Storm in California leaves over 330,000 without power, more rough weather ahead I love it.

it was more than just a little ice. It was extended historical record cold. If the same thing had happen in California then the whole state would have been a disaster.

Just think, California's biggest power plant is the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant that produces 20 Gigawatts of electricity. To charge up the 5% of vehicles in the state that are EVs it takes 19 Gigawatts. For every 5% more EVs (which is mandated by the state) it will take another Diablo Canyon level power producer.

Those ridiculously inefficient, very costly and unreliable solar arrays as also mandated by the state are not going to produce jackshit. Certainly not close to 20 Gigawatts just to add another 5% EVs.
Compared to what we get up here, it was a little. :auiqs.jpg:
And everyone lost their minds.....
Actually I do.

I am mutli generational Floridian. I know the risk of living in Florida. Every once in awhile a hurricane will blow through. Sometimes a rainy season massive thunderstorm will do some damage. I purposely don't live in a flood zone. I am prepared on a personal level to deal with anything short of catastrophic. I have a supply of water, food, a generator, fuel and propane to last at least a month. I've experienced six hurricanes in the last 20 years and got by fine.

I don't feel sorry for these obnoxious Yankee assholes from "upnorth" that move here and live to a flood zone and don't adequately prepare for a hurricane and then expect somebody else to take care of them.
Tell 'em how you really feel! :auiqs.jpg:

How you only been through 6 huricanes? I've been through like...15.
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Compared to what we get up here, it was a little. :auiqs.jpg:
And everyone lost their minds.....
Living in Florida I am always subjected to hearing obnoxious assholes that feel compelled to tell me how fucking cold it is back where they came from. I don't give a shit.

I also have to listen to the shitheads complain about how hot and humid it is here.

When record cold hit Texas they were not prepared for it. Actually not all that much different when record cold and snowfall hit Buffalo a couple of weeks ago where hundreds of thousands were without power and a couple of dozen died.
Tell 'em how you really feel! :auiqs.jpg:

I'll make a deal with any other American.

I don't expect anybody else to be forced through taxation to take care of me in a disaster and then I don't have to be forced to take care of you.

Because I am peachy keen guy I may voluntarily want to help you but I don't want to be forced to do it by the filthy ass corrupt inefficient government.
Torrential downpours and damaging winds left hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses without power in California early on Sunday as the area braced for the next onslaught of severe weather.

Great news, maybe California will crack off and float away, greenie bastards. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Weren't those Californians just bitching and whining again last summer because they were not getting enough rain?

Now they get rain and they still bitch and whine nonetheless.

They're fucking crybabies. And they'll be crying some more when they get hit with a massive earthquake AGAIN.
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Torrential downpours and damaging winds left hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses without power in California early on Sunday as the area braced for the next onslaught of severe weather.

Great news, maybe California will crack off and float away, greenie bastards. :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
This would be a good time for those Commiefornians that lost power to charge up their electric vehicles & take a vacation until the rainstorm is over.

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