Stranger Things is a series available on Netflix set in the 1980s in the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana. It focuses on a group of teens who become involved in investigating strange mysterious happens in their town. So far there are 3 season with a different story each season but featuring the same characters. It has garnered 12 prime time Emmy Awards.
Is it good ,yes but as any production, it depends on what you like. Rotten Tomatoes have give in a 93% rating. The target audience is over 14 due to the amount of violence. There are no erotic sex scenes but there are lead in scenes to sex. A thirds of all viewers that watch all episodes are 19 to 29. The remainder of viewers are spread fairly evenly between age 14 and 70. I have watched the first season and most of 2nd and have found it to be exciting, at times, heartbreaking, and sometimes really scary. The stories have quite a bit of mystery in them as to what happened to the boy, who is the this strange girl, and who and what is the monster. Don't expect every question to be answered in an episode or a season. I expect some questions will never be answered. I guess that is why so many people who watch a couple of episodes are hooked.
Is it good ,yes but as any production, it depends on what you like. Rotten Tomatoes have give in a 93% rating. The target audience is over 14 due to the amount of violence. There are no erotic sex scenes but there are lead in scenes to sex. A thirds of all viewers that watch all episodes are 19 to 29. The remainder of viewers are spread fairly evenly between age 14 and 70. I have watched the first season and most of 2nd and have found it to be exciting, at times, heartbreaking, and sometimes really scary. The stories have quite a bit of mystery in them as to what happened to the boy, who is the this strange girl, and who and what is the monster. Don't expect every question to be answered in an episode or a season. I expect some questions will never be answered. I guess that is why so many people who watch a couple of episodes are hooked.
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