Stolen Presidency Results in Complete Incompetence in Oval Office. Biden is a Failure


May 23, 2014
This nincompoop Biden has fucked-up everything he is faced with. From border crisis to gas prices, and foreign policy he is a complete failure of the highest magnitude. What a joke. Bring back a real President like DJT.
You don't have even half of the Xiden and democrat policy fuck-ups:
Border and immigration policies
Energy policies
Military posture
The Green New Deal
Law and Order vs Anarchy
Reprogram the US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
God vs atheism
China and trade policies
insourcing jobs vs outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists
This nincompoop Biden has fucked-up everything he is faced with. From border crisis to gas prices, and foreign policy he is a complete failure of the highest magnitude. What a joke. Bring back a real President like DJT.

Biden has returned us to the malaise that Ronald Reagan scolded Carter about.
You don't have even half of the Xiden and democrat policy fuck-ups:
Border and immigration policies
Energy policies
Military posture
The Green New Deal
Law and Order vs Anarchy
Reprogram the US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
God vs atheism
China and trade policies
insourcing jobs vs outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists
This guy Biden exudes weakness and incompetence.
This nincompoop Biden has fucked-up everything he is faced with. From border crisis to gas prices, and foreign policy he is a complete failure of the highest magnitude. What a joke. Bring back a real President like DJT.

The nincompoop who created this mess is now out of office and can't do further harm.

You're actually stupid enough to be blaming Biden for not cleaning up Trump's 4 year long fuck up in 100 days?!?!?!?

This nincompoop Biden has fucked-up everything he is faced with. From border crisis to gas prices, and foreign policy he is a complete failure of the highest magnitude. What a joke. Bring back a real President like DJT.

The nincompoop who created this mess is now out of office and can't do further harm.

You're actually stupid enough to be blaming Biden for not cleaning up Trump's 4 year long fuck up in 100 days?!?!?!?

Biden has destroyed Trump's magnificent success in 100 days. What a fucking dumb bitch you are to suck on the liberal media and DNC tit like a mindless lamb.
You have no room to talk after voting for Bush 3 times!!!
Voted for Clinton twice. He fucked over the working class. Voted for Constitution Party candidate in 2004. Democratic Party left me, I didn't leave it. Voted for McCain in 2008 because I had no other choice. Voted for that dickhead Romney in 2012 because I had no choice. Then came a real candidate for President Donald J. Trump. Voted for DJT twice and will again in 2024 when he regains the White House from the Commander and Thief.
The Amazing Biden is loved by all Real Americans and respected around the world.

He represents a return to normalcy and a return of American leadership and respect around the world.
Bullshit. He is stuck on the 1960's epitomized by that fucking RFK bust behind him at every photo op. Biden thinks systemic racism actually exist in our country. He is race obsessed as demonstrated by the number of unqualified tokens he has in his administration.
This nincompoop Biden has fucked-up everything he is faced with. From border crisis to gas prices, and foreign policy he is a complete failure of the highest magnitude. What a joke. Bring back a real President like DJT.

The nincompoop who created this mess is now out of office and can't do further harm.

You're actually stupid enough to be blaming Biden for not cleaning up Trump's 4 year long fuck up in 100 days?!?!?!?


Cheaters, even in the tens of millions of votes column like Biden, never prosper
You don't have even half of the Xiden and democrat policy fuck-ups:
Border and immigration policies
Energy policies
Military posture
The Green New Deal
Law and Order vs Anarchy
Reprogram the US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
God vs atheism
China and trade policies
insourcing jobs vs outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists
This guy Biden exudes weakness and incompetence.

Trump exudes weakness and incompetence. Trump is the ultimate beta. 7 bankruptcies. The worst business record in world history. Still hasn't won an American election. Just as Trump used the bankruptcy laws to fleece his investors, Trump used the Electoral College to fleece the American people.

An Alpha never has to tell you how great he is. Actions speak louder than words. Trump keeps telling you about his "accomplishments", but he's lying and claiming the work of others as his own. He rules by "fear" and bullying - the true sign a weakling.
This nincompoop Biden has fucked-up everything he is faced with. From border crisis to gas prices, and foreign policy he is a complete failure of the highest magnitude. What a joke. Bring back a real President like DJT.

