Strange & Alarming that the GOP held The Senate and gained 7 seats in the house while....

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
The Democrat Party in Democrat States work Feverishly to defraud America of 4 more years of Donald J Trump as President! When it is all over, it looks like we pick up a minimum of 7 seats, and by God's grace, more.

Amid a wild and crazy Election Night, one trend that many observers who were fixated on the presidential and Senate contests may have missed is that expected Democratic gains in the U.S. House emphatically did not occur. Au contraire, as Roll Call reported:

Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured, you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Just another nail in your coffin that will be exposed for America and The World to see.
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured, you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Just another nail in your coffin that will be exposed for America and The World to see.

You forgot about the RINOs, Independents, the Democrats that might not support Biden but hate Trump, Bernie Supporters, every living President, half the former White House staff...
Joe is a puppet for The New World Order, and The New World Order or New Normal is The End Times Global Government.

Know how they plan to dupe the wicked and the stoopid?

Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
Love your post. On Point!
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
If they get away with Fraud which they have partially gotten away with in 2016 and 2018, they will be emboldened.

If they get punished we can have fair elections again.

Like I said, it’s looking like 1929 or 1933 in Germany again. We better hope it’s more like 1929. The alternative is far worse.
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)

"When Biden wins..."

Corrected it for you.
Gee, one would think that with all of the ballot box stuffing we did, we would have swept every election. Its almost as if there was no fraud at all.
Actually this is more evidence of Fraud because an overwhelming percentage of People Vote the party.

And The GOP showed about 90% support for Trump while The DemNazi Party only 67% supported Biden.

I guess in your haste to get these ballots manufactured you forgot to fill in the other races because you were running out of time.

Damn're losing your mind.

"The fact that the Dems didn't win elections is proof they cheated"...that is your stance.

No, because which of the states that Biden won, did the Republicans win in those states?

Republicans won in all the states that didn't have fraud.

Another thing I find rather interesting, is that so many states were leaning entirely toward Trump last night, and now are called for Biden. I can see a 5 point swing maybe, but a dramatic change like that seems rather unlikely.

Then you have the fact that amazingly Biden got exactly the number of electoral votes he needed. None of the states he didn't need, did he even come close to getting... but exactly.... EXACTLY 270 electoral votes?

It seems fishy.

But maybe you are right. Maybe there is no fraud, and the public really is so stupid, as to vote for crime and violence and anarchy, and lock downs that last until the entire world is dying of starvation.

Maybe you are right. Maybe the final judgement against this country is now underway with pro-evil pro-murder pro-defund the police, Joe 10% from China Biden.

It is possible. My view of the American public is that only about 47% are good people, and the rest are just terrible evil scum. So maybe he did win legitimately. I look forward to seeing him wreck the country. I've always believed there are in fact enough evil people in this country to win the presidency.

Well sparky go to court and take your chances on proving the fraud then.

There is zero logic behind your argument but don't let something like that stop you.

I have no evidence, or a case to make. It's just a statement about how oddly the vote magically changed drastically overnight, and how amazing it was that the states that changes magically ended up exactly 270 electorial votes.

As for as trying to stop this in court..... you misunderstand me completely. I do not want to stop anything.

I think people destroying themselves is fantastic. The people in Minneapolis calling the police, and no one showing up. Old Democrats being forced into isolation by their own policies, and dying by themselves alone, without seeing family or friends for the last months of their lives. The massively high murder rates across the country in communities that had BLM protests. The government allowing rioters to burn down half the city, destroying the lives of people who paid taxes to fund, and voted for those Democrats in government.

All of this is to me, is absolutely poetic divine justice being played out in real time.

These last four years with Trump, have been some of the best years, to watch Democrats destroy themselves over and over, and blame everyone on the planet for their failures.

It has been wonderful.

If Biden wins, I will continue to enjoy watching the Democrats destroy their own supporters endlessly. I highly doubt that sanity will return to the Democrats once Biden is in office. I think... hope... honestly, that everything will keep going as it is, with endless riots and murder, and destruction.

Let the hammer of justice fall on the evil who voted for such people, long into the future. :)
If they get away with Fraud which they have partially gotten away with in 2016 and 2018, they will be emboldened.

If they get punished we can have fair elections again.

Like I said, it’s looking like 1929 or 1933 in Germany again. We better hope it’s more like 1929. The alternative is far worse.

The problem with that that there was no widespread fraud found in 2016 or 2018. Trump's 'Election Integrity Commission' disbanded with a whimper, having failed to find the imaginary 'voter fraud'. The FBI found nothing. Trump's Justice Department found nothing.

As recently as 6 weeks ago, Trump's own government confirmed that there was no evidence of widespread mail in voter fraud:

Conservatives have been crying wolf on this issue in each of the last 3 elections. And have yet to back any of those claims with evidence.
The Democrat Party in Democrat States work Feverishly to defraud America of 4 more years of Donald J Trump as President! When it is all over, it looks like we pick up a minimum of 7 seats, and by God's grace, more.

Amid a wild and crazy Election Night, one trend that many observers who were fixated on the presidential and Senate contests may have missed is that expected Democratic gains in the U.S. House emphatically did not occur. Au contraire, as Roll Call reported:

memba in 2016 after Trump won and the mainstream media and pollsters said how they were gonna change cause they were oh so wrong

I memba

Even Democrats are blown away how well Republicans did

They're certainly worried about the minority voters

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