Stop Blaming Israel For the Gaza War

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No they didnt. Don't let your ignorance of facts get in the way.
Why doesnt Israel evict millions of people? First, where are they going to evict them to? Second, the international commuity would be screaming genocide.

Uh ya they did-----they blew the shit out of a lot of homes.
Evict them anywhere--why should Israel care where they end up ? The international community is already screaming genocide. Israel has nothing to lose.

Blowing the shit out of a whole lot of homes is not the same as systematically destroying them. You lose.
Send an email to Bibi telling him of your wonderful plan. You can credit R' Meir Kahane, who said the same thing about 40 years ago.

And your final solution for Gaza is ?
Show us an 1845 map of the United States.

I'd take an 1850 map of Germany or Italy.

What was the point of that crap? There wasnt one. It's Jew haters hating, that's it. There is no genocide in Gaza. If Israel wanted them all dead they wouldnt waste ground troops to do it. They'd do what the Russians did in Grozny and just shell and bomb them house by house.

But they did shell and bomb them house by house----they just didn't finish the job.

Seriously----if everyone in Gaza is an friend of Hamas and an enemy of Israel wh ydoesn't Israel evict them ? Send them away. Why are they allowed to live close enough to Israel to hit it with any kind of rocket ?

Before taking out the rocket launching sites in Gaza, Israel notifies all civilians to leave. Hamas beats all those who try to leave.

How about the Muzzie Fanatics stop saying Convert or die..................Until they do that they can kiss my ass and so can you.


I've never had a Muslim try to convert me, not once, not ever.

As opposed to a lot of Christians who can't stop themselves from preaching to me when I tell them I'm an atheist.

I have never had anyone of the Jewish faith try to convert me.

How about the Muzzie Fanatics stop saying Convert or die..................Until they do that they can kiss my ass and so can you.


I've never had a Muslim try to convert me, not once, not ever.

As opposed to a lot of Christians who can't stop themselves from preaching to me when I tell them I'm an atheist.

I have never had anyone of the Jewish faith try to convert me.

They don't want converts so it's not too surprising. You can't just go out and pick God's chosen people for him.
I'd take an 1850 map of Germany or Italy.

What was the point of that crap? There wasnt one. It's Jew haters hating, that's it. There is no genocide in Gaza. If Israel wanted them all dead they wouldnt waste ground troops to do it. They'd do what the Russians did in Grozny and just shell and bomb them house by house.

But they did shell and bomb them house by house----they just didn't finish the job.

Seriously----if everyone in Gaza is an friend of Hamas and an enemy of Israel wh ydoesn't Israel evict them ? Send them away. Why are they allowed to live close enough to Israel to hit it with any kind of rocket ?

Before taking out the rocket launching sites in Gaza, Israel notifies all civilians to leave. Hamas beats all those who try to leave.

Yet 1,000 over people were killed anyway. Gaza is a prison--there is no place to go.
The underlying truth is Muslims around the world are genetically wired to hate Jews. Any Jew anywhere any time.
Every Jew on the planet could move to Wyoming today and in a week the Muslims would be firing rockets into Cheyenne. That's a fact.
Since the first Jew and the first arab met the Jew has always been smarter in every field of human endeavor. This drives arabs insanely jealous.
When Israel left Gaza they left behind hundreds of productive greenhouses intact and ready for the arabs to run. What happened? In a month not a single greenhouse was functioning. Why?
Because the fucking arabs hated the Jews so much they would rather destroyed the greenhouses 'touched by a Jew' which could have been feeding their families. That my friends is an example of a very mentally sick bunch of people.
Muslims are taught to hate and kill anyone on the planet who will not convert to a religion that mutilates little girls in the name of 'what's his name'. Fucking perverted.

Yes we seen how every Muslim country around Israel bombed them while they committed genocide on Gaza.

Oh, Stupid's back.
Did you notice YET how the Muslims are too busy murdering each other all over the world.
Oh, you DIDN'T notice.
That's not what your link says but it's a great idea----picking them off 1,000 at a time isn't fooling anyone.

