Stupid kids need supervision.

Iowa Students Disciplined After Wearing Hoods, Burning Cross

I can understand why white people are pissed off and sick of the blatant racism of BLM, La Raza, CAIR, MALDEF and the terrorism of the SPLC and other democrook character assassins but they're not promoting good publicity dressing up as ANTIFA's grand parents.


Did you just blame the Klan on BLM?


Holy shit!

Your tard just keeps deeper and deeper!
You know, I understand why people are pissed off at the federal government bailing out the states. If the feds would just stop doing that, we wouldn't be having all these damn hurricanes!

The same is true of the KKK. If we didn't have BLM, we wouldn't have these cute KKK kids and their antics.

Don't you just love TardLogic™?
If we didn't have anti-fascists, there'd be no fascists!

Maybe we better do away with anti-communism to Make America Great Again!
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The left is entirely responsible for the resurgeance of the KKK and the nazi play actors.

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