Support Our Local Police


May 23, 2014
How many people out there on the US Message Board feel that our police protect and serve everyday ? How many of you feel the media coverage from Missouri has been biased? Support your local police.
How many people out there on the US Message Board feel that our police protect and serve everyday ? How many of you feel the media coverage from Missouri has been biased? Support your local police.

I live in Cary, North Carolina and the cops in my town are terrific.
To be a police officer, Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, man or women, is to put your life on the line everyday to protect the communities in which we live. It is all too easy, for reporters from New York City cable networks to criticize the split second reactions of an officer who stopped someone who had only minutes before committed a heinous act. Stand up for the everyday heroes of our law enforcement community by sounding off on this thread!
I agree that most cops are honest, hard working people.

But there ARE those who should not be allowed to wear a badge. There ARE those depts that do not maintain the right standards and allow rogue cops to get away with too much.

Just as we should not claim all cops are bad based on the actions of a few, we also should not simply heap praise on cops because they show up. The quality of their works makes all the difference.
You can do right and do so for the wrong reasons.
You can do right and do wrong.
To recognize the right done doesn't mean that one must be blind to the wrong.

The problems are what people want fixed, not the things that are being done correctly.
105 Police Officers were killed in the line of duty in 2013. 120 Members of the Military were killed in action in Afghanistan in 2013.
And 308 farmers and ranchers were killed on the job.

The police should be supported like everyone else. When the do right they get kudos, when they do wrong they get nailed.
and the officer that shot the robber Brown is innocent until proven guilty ! why are leftists so eager to convict a white cop ??

Because for more than 20 years they've been on a desperate hunt for the Great White Defendant (Bonfire of the Vanities) and after many hate crime hoaxes and false starts, the best that they could come up with was the "White Hispanic" Zimmerman.

It's an article of faith that White Oppressors are out there oppressing and harming blacks but every time they think they've got their prize their victory turns into embarrassing defeat.
BLACKS SLAUGHTER TWICE AS MANY WHITES EVERY YEAR. Yet, bitch about us doing them in? Why won't they focus on their own young men that kill 25 times as many.

Don't you think that's really the fault of white people though? I mean, we keep them poor and prevent them from getting jobs, so they are only trying to feed their families and the shootings were clearly accidents, don't you think?

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