Sunset Social Security or wage world war


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
This a discussion we need to have, but the left/Democrats simply want to keep kicking the can down the street so they play politics with the future of America.

And the propagandists in the MSM play along with the left/Democrats.


Since the income tax began and funded the entitlements, government spending in this sector has risen over a hundredfold and now is the major item in our budgets. Our economy changed since 1950 from being free market to being government-directed because such a huge part of our economy consists of payments from D.C. A quick look at our budget shows that of our $4.8tn mandatory spending every year, $4tn of it comprises three programs -- Social Security, Medicare, and welfare -- and that this swelling has caused our inflation crisis by diluting our money supply since WW II.

Fast forward a few decades and we have $32tn in debt, almost all of it from entitlements. We can repay war loans but no one can stop the slow grinding advance of the free stuff from government, and a sensible observer will note that leftism has risen along with the entitlements. The more people who depend on the free stuff, the more people vote leftist, especially among the young.

Over the past half-century, America has systematically neglected its infrastructure to the point where, according to the WEF, another $12tn will be required to rebuild what has decayed while we were busy paying for FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s Great Society, the two programs that built up our entitlements state.

As a last Hail Mary, in 1965 our elected leaders decided to open the floodgates of immigration with the Ted Kennedy-sponsored Hart-Celler Act, figuring in the wisdom of a first semester MBA that if they brought in warm bodies, they could tax them and pay off the already rising debt for all the social programs promised to the generation that fought in WW II.

Europe did the same thing starting in the 2000s, but where is Europe now? In the UK, strikes have paralyzed industry as the political class slowly thinks the unthinkable, namely that they never could afford their socialized medicine system, the National Health Service (NHS), nor their generous welfare state and state-subsidized council housing. France is trying to raise the retirement age -- like the UK and Spain did -- in order to keep its entitlements funded. Germany is facing the fact that it cut costs so much it has no functional military. Even importing millions of new taxpayers did not stave off the coming bankruptcy and default of all the first-world governments, and Russia-China sees this as an opportunity to seize control.

The last time we had conditions like this, the Great Depression was raging because that income tax in 1913 led to rapid inflation which caused speculation to rage out of control, culminating in a stock market crash and run on the banks. America got out of that depression only by going to war, and humanity saw how world war makes big winners. Whoever wins gets to keep their economy while everyone else starves, as Europe did up through the 1960s.

You can complain about Republicans sunsetting Social Security, Medicare, and welfare if you want, but you are in effect voting for us to go to war. We are out of money and our obligations are piling up. We are headed for default.

Alternatively, we could “sunset” or stop future signups to these entitlements, then gradually pay them down and then pay down our debt once we eliminate the $4tn in socialist programs that weighs down our budget every year.

We could escape the programs that are wrecking our economy just like communism destroyed the Soviet Union, or follow the path to war. Do you want your kid to have low-quality expensive “free” healthcare, or die on the battlefields of a bankrupt Europe?

We have been putting off this collapse as long as possible but the time to pay the Piper draws nigh.

If only we could get the hooples to pay attention before they drag us all off the cliff to insolvency or into a devastating war with no winners.
Unfortunately, the hooples are just a herd of lemmings & rarely see the cliff until too late
Our forefathers back then told people that any free program becomes an alternative to the responsible way of doing things, so people shift their costs to the free program and soon demands expand toward infinity. Infinite demand leads to Soviet-style collapse

SS is not a 'free program'

You can complain about Republicans sunsetting Social Security, Medicare, and welfare if you want, but you are in effect voting for us to go to war.

This is nonsense. First of all, complaining about anything is not a vote to go to war, much less a world war. The person who wrote this is full of crap. Second, the vast majority of republicans do not support sunsetting the entitlement programs, and even if they did that does not translate into voting to go to fight a war. That is pure demaguery, otherwise known as bullshit. The idea that the US would start a war or enter one to save our economy is ludricrous, the only reason why it worked out after WWII was because the rest of the industrial world was utterly destroyed and America was the only economic power left. Nobody, and I mean absolutely NOBODY is going to vote to sunset the entitlement programs; that just is not going to happen.


Alternatively, we could “sunset” or stop future signups to these entitlements, then gradually pay them down and then pay down our debt once we eliminate the $4tn in socialist programs that weighs down our budget every year.

Or we could finally get our fiscal house in order in a reasonable and sensible fashion without sunsetting anything. But it does mean adjusting the age requirements and the tax rates and income limits for starters. But it's going to take a bipartisan agreement where both sides give up some political ground, the GOP will have to raise more revenue and the democrats are going to have to reduce/control spending. I won't be holding my breath waiting for any of that to happen.
Our forefathers back then told people that any free program becomes an alternative to the responsible way of doing things, so people shift their costs to the free program and soon demands expand toward infinity. Infinite demand leads to Soviet-style collapse

SS is not a 'free program'


Yes, for many it is as they get back what they put in and then a whole lot more.
You can complain about Republicans sunsetting Social Security, Medicare, and welfare if you want, but you are in effect voting for us to go to war.

