian" Donald Trump has done all these actions that have been opposed and condemned by the Russian government: pulled the U.S. out of the Iran nuke deal, imposed tariffs on Russian steel, sold weapons to Ukraine and Georgia, expelled a bunch of Russian diplomats, shut down one of Russia's consulates in the U.S., and condemned the German-Russian natural gas pipeline. What gives, libs?

First of all this decision destroyed the NATO and made the USA to an unreliable country. I don't know whether we are able to solve this problem wíth an Eukalyptusbonbon now.

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I guess that many liberals here missed the news that President Trump recently announced that he's pulling the U.S. out of the INF/ABM treaty with Russia? Putin and other Russian officials quickly condemned the announcement as "dangerous," etc. Gee, I thought Trump was in Putin's pocket? What gives?

'Donald Trump's plan to rip up the anti-ballistic missile treaty with the Soviet Union may not be as disastrous as we think'

Trump says US will withdraw from nuclear arms treaty with Russia

Russia Says President Trump's Nuclear Treaty Pullout Would Be a 'Very Dangerous Step'

Let's see, the supposedly "pro-Russian" Donald Trump has done all these actions that have been opposed and condemned by the Russian government: pulled the U.S. out of the Iran nuke deal, imposed tariffs on Russian steel, sold weapons to Ukraine and Georgia, expelled a bunch of Russian diplomats, shut down one of Russia's consulates in the U.S., and condemned the German-Russian natural gas pipeline. What gives, libs?

First of all this decision destroyed the NATO.
There is no logic behind that statement.
I guess that many liberals here missed the news that President Trump recently announced that he's pulling the U.S. out of the INF/ABM treaty with Russia? Putin and other Russian officials quickly condemned the announcement as "dangerous," etc. Gee, I thought Trump was in Putin's pocket? What gives?

putin benefits from this, don't be fooled.

Oh, wait, I forgot who I was talking to.

Now Putin can put all the missiles he wants pointed at Europe. The Europeans will be less keen on us putting new missiles on their soil.
I guess that many liberals here missed the news that President Trump recently announced that he's pulling the U.S. out of the INF/ABM treaty with Russia? Putin and other Russian officials quickly condemned the announcement as "dangerous," etc. Gee, I thought Trump was in Putin's pocket? What gives?

'Donald Trump's plan to rip up the anti-ballistic missile treaty with the Soviet Union may not be as disastrous as we think'

Trump says US will withdraw from nuclear arms treaty with Russia

Russia Says President Trump's Nuclear Treaty Pullout Would Be a 'Very Dangerous Step'

Let's see, the supposedly "pro-Russian" Donald Trump has done all these actions that have been opposed and condemned by the Russian government: pulled the U.S. out of the Iran nuke deal, imposed tariffs on Russian steel, sold weapons to Ukraine and Georgia, expelled a bunch of Russian diplomats, shut down one of Russia's consulates in the U.S., and condemned the German-Russian natural gas pipeline. What gives, libs?

First of all this decision destroyed the NATO.
There is no logic behind that statement.

You are an idiot or what you are?

Again my statement: First of all this decision destroyed the NATO and made the USA to an unreliable country. I don't know whether we are able to solve this problem with an Eukalyptusbonbon now.

And let me continue: I thought about to install about 500 nuclear warheads worldwide - also some of them within the USA. We have here in Europe now 6 minutes time to react. This 6 minutes are enough time to destroy the whole planet and every possible aggressor including the USA. But 6 minutes are not a time span within we are able to react adequate. Every reaction now is always only able to be a totally blind reaction. So even in case we will realize another form of defense or revenge - it will always only able to be a blind reaction against every nation in the world, which owns nukes: including the USA.

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I guess that many liberals here missed the news that President Trump recently announced that he's pulling the U.S. out of the INF/ABM treaty with Russia? Putin and other Russian officials quickly condemned the announcement as "dangerous," etc. Gee, I thought Trump was in Putin's pocket? What gives?

'Donald Trump's plan to rip up the anti-ballistic missile treaty with the Soviet Union may not be as disastrous as we think'

Trump says US will withdraw from nuclear arms treaty with Russia

Russia Says President Trump's Nuclear Treaty Pullout Would Be a 'Very Dangerous Step'

Let's see, the supposedly "pro-Russian" Donald Trump has done all these actions that have been opposed and condemned by the Russian government: pulled the U.S. out of the Iran nuke deal, imposed tariffs on Russian steel, sold weapons to Ukraine and Georgia, expelled a bunch of Russian diplomats, shut down one of Russia's consulates in the U.S., and condemned the German-Russian natural gas pipeline. What gives, libs?

Well hell.

Trump must have slipped the leash and collar the lefty loons think Putin has on him.

Not bad for a Putin lover. LOL

Putin wasn’t following the treaty. Trump pulling out of it was exactly what Putin wanted him to do.

I love these Russian troll circle jerks. Where you pretend Trump has done something to piss off Putin. Like announcing new sanctions and then never actually imposing them. Shit like that.

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