Student punished for not saying mexican pledge of allegiance TX classroom

Can you imagine the collective liberal hissyfit if a teacher made their students sing Hatikvah in class?
Texas Teen Suing School District After She Was Punished for Not Reciting Mexican National Anthem in Class |

She had an alternative assignment to do if she did not want to do the primary assignment, an essay, which she failed.

Leave it to Fakey to buy the PC bullshit. You must not have read the whole article Fakey, her failing grade was changed after the shit hit the fan. This is the kind of shit we can expect when we allow the Reconquista Mexican Nationalists to overrun our borders and our cities.
Reporting the actual story is "bullshit"? Really?

Did she have an alternative assignment? Did she fail it? Is that bullshit?

Or are you simply upset that your silliness fell apart so quickly?
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Reporting the actual story is "bullshit"? Really?

Did she have an alternative assignment? Did she fail it? Is that bullshit?

Or are you simply upset that your silliness felll apart so quickly?

Give you are a leftie you most likely hate Israel. If a teacher had required students to sing Hatikvah, woudl you be satisfied if they had the option of an alternative assignment instead? That would make singing Hatikvah fine, right?
I am no more a lefty than you are an example of sanity.

I have no idea what "Hatikvah" is, but if it is controversial, then an alternative assignment should be made available.

What are you upset about?
As an alternative task to reciting the pledge and anthem, she was assigned an essay on the history of the Mexican revolution — an assignment for which she received a failing grade.

According to the lawsuit, filed in federal court Wednesday, Brinsdon was not allowed to return to the Spanish class after her story received media coverage. She was made to sit in the office each day instead of attend class and ultimately failed the course.

She is suing the McAllen Independent School District, principal Yvette Cavazos and teacher Reyna Santos for violating her constitutional right to freedom of speech and equal protection under the law — according to the suit, the district has a policy to excuse students from saying the American pledge of allegiance if they object, but not if they oppose pledging to another country.
Even The Blaze undermines its own spin and distortion.

There is no First Amendment issue because she was given the alternative assignment, which is perfectly appropriate in the context of a Spanish class; the Equal Protection Clause violation claim fails for the same reason, as all the students were given the same assignment, as well as the same alternative assignment.

One can not claim a civil rights violation when she fails a class as a consequence of her own inaction.

This is yet another failed attempt by the right to contrive a controversy where none exists.
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Reporting the actual story is "bullshit"? Really?

Did she have an alternative assignment? Did she fail it? Is that bullshit?

Or are you simply upset that your silliness fell apart so quickly?

No jackass, she didn't fail it. That's why her grade was changed, dumbfuck. The Mexican Nationalist teacher got her ass handed to her. They should ship THAT bitch back to Chiapas somewhere...
As an alternative task to reciting the pledge and anthem, she was assigned an essay on the history of the Mexican revolution — an assignment for which she received a failing grade.

According to the lawsuit, filed in federal court Wednesday, Brinsdon was not allowed to return to the Spanish class after her story received media coverage. She was made to sit in the office each day instead of attend class and ultimately failed the course.

She is suing the McAllen Independent School District, principal Yvette Cavazos and teacher Reyna Santos for violating her constitutional right to freedom of speech and equal protection under the law — according to the suit, the district has a policy to excuse students from saying the American pledge of allegiance if they object, but not if they oppose pledging to another country.
Even The Blaze undermines its own spin and distortion.

There is no First Amendment issue because she was given the alternative assignment, which is perfectly appropriate in the context of a Spanish class; the Equal Protection Clause violation claim fails for the same reason, as all the students were given the same assignment, as well as the same alternative assignment.

One can not claim a civil rights violation when she fails a class as a consequence of her own inaction.

This is yet another failed attempt by the right to contrive a controversy where none exists.

Wait a fucking minute, Clayton. The girl was not allowed back into the class even though she COMPLETED the 'alternate assignment', and due to her 'non-participation' in that class she was failed. She requested to be allowed back into the class and was arbitrarily DENIED, which is why the administration was forced to change her grade.

Tell me something, Mr. Constitutionalist, are you 'all good' with this bullshit?
Reporting the actual story is "bullshit"? Really?

Did she have an alternative assignment? Did she fail it? Is that bullshit?

Or are you simply upset that your silliness fell apart so quickly?

No jackass, she didn't fail it. That's why her grade was changed, dumbfuck. The Mexican Nationalist teacher got her ass handed to her. They should ship THAT bitch back to Chiapas somewhere...

The news report said the student had an alternative assignment and failed it.

And, no, the teacher did not get disciplined.

You, however, should be for your lying and seeming stupidity.
As an alternative task to reciting the pledge and anthem, she was assigned an essay on the history of the Mexican revolution — an assignment for which she received a failing grade.

According to the lawsuit, filed in federal court Wednesday, Brinsdon was not allowed to return to the Spanish class after her story received media coverage. She was made to sit in the office each day instead of attend class and ultimately failed the course.

She is suing the McAllen Independent School District, principal Yvette Cavazos and teacher Reyna Santos for violating her constitutional right to freedom of speech and equal protection under the law — according to the suit, the district has a policy to excuse students from saying the American pledge of allegiance if they object, but not if they oppose pledging to another country.
Even The Blaze undermines its own spin and distortion.

There is no First Amendment issue because she was given the alternative assignment, which is perfectly appropriate in the context of a Spanish class; the Equal Protection Clause violation claim fails for the same reason, as all the students were given the same assignment, as well as the same alternative assignment.

One can not claim a civil rights violation when she fails a class as a consequence of her own inaction.

This is yet another failed attempt by the right to contrive a controversy where none exists.