This is nonsense. First of all, complaining about anything is not a vote to go to war, much less a world war. The person who wrote this is full of crap. Second, the vast majority of republicans do not support sunsetting the entitlement programs, and even if they did that does not translate into voting to go to fight a war. That is pure demaguery, otherwise known as bullshit. The idea that the US would start a war or enter one to save our economy is ludricrous, the only reason why it worked out after WWII was because the rest of the industrial world was utterly destroyed and America was the only economic power left. Nobody, and I mean absolutely NOBODY is going to vote to sunset the entitlement programs; that just is not going to happen.


Alternatively, we could “sunset” or stop future signups to these entitlements, then gradually pay them down and then pay down our debt once we eliminate the $4tn in socialist programs that weighs down our budget every year.

Or we could finally get our fiscal house in order in a reasonable and sensible fashion without sunsetting anything. But it does mean adjusting the age requirements and the tax rates and income limits for starters. But it's going to take a bipartisan agreement where both sides give up some political ground, the GOP will have to raise more revenue and the democrats are going to have to reduce/control spending. I won't be holding my breath waiting for any of that to happen.

You obviously are incapable of comprehending the OP. There's no getting our "fiscal house in order" with all the spending on social programs.

Revenue is NOT the problem as we already have record revenues.

Take every dollar from all the billionaires and how long will that last? Capiche?

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There's no getting our "fiscal house in order" with all the spending on social programs.
you see it as socialism?

that i get , it's hard to ignore the $31T explosion, but let's be honest in that most of it was given out during the pandemic printing press orgy in the last few years......

SS, always being a big piece of the pie, should not categorically qualify , as the worker ant is directly funding it. SS is more akin to a 401K or IRA, ergo not an 'entitlement'

You obviously are incapable of comprehending the OP. There's no getting our "fiscal house in order" with all the spending on social programs.

Revenue is NOT the problem as we already have record revenues.

Take every dollar from all the billionaires and how long will that last? Capiche?

I do not believe that either political party will gain complete control of the Congress and the White House, with a 60-vote majority in the Senate. So - if there is going to be something done about the debt/deficits and fixing the entitlement programs to make them fiscally feasible, it's going to have to be a compromise. The democrats are not going to sign onto any bill that is all spending cuts and no revenue increases, it is fantasy to think otherwise. Which means that the republicans are going to have to raise the limit for taxable income, raise the age for receiving benefits, raise the tax rate, or some combination thereof. I am aware that the problem is not revenue, but I am also aware that no solution will be found if more revenue isn't part of the deal.
This a discussion we need to have, but the left/Democrats simply want to keep kicking the can down the street so they play politics with the future of America.

And the propagandists in the MSM play along with the left/Democrats.

Since the income tax began and funded the entitlements, government spending in this sector has risen over a hundredfold and now is the major item in our budgets. Our economy changed since 1950 from being free market to being government-directed because such a huge part of our economy consists of payments from D.C. A quick look at our budget shows that of our $4.8tn mandatory spending every year, $4tn of it comprises three programs -- Social Security, Medicare, and welfare -- and that this swelling has caused our inflation crisis by diluting our money supply since WW II.
Fast forward a few decades and we have $32tn in debt, almost all of it from entitlements. We can repay war loans but no one can stop the slow grinding advance of the free stuff from government, and a sensible observer will note that leftism has risen along with the entitlements. The more people who depend on the free stuff, the more people vote leftist, especially among the young.
Over the past half-century, America has systematically neglected its infrastructure to the point where, according to the WEF, another $12tn will be required to rebuild what has decayed while we were busy paying for FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s Great Society, the two programs that built up our entitlements state.
As a last Hail Mary, in 1965 our elected leaders decided to open the floodgates of immigration with the Ted Kennedy-sponsored Hart-Celler Act, figuring in the wisdom of a first semester MBA that if they brought in warm bodies, they could tax them and pay off the already rising debt for all the social programs promised to the generation that fought in WW II.
Europe did the same thing starting in the 2000s, but where is Europe now? In the UK, strikes have paralyzed industry as the political class slowly thinks the unthinkable, namely that they never could afford their socialized medicine system, the National Health Service (NHS), nor their generous welfare state and state-subsidized council housing. France is trying to raise the retirement age -- like the UK and Spain did -- in order to keep its entitlements funded. Germany is facing the fact that it cut costs so much it has no functional military. Even importing millions of new taxpayers did not stave off the coming bankruptcy and default of all the first-world governments, and Russia-China sees this as an opportunity to seize control.
The last time we had conditions like this, the Great Depression was raging because that income tax in 1913 led to rapid inflation which caused speculation to rage out of control, culminating in a stock market crash and run on the banks. America got out of that depression only by going to war, and humanity saw how world war makes big winners. Whoever wins gets to keep their economy while everyone else starves, as Europe did up through the 1960s.
You can complain about Republicans sunsetting Social Security, Medicare, and welfare if you want, but you are in effect voting for us to go to war. We are out of money and our obligations are piling up. We are headed for default.
Alternatively, we could “sunset” or stop future signups to these entitlements, then gradually pay them down and then pay down our debt once we eliminate the $4tn in socialist programs that weighs down our budget every year.
We could escape the programs that are wrecking our economy just like communism destroyed the Soviet Union, or follow the path to war. Do you want your kid to have low-quality expensive “free” healthcare, or die on the battlefields of a bankrupt Europe?

It’s been paid for by hundreds of millions
We don’t sunset such things so that deadbeats and illegals can stay in Homeless Hotels.

If it’s not TDS then it’s “other peoples money” that lib loons are obsessed over

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