Read the whole thing, not just what you want.
The JOO community around the world wants carpet bombing.

at least they're honest

Interestingly enough, the world wide JOO community does not manifest any ill feelings towards Egypt or Jordan because they have respected Israel's borders.
There's also an immense amount of sympathy for Syria Occupied Lebanon.
Read the whole thing, not just what you want.
The JOO community around the world wants carpet bombing.

at least they're honest

Interestingly enough, the world wide JOO community does not manifest any ill feelings towards Egypt or Jordan because they have respected Israel's borders.
There's also an immense amount of sympathy for Syria Occupied Lebanon.

oh give them time--they will come around to understand that ALL muslims are evil.
I've never had a Muslim try to convert me, not once, not ever.

As opposed to a lot of Christians who can't stop themselves from preaching to me when I tell them I'm an atheist.

I have never had anyone of the Jewish faith try to convert me.

They don't want converts so it's not too surprising. You can't just go out and pick God's chosen people for him.

Ignorant fucktard? Why, yes, yes you are.
Arnold M. Eisen: Wanted: Converts to Judaism - WSJ
I have never had anyone of the Jewish faith try to convert me.

They don't want converts so it's not too surprising. You can't just go out and pick God's chosen people for him.

Ignorant fucktard? Why, yes, yes you are.
Arnold M. Eisen: Wanted: Converts to Judaism - WSJ

Conversion to Judaism has been much less common, meanwhile, in part because the tradition has often not done much to encourage it.

It is well known that Judaism has not been a proselytizing faith. Historically, Jewish authorities were wary of potential converts

from your link
I have never had anyone of the Jewish faith try to convert me.

They don't want converts so it's not too surprising. You can't just go out and pick God's chosen people for him.

Ignorant fucktard? Why, yes, yes you are.
Arnold M. Eisen: Wanted: Converts to Judaism - WSJ

Thank you for the article; unlike Muslims, the Jewish faith encourages all to live in harmony, does not seek to eradicate any faith......................only those who USE faith as an excuse for atrocities.
They don't want converts so it's not too surprising. You can't just go out and pick God's chosen people for him.

Ignorant fucktard? Why, yes, yes you are.
Arnold M. Eisen: Wanted: Converts to Judaism - WSJ

Conversion to Judaism has been much less common, meanwhile, in part because the tradition has often not done much to encourage it.

It is well known that Judaism has not been a proselytizing faith. Historically, Jewish authorities were wary of potential converts

from your link

Which of course contradicts what you wrote, Dildoduck.
Politicians (and the media) count on the fact that people have short memories and little or no historic perspective. Didn't Clinton authorize American bombers to terrorize Yugoslavia with horrific weapons like daisy cutter bombs that decapitate every living thing in 60 meters when he was caught with his pants down? Israel faces a direct threat from the Islamic terrorist group on it's border that vows to eradicate Israel. What threat did Yugoslavia pose?
People should blaming Israel For the Gaza War. They are just defending themselves from the Muslim terrorist creeps known as Hamas. The Palestinians are just an unfortunate people caught in the crossfire.

The Hamas Charter clearly defines the reason for this terrible war. It is because Hamas is a bunch of Muslim jihadist lunatics, hell bent on annihilating Israel. All this talk about the Palestinians and land is just a con job to gain sympathy for Hamas. They don't care a wit about the Palestinians, and they invite harm to these poor people by attacking Israel and than locating themselves and their weapons closely among the Palestinians, where they know this will get them killed. Then they blame it on Israel and seek world condemnation,

Some foolish people fall for this scam and attack Israel for the deaths of Palestinians, playing right into the hands of Hamas, who set it all up that way.

Alan M. Dershowitz: When will Gazans finally get fed up with Hamas? | National Post

Israel is just as much to blame for all the fighting that goes on over there.

Israel has the right to kill kids?

They need to quit being blindly supported by the US and forced to deal with the fact that will not get along with their neighbors.

Hey sucker! Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?
Israel is in the driver seat. They alone will decide how this will end.

The blockade can't continue indefinitely and their choices in how it ends are three:
> Absorb the population of Gaza.

> Free the population of Gaza.

> Eliminate the population of Gaza.​

It's high time that the Israelis poop or get off the pot so history can judge them and we can move on.
Dragging it out decade after bloody decade is bullshit​

The "population of Gaza" has nothing to do with this war, other than being a tool that Hamas finds useful to use as human shields, and develop a propaganda campaign, which you are falling for.
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