Stunt ... 2022

You really need attention. You have expanded the strike zone from something that I am not all that interested in discussing with you, if you cannot stay focused on the subject. I was hoping to discuss this with the OP.
How apropos ... ALL. This is what We the People are confronted with
each and every day.This abject stewed prunes Leftist objective.
I,as in Me,me,me,me ... Me am the Originator of this OP { Thread }.
And that You ... are the one that would like nothing more than to do as
leftists doo doo.To reinvent ways to change the topic for political
expediency.If you are SO Disinterested inclined than why bother to
reply.But that reguire yuz to reply like a sane human.
I literally hate Biden but, I digress from the 'right wing' on this one. Prohibition has proven to have been a failure. Illegal drugs have unknown ingredients which is causing unneeded deaths. Marijuana is a plant that anyone can grow, no need to give the criminal cartels an advantage to make billions on that either. Making Heroin illegal has led to synthetic opioid deaths and now fentanyl (a super strong opioid) deaths. Coca leaves have been in use for eons in South America. Legalizing them would most likely shunt the cocaine (concentrated coca) market.
Don’t know? Didn’t think so.
I'm done with you.You're not even capable of replying in a
mature manner with specifics.You're lazy.And clueless.
Basically a dime a dozen Leftist.
I'm done with you.You're not even capable of replying in a
mature manner with specifics.You're lazy.And clueless.
Basically a dime a dozen Leftist.
And you’re stupid and could use a refresher course in English. My eight year old grandnephew can do a better job.

Besides you put the thread in ‘Satire’, so f-you, if you can’t take a joke. You chose the forum, genius! :auiqs.jpg:
Attention All Ladies & Gents.Especially you Potheads.
Our Commander-in-Chief has just announced a Pardon
{ Um ... Pardon me ? } for all those convicted of simple Pot
Possession.Lets hear it Folks.Free Popcorn and peanuts { in the shell }
for everyone.Pot will now be on sale at the Big Tent ticket stand.
Don't wait.Supplies will not last.
Nor will Potus Joe.Whose next Stunt is to offer free nickle bags of
Pot to those early bird voters in select Blue state cities.
No need to apply.Just show up and take advantage.
Biden Advantage Early Bird Voter Special.
Does that include my 'I VOTED TODAY' crack rock?