Support for shit conservative government strategy tumbles as kids moved to the frontline

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Johnsons tone deaf strategy hits a bum note as it seems people dont want their kids to be guinea pigs. Conservatism in action.

Signs of disunity spread as a new opinion poll for the Observer showed approval ratings for the government over its handling of the crisis had plummeted since the prime minister dropped the “stay at home” message and eased restrictions a week ago.

In a further sign of discord, the mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, writing in today’s Observer, says no one thought to tell the leaders of the biggest towns and cities outside London in advance of the prime minister’s decision to encourage people to go back to work last Monday.

“In Greater Manchester, we had no real notice of the measures. On the eve of a new working week, the PM was on TV ‘actively encouraging’ a return to work. Even though that would clearly put more cars on roads and people on trams, no one in government thought it important to tell the cities who’d have to cope with that.”
Actually, you probably need to go back to work...

After all, you need to be able to afford to eat, and we're all tapped out after the Democrats' antics (so no help for you there)...
Its a no brainer.

Johnsons tone deaf strategy hits a bum note as it seems people dont want their kids to be guinea pigs.
I bet you would support using the children as Guinea pigs for any new vaccine that may be developed, then forced upon the population.

Thing I noticed here as all the kids were off school.
They all just gathered in their local neighborhood and spent time playing, as kids will be kids and socialize. Adults gathered in ever larger numbers filling big box retail beyond even the busiest Christmas shopping, to hoard products in fear of shortages. The shutdowns were a miserable joke lacking common sense, filled with contradictions, and denial of basic human social behavior.
Hey Tommy, I saw some kids in your neighborhood having a birthday party.

Better call the nazi line and report them!
You make a powerful argument. Detailed and backed up with facts. Better have a lie down and let your brain recover.
In the US, the percentage of children 17 and under getting it is .0000394. Guess all schools should continue to be closed, huh?
Hey Tommy, I saw some kids in your neighborhood having a birthday party.

Better call the nazi line and report them!
You make a powerful argument. Detailed and backed up with facts. Better have a lie down and let your brain recover.
Unlike your argument which is devoid of facts.

No one is experimenting with children and if in fact you did acquaint yourself with the facts, you'd see the school age children getting the C19 and dying approaches zero.

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