The nincompoop who created this mess is now out of office and can't do further harm.

You're actually stupid enough to be blaming Biden for not cleaning up Trump's 4 year long fuck up in 100 days?!?!?!?

Biden has destroyed Trump's magnificent success in 100 days. What a fucking dumb bitch you are to suck on the liberal media and DNC tit like a mindless lamb.

Biden has done an amazing job thus far. He has:
  • reduced the number of Americans sick from the corona virus from 9 million, to 6.5 million
  • vaccinated more than 50% of all Americans
  • bought sufficient vaccine to vaccinate every adult American
  • reduced daily cases from 300,000 in January to under 30,000 yesterday
  • reduced daily deaths from over 4000 a day in January, to under 650 yesterday
  • processed all of the children Trump left with the coyotes in Mexico for years
  • started the process of reunited the children Trump stole from parents at the border
  • restored immigration processing centers on the Southern Border
  • rejoined the Paris Accord
  • released the EPA Climate Change Report which Donald Trump suppressed
  • uncovered evidence of Paul Manafort's work with Russian spies, which Trump suppressed
  • signed up over 1 million people under the Affordable Care Act
  • extended unemployment benefits and federal top up payments to September 1st
  • rolled back Trump's unconstitutional and counter-productive Executive Orders around race, religion, and national origin
  • made dozens of top level executive appointments to replace Trump officials who resigned/left with the outgoing Administration, or needed to be replaced with competent staff
  • passed the America Cares Act
  • introduced an infrastructure bill to repair and upgrade American infrastructure, to spur international investment in jobs in the low population states
  • the Justice Department has started multiple "patterns and practices" investigations of local police departments with recent high profile killings of unarmed citizens
That's in addition to the crisis of mass shootings, Netanyahu making war on the Palestinians in order to preserve power, Russian hackers on the Eastern Seaboard, Russian Troops on the Ukraine border - again.

These are the multiple crisis that Trump ignored or allowed to fester throughout his Administration. Trump did nothing to restrain Putin or Russian hacking of the US government and infrastructure, and actively defunded the cyber security force.

Trump dismantled the entire immigration infrastructure on the Southern Border, because he intended to ban all non-white immigration. This is unconstitutional.

This is just the short list of accomplishments of the Biden Administration. Not too shabby for a doddering incompetent.
This nincompoop Biden has fucked-up everything he is faced with. From border crisis to gas prices, and foreign policy he is a complete failure of the highest magnitude. What a joke. Bring back a real President like DJT.
He's doing great, so great you have to search to find little shit to get pissed off about.

Deal with it.
This nincompoop Biden has fucked-up everything he is faced with. From border crisis to gas prices, and foreign policy he is a complete failure of the highest magnitude. What a joke. Bring back a real President like DJT.

The purpose of Democrats is to rip off the nation. They haven't the slightest interest in improving anyone's life other than their own. I will include scum like Mitch McConnell in that group too.
You have no room to talk after voting for Bush 3 times!!!
Voted for Clinton twice. He fucked over the working class. Voted for Constitution Party candidate in 2004. Democratic Party left me, I didn't leave it. Voted for McCain in 2008 because I had no other choice. Voted for that dickhead Romney in 2012 because I had no choice. Then came a real candidate for President Donald J. Trump. Voted for DJT twice and will again in 2024 when he regains the White House from the Commander and Thief.
Clinton was the best for the working class! Bush#2 gave Wallstreet money to move all US Jobs to China! He was the worst president in history! Bush Exploded Deficits!!!
This nincompoop Biden has fucked-up everything he is faced with. From border crisis to gas prices, and foreign policy he is a complete failure of the highest magnitude. What a joke. Bring back a real President like DJT.

The only failure is you. We are having to clean up Trump's messes. DJT is a Nazi and the Republican Party is turning this country into a
dictatorsyhip. Republicans are going after voting rights and free speech rights. Republicans are the enemy of this country.

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