Striding With The Reverend


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
“Al Sharpton's $1 million compensation
Al Sharpton drew $1,046,948 in compensation in 2018, a fourfold rise since the Black Lives Matter movement started and well above executives at similar organizations.”

Mephistopheles takes care of his own.

It simply doesn’t seem that difficult to identify evil. And, once so identified, even simpler to part ways with those who represent evil and advance hate, and are examples of those elements that are destructive of our civilization.

1.Arguably, the Reverend Al Sharpton, from his start, represented evil. Yet he was invited to the Obama White House dozens of times by the architect of the anti-police, anti-white riots, Hussein Obama, who famously encouraged the rioters in Ferguson to continue: “Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson. According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating.” In Ferguson, Tactics Set for Grand Jury Decision in Michael Brown Case

2. “During the Obama presidency, Sharpton was welcomed in the White House more than 100 times.”
For Democrats, all paths to the White House run through the House of Sharpton

Obama and Sharpton…One wonders which one was directing the other. In 2014, Giuliani made the point: “…Obama’s anti-police rhetoric is through his association with the Rev. Al Sharpton,…”

3.While, on the other side…Trump’s well-known ability to say what so many others are thinking, brought the Reverend Al into the discussion when the President did what no other Republican would do…..hit back when Congressman Elijah Cummings made comments that offended Trump, and he correctly pointed out that Cummings did nothing to help the citizens of Baltimore, his district.

As the left raged at Trump for exposing the failed governance of Elijah Cummings, Trump decided to pour gasoline on the fire: “Baltimore, under the leadership of Elijah Cummings, has the worst Crime Statistics in the Nation,” Trump tweeted. “25 years of all talk, no action! So tired of listening to the same old Bull. . . . Next, Reverend Al will show up to complain & protest. Nothing will get done for the people in need. Sad!” Horowitz, “Blitz”

Sharpton said Trump “has a particular venom for blacks…”

Sharpton’s slanders drew a blistering response from Trump, who had no thought of backing down: ““Al is a con man, a troublemaker, always looking for a score. Just doing his thing. Must have intimidated Comcast/NBC,” he added. “Hates Whites & Cops!” Trump rips Al Sharpton amid controversy over Baltimore comments: 'Hates Whites & Cops!'

Look at the Democrat inspired attacks on our society, particularly police, and one need look no further for the personification of this malevolence, than the Reverend Al, and any with whom he is associated.

The democrats are ALWAYS the first ones to start throwing out the INSULTS and SLANDER, most of the time, UNPROVOKED.

And what's even more apparent is, they can dish it out, but they CAN'T TAKE IT. When they attack you, you're supposed to cower in the corner with your tail between your legs and STFU. Don't you DARE TALK BACK and DISAGREE with them or ridicule them back. That's just NOT ALLOWED.

Bull shit.

What the democrats ultimately FAIL to understand is, Trump FIGHTS BACK, he doesn't take it, he doesn't play by the radical vile caustic democrats rules, and that's why he's so WILDLY POPULAR with his BASE. We FINALLY have a president that FIGHTS BACK, AND WE ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. We also know that simply ENRAGES the democrats, but to us Trump supporters, that's just icing on the cake... :lol:
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I think Al Sharpton is one of the best examples out there of the truth of the slogan "Black Lives Matter".

If he was White, he would have likely gotten the Lethal Injection years ago. At the very least, he would be rotting in prison. The consummate grifter---and he grifts off the backs of the very community he claims to represent. Surely one of Satan's favorite slaves. Lets hope he fills up the full measure of his inequities very soon---and is called home.

Not only Blacks, but Democrats, get away with things others don't. A correction has to be coming.
4. “Conservatives on Twitter dug up a 1992 video of Sharpton standing with Rev. Louis Farrakhan, famous for calling Jews "termites." Sharpton screamed in the video: "I believe in offing the pigs. Well they got pigs out here. You ain't offed one of them!"
Brent Bozell: Trump Exposes Democrat Attachment to Sharpton

And today we see that screed in our streets.