Wait a fucking minute, Clayton. The girl was not allowed back into the class even though she COMPLETED the 'alternate assignment', and due to her 'non-participation' in that class she was failed. She requested to be allowed back into the class and was arbitrarily DENIED, which is why the administration was forced to change her grade.

Tell me something, Mr. Constitutionalist, are you 'all good' with this bullshit?

She failed the alternate essay, kid. No, she should not have been let back in the class without an apology for being such a dipshit. She should apologize for her parents who failed to instruct her better about her responsibility.

This is nothing more than reactionary nonsense that will not fly in the GOP anymore.
So you would be fine with an alternative assignment for a student who refused to sing the israeli national anthem in class?
As an alternative task to reciting the pledge and anthem, she was assigned an essay on the history of the Mexican revolution — an assignment for which she received a failing grade.

According to the lawsuit, filed in federal court Wednesday, Brinsdon was not allowed to return to the Spanish class after her story received media coverage. She was made to sit in the office each day instead of attend class and ultimately failed the course.

She is suing the McAllen Independent School District, principal Yvette Cavazos and teacher Reyna Santos for violating her constitutional right to freedom of speech and equal protection under the law — according to the suit, the district has a policy to excuse students from saying the American pledge of allegiance if they object, but not if they oppose pledging to another country.
Even The Blaze undermines its own spin and distortion.

There is no First Amendment issue because she was given the alternative assignment, which is perfectly appropriate in the context of a Spanish class; the Equal Protection Clause violation claim fails for the same reason, as all the students were given the same assignment, as well as the same alternative assignment.

One can not claim a civil rights violation when she fails a class as a consequence of her own inaction.

This is yet another failed attempt by the right to contrive a controversy where none exists.

Wait a fucking minute, Clayton. The girl was not allowed back into the class even though she COMPLETED the 'alternate assignment', and due to her 'non-participation' in that class she was failed. She requested to be allowed back into the class and was arbitrarily DENIED, which is why the administration was forced to change her grade.

Tell me something, Mr. Constitutionalist, are you 'all good' with this bullshit?

The article states she received a failing grade with regard to the alternative assignment, not because of her race, sexual orientation, gender, or ethnicity, consequently this has nothing to do with an equal protection violation.

She wasn’t penalized for refusing to say the pledge.

The student failed the course because she was not allowed back into class, in the context of school disciplinary policy – again, having noting to do with her race, sexual orientation, gender, or ethnicity.

As for the First Amendment claim, the district’s policy to excuse students from saying the pledge of allegiance if they object was administered consistently as the student was not compelled to ‘pledge’ to another country, hence the alternative assignment.
Even The Blaze undermines its own spin and distortion.

There is no First Amendment issue because she was given the alternative assignment, which is perfectly appropriate in the context of a Spanish class; the Equal Protection Clause violation claim fails for the same reason, as all the students were given the same assignment, as well as the same alternative assignment.

One can not claim a civil rights violation when she fails a class as a consequence of her own inaction.

This is yet another failed attempt by the right to contrive a controversy where none exists.

Wait a fucking minute, Clayton. The girl was not allowed back into the class even though she COMPLETED the 'alternate assignment', and due to her 'non-participation' in that class she was failed. She requested to be allowed back into the class and was arbitrarily DENIED, which is why the administration was forced to change her grade.

Tell me something, Mr. Constitutionalist, are you 'all good' with this bullshit?

She failed the alternate essay, kid. No, she should not have been let back in the class without an apology for being such a dipshit. She should apologize for her parents who failed to instruct her better about her responsibility.

This is nothing more than reactionary nonsense that will not fly in the GOP anymore.

An apology for refusing to sat the MEXICAN pledge??

Here's your apology, bitch! KISS MY ASS!! This is fucking AMERICA, we don't pledge to a different country!!

YOU should fucking apologize, you putrid excuse for an American!
Even The Blaze undermines its own spin and distortion.

There is no First Amendment issue because she was given the alternative assignment, which is perfectly appropriate in the context of a Spanish class; the Equal Protection Clause violation claim fails for the same reason, as all the students were given the same assignment, as well as the same alternative assignment.

One can not claim a civil rights violation when she fails a class as a consequence of her own inaction.

This is yet another failed attempt by the right to contrive a controversy where none exists.

Wait a fucking minute, Clayton. The girl was not allowed back into the class even though she COMPLETED the 'alternate assignment', and due to her 'non-participation' in that class she was failed. She requested to be allowed back into the class and was arbitrarily DENIED, which is why the administration was forced to change her grade.

Tell me something, Mr. Constitutionalist, are you 'all good' with this bullshit?

The article states she received a failing grade with regard to the alternative assignment, not because of her race, sexual orientation, gender, or ethnicity, consequently this has nothing to do with an equal protection violation.

She wasn’t penalized for refusing to say the pledge.

The student failed the course because she was not allowed back into class, in the context of school disciplinary policy – again, having noting to do with her race, sexual orientation, gender, or ethnicity.

As for the First Amendment claim, the district’s policy to excuse students from saying the pledge of allegiance if they object was administered consistently as the student was not compelled to ‘pledge’ to another country, hence the alternative assignment.

I will bet you dollars to dog turds she failed the 'alternative' assignment SOLELY because of the vindictiveness of her Reconquista teacher. THAT is why her grade was changed to passing AFTER THE FACT.

Imagine how mad that bitch teacher was, a Hispanic girl refusing to pledge allegiance to Mexico. I'll bet they had to MEDICATE her.
Why is any school in tge US requiring or assigning students to recite the pledge of allegiance for another country? What a stupid fucking assignment that accomplishes nothing. Focus on teaching US students to read, write, and think Critically. Think the Chinese are requiring their students to recite something out of North Korea? The McAllen School District ought to shelf the lesson plan from La Raza.
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