Stumblin' Joe (music: Ramblin' Rose)

A nimble 20-year old could trip the way Joe did going up steps too fast. Anyhow, balance problems aren't always neurological. Glaucoma, an eye problem can and does cause imbalance problems as does other eye problems.
Or a full Depends could throw his balance off.
It's really pathetic how desperate you people are.
And what you people goofus?
You, meaning you, belong to a distinctive cult of warped thinking individuals with common negative traits of low moral character, absence of ethical values, and a propensity for lying.
Awww sounds like Mr. Sheeple needs a Midol and a Depends change. Its okay Pinochijoe won't last long.
A nimble 20-year old could trip the way Joe did going up steps too fast. Anyhow, balance problems aren't always neurological. Glaucoma, an eye problem can and does cause imbalance problems as does other eye problems.
Or a full Depends could throw his balance off.
It's really pathetic how desperate you people are.
And what you people goofus?
You, meaning you, belong to a distinctive cult of warped thinking individuals with common negative traits of low moral character, absence of ethical values, and a propensity for lying.
Lol, after what you loons said about Trump we cannot go any further down on moral character as y'all did.
A nimble 20-year old could trip the way Joe did going up steps too fast. Anyhow, balance problems aren't always neurological. Glaucoma, an eye problem can and does cause imbalance problems as does other eye problems.
Or a full Depends could throw his balance off.
It's really pathetic how desperate you people are.
And what you people goofus?
You, meaning you, belong to a distinctive cult of warped thinking individuals with common negative traits of low moral character, absence of ethical values, and a propensity for lying.
Lol, after what you loons said about Trump we cannot go any further down on moral character as y'all did.
Camp is at the bottom rung of character of any kind.

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