Subsidized Healthcare for Illegal Aliens Expands in California

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Subsidized Healthcare for Illegal Aliens Expands in California
This helps explain how California liberals were able to import enough foreigners to convert the Land of Ronald Reagan into the Land of Gavin Newsom:

Under the new law SB 104 California will offer government subsidized health benefits for undocumented immigrants under the age of 26.

Like most welfare programs, it starts with bleeding hearts bleating, “What about the children?” and soon leads to a general looting spree.

Previously only undocumented immigrant children could apply.

Newsom proudly crows that no other state is as suicidally generous toward foreign invaders who are in the country illegally. He promises them “an additional $450 a month in subsidies” complements of the politically marginalized Gringos they are supplanting.

Why would anyone stay in the Third World when they can get the best healthcare on earth, paid for by someone else, simply by crossing a border that Democrats see to it is left mostly undefended? Dropping lots of anchor babies reduces the already slim chance of being deported and adds exponentially to the welfare benefits.

California openly refuses to participate in the enforcement of immigration law. This leaves the federal government with three options, in descending order from reasonable to rubber room crazy: (1) evoke the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause and throw seditious kooks like Newsom and Libby Schaaf in federal prison if they do not stop obstructing law enforcement; (2) kick California out of the Union, thereby ridding the USA of about half of its homeless population; or (3) do nothing and wait for the entire country to turn into California, as an interim step before turning into Guatemala.

Naturally, Washington has opted for #3.

If the 2020 election goes poorly, the whole country will be California. All major Democrat presidential candidates promise to provide free healthcare for needy illegal aliens.

What they have done to California is only the beginning of what they plan nationwide. The floodgates will open the rest of the way; America will be rendered unrecognizable. We would have stood a better chance of coming back from a nuclear war.

On a tip from Bill589.

South and central americans suckin yas dry and bankrupting small hospitals are our shared values....or so say the leftwing nazis
Subsidized Healthcare for Illegal Aliens Expands in California
This helps explain how California liberals were able to import enough foreigners to convert the Land of Ronald Reagan into the Land of Gavin Newsom:

Under the new law SB 104 California will offer government subsidized health benefits for undocumented immigrants under the age of 26.

Like most welfare programs, it starts with bleeding hearts bleating, “What about the children?” and soon leads to a general looting spree.

Previously only undocumented immigrant children could apply.

Newsom proudly crows that no other state is as suicidally generous toward foreign invaders who are in the country illegally. He promises them “an additional $450 a month in subsidies” complements of the politically marginalized Gringos they are supplanting.

Why would anyone stay in the Third World when they can get the best healthcare on earth, paid for by someone else, simply by crossing a border that Democrats see to it is left mostly undefended? Dropping lots of anchor babies reduces the already slim chance of being deported and adds exponentially to the welfare benefits.

California openly refuses to participate in the enforcement of immigration law. This leaves the federal government with three options, in descending order from reasonable to rubber room crazy: (1) evoke the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause and throw seditious kooks like Newsom and Libby Schaaf in federal prison if they do not stop obstructing law enforcement; (2) kick California out of the Union, thereby ridding the USA of about half of its homeless population; or (3) do nothing and wait for the entire country to turn into California, as an interim step before turning into Guatemala.

Naturally, Washington has opted for #3.

If the 2020 election goes poorly, the whole country will be California. All major Democrat presidential candidates promise to provide free healthcare for needy illegal aliens.

What they have done to California is only the beginning of what they plan nationwide. The floodgates will open the rest of the way; America will be rendered unrecognizable. We would have stood a better chance of coming back from a nuclear war.

On a tip from Bill589.

South and central americans suckin yas dry and bankrupting small hospitals are our shared values....or so say the leftwing nazis
there are half of a billion people south of the border....hope that CA has enough taxpayers
Typical Demtards. Don’t worry about citizens who don’t have healthcare but worry about illegals. Typical. Cally slips further down as the shithole of the US.

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