Stop exporting this America!

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Somebody posted something a couple of weeks ago about Arabs being the fattest people on the planet right now. Obesity is a growing problem on the globe today. Look at our own country. It seems to strike most often those who are poor, and maybe hopeless, and thus are depressed. I think depression has much to do with many human maladies.
Somebody posted something a couple of weeks ago about Arabs being the fattest people on the planet right now. Obesity is a growing problem on the globe today. Look at our own country. It seems to strike most often those who are poor, and maybe hopeless, and thus are depressed. I think depression has much to do with many human maladies.

Americans eat a lot of prepared and processed food. Processing reduces both flavor and nutrients, leaving people feeling hungry. Often fat is added to the food, because eating foods high in fat makes you feel full. Americans would be better off eating fresh food, prepared at home.

Poor people eat poorly because high fat foods are cheaper than fresh fruit and veggies, and lean cuts of meat. Soda, which is high in sugar, is cheaper than milk or juice. It costs less to eat poorly, so Americans eat poorly.

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