Students Choose a Patriotic Theme For Dance…So Their School Cancels It Because It’s ‘Offensive’

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Once again the very people who for decades have clamored for people to be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin are the very ones who seek to divide and segregate. Every single kid at that school is an American and therefore an American Pride themed dance is very much inclusive of every single child at that school. It shows just how racist and bigoted the administration is when they look at brown children and see them as something less than American.

Students Choose a Patriotic Theme For Dance So Their School Cancels It Because It s Offensive
I saw this and my first thought was "No cinco de mayo" celebrations allowed in schools this May. You wanna dance? Let's dance
How dumb. Those school officials are being silly and oversensitive.
A high school has outraged students and their parents alike by refusing to allow kids to perform a dance routine titled “American Pride.”
School BANS American Pride Dance for Being Too American And You Won t Believe Where Top Right News
Why? Because it is “too American” and thus “insensitive” to other nations.

And the school that just did this is in Lexington, Massachusetts — the very birthplace of the American Revolution, where the very first battle for American independence was fought.
Well, only i think that it's direct discrimination of all American people?
When people forget about their history, not because of their stupidity, but because they don't wanna hurt somebody...
How pride and history of country can be "insensitive"... Maybe you can tell me?
A high school has outraged students and their parents alike by refusing to allow kids to perform a dance routine titled “American Pride.”
School BANS American Pride Dance for Being Too American And You Won t Believe Where Top Right News
Why? Because it is “too American” and thus “insensitive” to other nations.

And the school that just did this is in Lexington, Massachusetts — the very birthplace of the American Revolution, where the very first battle for American independence was fought.
Well, only i think that it's direct discrimination of all American people?
When people forget about their history, not because of their stupidity, but because they don't wanna hurt somebody...
How pride and history of country can be "insensitive"... Maybe you can tell me?
I'm all for diversity and such but this doesnt make sense. People in Mexico dont have a problem with having a Mexican Pride event. Now if this was more of a white pride routine I could understand.
Seems like the administration didnt talk to the students.

“Given the diverse demography of our community it was suggested by the advisers that the students come maybe national pride theme so they could represent their individual nationalities,” Assistant Superintendent Carol Pilarski said.

People consider America to be a melting pot, so the fact that it was even considered offensive is what people are a little surprised about,” said student Sneha Rao.
A high school has outraged students and their parents alike by refusing to allow kids to perform a dance routine titled “American Pride.”
School BANS American Pride Dance for Being Too American And You Won t Believe Where Top Right News
Why? Because it is “too American” and thus “insensitive” to other nations.

And the school that just did this is in Lexington, Massachusetts — the very birthplace of the American Revolution, where the very first battle for American independence was fought.
Well, only i think that it's direct discrimination of all American people?
When people forget about their history, not because of their stupidity, but because they don't wanna hurt somebody...
How pride and history of country can be "insensitive"... Maybe you can tell me?
Well, I've said it, written about it, and firmly believe it, "This once great nation is going to hell in a hand basket, rapidly". This story is nothing short of pathetic. America had better wake up, and fast. When we can't celebrate who we are, and what we stand for as a people, and as a nation, it speaks to the sad shameful state this country has fallen into. How could we have allowed this once great nation to fall into the depths of anti-Americanism, anti-heritage, anti-founding principles, and anti-free people? Are we cowards, and mere sheep bowing to the suppressors and oppressors? Are we surrendering to the lords of dictatorship and absolute rule?

Please hear me people, and listen with attentive ears and moral hearts. What is happening in this country is not right. What we're seeing and experiencing is a destructive process, engineered and conducted by those working towards a one-world order, and one-world rule. The steps are obvious, and the intent can't be misread as anything other than world-wide political correctness to guard against offended those that hate us, and wish to see us knocked down to their level of savagery and immoral social hatred. Our enemies are pushing views and beliefs that counter everything we know to be sacred, honorable, moral, ethical, and civil. We offend those that are jealous of our founding principles which have guided us for over 200 years. We offend their religion, their treatment of women and children, and likewise offend their judgment of what humane and social acceptance should look like.

We represent social progress, citizens engaged in a governing body that legislates how we conduct ourselves as a nation, as a people, and as a society of one. If we fear offending those that have no conscience, no moral standing to live by, and those that believe in silencing difference, then we've become one of them. If we deny our past, fear celebrating our heritage, and wither when asked to comply with anti-American political correctness, then we've lost our identity and American souls. If that be the case, then shame on everyone of us.

It's my hope and prayer that we , as a people, as a nation, and as an advanced society of humanity and moral conscience, push back against authority that demands that we not offend those acting as our enemy and as hopeful suppressors. We've come a long way in the past 240 years. Why dismiss the sacrifices that enabled us to reach this era of advanced social existence? I find it hard to believe that we've finally surrendered all that we hold dear and sacred, sacrificed for, and achieved through the collective efforts of a people determined to be free of oppression and absolute rule. Let us not wake up tomorrow and regret the choices we made today. Instead, let us make more defined the path to the future, as we've done many times in the past. Celebrating our heritage is as much a right as it is a privilege, and none of us should ever deny ourselves that joy.
A high school has outraged students and their parents alike by refusing to allow kids to perform a dance routine titled “American Pride.”
School BANS American Pride Dance for Being Too American And You Won t Believe Where Top Right News
Why? Because it is “too American” and thus “insensitive” to other nations.

And the school that just did this is in Lexington, Massachusetts — the very birthplace of the American Revolution, where the very first battle for American independence was fought.
Well, only i think that it's direct discrimination of all American people?
When people forget about their history, not because of their stupidity, but because they don't wanna hurt somebody...
How pride and history of country can be "insensitive"... Maybe you can tell me?
I'm all for diversity and such but this doesnt make sense. People in Mexico dont have a problem with having a Mexican Pride event. Now if this was more of a white pride routine I could understand.

That's because Mexicans are not self-loathing like white liberals, which is what mostly makes up the state of Massachusetts.

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