Stunning recent Covid stats in layman’s terms


Diamond Member
Apr 13, 2017
From Worldometer on Monday
794,000 tests with 38,500 positive or 4.8%. 0.64% of All positives serious or critical.

What this means is you would have to be in a room of 2800 unmasked people and be unmasked yourself and come into contact with every single one to definitely assure that you would catch it and be in life threatening serious to critical condition. You would have to encounter 21 in same manner people to catch it at all, 99.4% probability of benign to unknowing.
Of the 2800 encounters necessary to produce One serious to critical condition, 140 of all those 2800 all contacting each other will contract Covid and One will be in serious to critical condition and most likely die
I’ll take my chances and every single other American should be able to also
That is not how the math works ??
You could be in a room with 1 person and get it .
Most likely you will be fine in days
That is not how the math works ??
You could be in a room with 1 person and get it .
Most likely you will be fine in days
If you are in contact with one person only you have a 4.8% chance of testing positive. 1 in 21
21 necessary to make it highly probable
2800 needed to likely die
You could test positive and have zero symptoms
That is not how the math works ??
You could be in a room with 1 person and get it .
Most likely you will be fine in days
If you are in contact with one person only you have a 4.8% chance of testing positive. 1 in 21
21 necessary to make it highly probable
2800 needed to likely die
You could test positive and have zero symptoms

Or come down with symptoms, be sick for weeks, maybe die and probably have lasting effects for the rest of your life.
Honest to Jesus, the stupid is just mind boggling. :)
That is not how the math works ??
You could be in a room with 1 person and get it .
Most likely you will be fine in days
Or you could be dead.

Yeah, and I could cross the street safely, or I could get hit by a car and die.

Noticeably, the possibility of getting hit by a car and dying doesn't stop me from going outside and crossing streets.

Have you always been such a pansy?
Now cash is out
Used to be you could get in trouble trying to take cash from 7-11, now it’s trouble to give cash to them
That is not how the math works ??
You could be in a room with 1 person and get it .
Most likely you will be fine in days
If you are in contact with one person only you have a 4.8% chance of testing positive. 1 in 21
21 necessary to make it highly probable
2800 needed to likely die
You could test positive and have zero symptoms

Or come down with symptoms, be sick for weeks, maybe die and probably have lasting effects for the rest of your life.
Honest to Jesus, the stupid is just mind boggling. :)
Life's tough, shit happens, wear a fucking helmet.
That is not how the math works ??
You could be in a room with 1 person and get it .
Most likely you will be fine in days
If you are in contact with one person only you have a 4.8% chance of testing positive. 1 in 21
21 necessary to make it highly probable
2800 needed to likely die
You could test positive and have zero symptoms

Or come down with symptoms, be sick for weeks, maybe die and probably have lasting effects for the rest of your life.
Honest to Jesus, the stupid is just mind boggling. :)
Life's tough, shit happens, wear a fucking helmet.
Most are scared of and defeated by life and they want to make everybody that way.
Elevation by bringing down
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That is not how the math works ??
You could be in a room with 1 person and get it .
Most likely you will be fine in days
Or you could be dead.

Yeah, and I could cross the street safely, or I could get hit by a car and die.

Noticeably, the possibility of getting hit by a car and dying doesn't stop me from going outside and crossing streets.

Have you always been such a pansy?
I still go to my mma class when I can
Yes , I can’t stop everything for a minor virus
That is not how the math works ??
You could be in a room with 1 person and get it .
Most likely you will be fine in days
If you are in contact with one person only you have a 4.8% chance of testing positive. 1 in 21
21 necessary to make it highly probable
2800 needed to likely die
You could test positive and have zero symptoms

Or come down with symptoms, be sick for weeks, maybe die and probably have lasting effects for the rest of your life.
Honest to Jesus, the stupid is just mind boggling. :)
If you want to hide in your basement because you're afraid of the flu, ve my guest. Just don't fuck with me.
Have you always been such a pansy?
I have been working every single day since this thing started, dumbass.
I'm not a pansy, but I have something you will never have.
Common sense.

No, you're a fucking pansy, and trying to convince yourself that your cowardice is "common sense".

So you've been working. Big deal. So have a lot of people, including me. Are you looking for a fucking medal for your "courage" in doing what the rest of us are doing, simply because you're whining about how "dangerous" it is the whole way through?

I hate to break it to your desperate attempts to feel good about yourself, but you really, really shouldn't.
Have you always been such a pansy?
I have been working every single day since this thing started, dumbass.
I'm not a pansy, but I have something you will never have.
Common sense.
And friends.

In her case, if she dies and nobody she really dead?

Please don't try to project your own lack of value onto others. It really is just because you're you, and you really should just go ahead and hate yourself for being you.

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