5. Another video from 1994 surfaced in which Sharpton raved: “White folks was in the caves while we [blacks] was building empires. . . . We built pyramids before Donald Trump ever knew what architecture was. . . . We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”Ibid.

What better adviser could Obama have picked than this oaf.

6. How did Con Man Al develop such gravitas?

“… President Barack Obama. Before 2008, Mr. Sharpton had largely remained at the fringe of the Democratic Party. That changed because of Mr. Obama’s candidacy. Mr. Obama was catching flak from his left among African-Americans unhappy about his relative moderation on race-related policies, including his disavowal of his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. The candidate needed a black “leader” to defend him and deflect criticism. One was found in Mr. Sharpton, who was cultivated by Mr. Obama’s closest aide, Valerie Jarrett…. this has left the Democrats joined at the hip with an exemplar of failed black leadership.

In short order, Mr. Sharpton became a political kingmaker.”
7. Some see the evil for what it is, and a description was provided by Professor Glenn Loury, an African American, anti-Trump Democrat. In a New York Times op-ed column, Loury asked, “Why Are Democrats Defending Sharpton? They handed Trump an easy win and yoked themselves to a genuine bigot.”

The problem for Democrats is that Al Sharpton actually is, as Mr. Trump put it on Twitter, “a con man.” And not just a con man: Mr. Sharpton is an ambulance-chasing, anti-Semitic, anti-white race hustler. His history of offensive statements is longer than the current American president’s. And Mr. Sharpton’s worst sin — his blatant incitement to violence during the Crown Heights riots of 1991 — leaves no doubt that he is not a leader, as New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio described him, who has spent his years “pushing for justice in the teachings of Dr. King.”
Opinion | Why Are Democrats Defending Al Sharpton?

But Sharpton is the quintessential Democrat.
Biden should select him as his VP.....put him in a dress.
6. Sharpton had become a national figure in 1987 as a racial demagogue championing the false claims of a disturbed teenager named Tawana Brawley, who accused four white men including two law-enforcement officials of raping her, smearing her body with feces, and writing racial slurs on her belly. The story was soon exposed by a grand jury as a lie—Brawley invented the story to avoid being beaten by her father for staying out late. But this didn’t deter Sharp- ton from pursuing the men Brawley had libeled, harassing them for six years as rapists and racists. Prosecutor Steven Pagones, whose life fell apart under Sharpton’s malicious attacks, sued his assailant for libel. Pagones was awarded a $65,000 judgment, but Sharpton never paid the restitution or apologized.

In 1991 Sharpton incited three days of anti-Jewish riots in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn after a seven-year-old black child named Gavin Cato was accidently run over by the motorcade of a Hasidic rabbi. In retaliation, a mob of young blacks stabbed a twenty-nine-year-old rabbinic student named Yankel Rosenbaum to death. Sharpton harangued the crowd that gathered for Gavin Cato’s funeral referring to the orthodox Jewish community as “diamond merchants.”
Horowitz, “Blitz”

This evil individual is the embodiment of the Democrats today:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
7. “Every Democrat 2020 candidate for president attended the annual convention of Sharpton’s National Action Network in 2019 to kiss the kingmaker’s ring and deliver fulsome praise to the racial demagogue:
“The problem for Democrats,” observed Professor Loury, “is that Al Sharpton actually is, as Mr. Trump put it on Twitter, ‘a con man.’

The Democrats’ embrace of Sharpton and his racist anti-Trump rhetoric reflected a dramatic change in the civil rights movement. No longer was the movement about equality and basic human rights, as it was in Martin Luther King’s day. By aligning themselves with a repellent figure like Sharpton and a corrupt black leader like Cummings, progressive Democrats had clearly shown that their goal was just political power—not justice, not fairness, not equal rights.

…the progressive search for demons no matter the facts or circumstances is rooted in a need to see themselves as saviors of people so “oppressed” they are unable to lift themselves up. A corollary of this ideology, which is known as “identity politics” is that to criticize individuals who are members of an “oppressed” group, even powerful members like Elijah Cummings, is to become an accomplice to their oppression. …—racist.”

Horowitz, “Blitz”

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