Sundowners Biden Thinks Virus Relief Checks Are Being Held Up Because Trump Wants To Physically Sign Them

Holy Shit! Just when you think this moron could lose another brain cell.

Does he really think Trump is sitting around signing checks to every American?

Hey Dimsocialists, PLEASE.....PLEASE...........Do Not get rid of this imbecile. Make him your nominee...........PLEASE! :abgg2q.jpg:
Pathetic how his handlers keep parading him out in public.

Perhaps Creepy Joe should give a broadcast explaining how Democrats basically SOLD most of America to Communist China, beginning with Bill Clinton and then continued by Barack Obama with Creepy Joe in there probably sniffing little Chinese girls hair or whatever. Thanks to the Democrats selling America out to China you rely on China to provide America with too many medical supplies, this is a dangerous situation to rely on China for something as important as the health of the American peoples.

Donald Trump has been encouraging more medical supplies to be produced within America, by American business, Donald Trump has not continued to sell America out to Communist China.
Holy Shit! Just when you think this moron could lose another brain cell.

Does he really think Trump is sitting around signing checks to every American?

Hey Dimsocialists, PLEASE.....PLEASE...........Do Not get rid of this imbecile. Make him your nominee...........PLEASE! :abgg2q.jpg:
I know it's not right to pick on the kids who ride the short bus but Joe makes himself such an open, willing and deserving target it's simply irresistible. Besides it's the Democrats fault for putting that poor fool out there in the first place.
Holy Shit! Just when you think this moron could lose another brain cell.

Does he really think Trump is sitting around signing checks to every American?

Hey Dimsocialists, PLEASE.....PLEASE...........Do Not get rid of this imbecile. Make him your nominee...........PLEASE! :abgg2q.jpg:
I know it's not right to pick on the kids who ride the short bus but Joe makes himself such an open, willing and deserving target it's simply irresistible. Besides it's the Democrats fault for putting that poor fool out there in the first place.
He is free game................despite the fact his handlers trying to keep him hid in his basement for the past month.
Holy Shit! Just when you think this moron could lose another brain cell.

Does he really think Trump is sitting around signing checks to every American?

Hey Dimsocialists, PLEASE.....PLEASE...........Do Not get rid of this imbecile. Make him your nominee...........PLEASE! :abgg2q.jpg:
I know it's not right to pick on the kids who ride the short bus but Joe makes himself such an open, willing and deserving target it's simply irresistible. Besides it's the Democrats fault for putting that poor fool out there in the first place.
He is free game................despite the fact his handlers trying to keep him hid in his basement for the past month.
I wonder will the presidential debates to be held after sundown. If so Joe's in big big trouble. Trump will simply eat him alive.
Some idiot reporter asked Trump this at the presser today.

Trump looks at him like he has a 2nd head growing out of his neck and says "there are MILLIONS of checks...NO I don't want to sign them"! :auiqs.jpg:
Actually the president did sign everyone of them the day he placed his signature on the bill
Plugs seems to be stuck in the 60's.... when it was almost expected to fingerfuck the occasional secretary or typist behind the kardex files....and sniff on the preteens at the community pool....

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