Stimulus Working In SoCal


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
President Sitting Bush, Imbued with the Great Entrepreneurial Spirit of the now famous, "Reagan Trajectory(?)," famously headed for the ranch in the face of the military planning surrounding preparations for 9/11(?), which didn't happen--at least, the military part. It was a police matter before, and a police matter afterwards. The Terrorists themselves were already atomized into oblivion--except for the history part: Which is history.

Look And See! See . . . ., Well.

Southern California home prices edge upward again in October --

The Great Collapse of the U. S. economy became the eventual outcome of Bush Administration Socialist, Central planning. Authority was delegated to mortgage bankers, who in turn gave away all the money. Immediate and immense large-scale remedies became necessary.

That, too: Is history. The Prime Minister of all the English, at the Davos meeting earlier in this year: Would in fact feel compelled to discuss with the former, and assembled. . . .aborigines and other colonials: About the proper extension, uses, and repayment of credit. Former Bush Administration personnel, however, were not well represented. Likely, in fact, in her book: Sarah Palin could probably see the whole thing from her front porch in Alaska.

Anyone can notice that a Sarah Palin observation on anything: Made far more sense than the Bush Administration, and its outcomes.

So the Democrats commenced a housing stimulus program, and now it is working, already. If prices turn: Then there is credit worthiness again.

(Sarah Palin has a book, more wordy than the Health Care Bill, anyone notices!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Entrepreneurial Spirit: Knows about the difference beween string bikinis, and jogging shorts, fortunately! Anyone might guess that not everyone does--in Alaska, near the igloos(?)!)
No one has accused the Bush Administration of being all that smart. Somehow, the Chinese are now owed over $1.0 tril, USD. Anyone would say, however, that their Socialists are far smarter than the GOP Socialists. There is none of the Reagan Crap evident in their economy.

The Chinese want to do a stimulus, they make an infrastructure.

As noted, the GOP Socialists want to do a stimulus, they do financials and tax credits. Anyone notices how the Ivy League, without exception: Has managed to sign on.

To the matter of the housing success, however: People with financing are buying housing. Not without coincidence: People who make housing have more or less stopped making, even that.

Maybe they will do pre-fab housing, to sell to the Chinese?!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Curiouser and Curiouser is Just How WonderLand works--Now that MJ is gone(?), and Barack is in charge, instead! So far the U. S. economy seems to be a lagging indicator, worldwide. So far the Obamas, are mainly responsible for young girls(?)! We are reminded that this is America, at work!)
The mega-debt history clearly didn't start with Bill Clinton. Americans were not being sent off to foreign lands to get their buddies killed, wounded, and disabled--which every single Iraq and Afghanistan war supporter intended, and profited, and pocketed, greatly from.

See below that in the last throes of it, the American-killing orgy of the Bush-Cheney years, finally ratcheted up $200. bil. in one year alone. There were actually eight of these things.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Not that any of the U. S. National atrocity participants--profited at all from the U. S. National Bail-outs! Just Co-incidentally, it will be said--It just happened to work out that way?!?)
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President Obama reportedly met a half-brother he never knew he had, somewhere in China.

Apparently lots of U. S. Banks and financial houses: Also have Chinese relatives--they never knew they had. See below!

In the last throes of the Bush Administration, bloodletting orgy--getting Americans to actually have their buddies killed, wounded, and disabled forever in basis-free incursions into foreign places: That's $200.0 bil. in one year alone that the bankers were lent?!?

And that's only in one year of it. You're Uncle Sam Lee seems to know a whole lot of them!

Everyone was probably even more surprised to find out how many U. S. Nationals had Moslem relatives, willing to help them kill off their family members: Unless these are race wars, or something.

World Peace "aspirations," are apparently like that(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Nothing, however, seems to surprise the Ivy League: Just somehow profiteering through it all--Madoff clients excepted! China probably doesn't know about them, yet!)
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The incompetent Socialist creeps destroyed California a long time ago. There is no hope for that State at this point. They really have become a mere Third World H*ll-Hole at this point. As long as incompetent Socialist creeps run that State,there will be no chance of real recovery for California. Anyone with common sense is now leaving that mess. It really is just plain sad to see what that once great State has become.
Again, When Sitting Bush left for the ranch, then subsequent to that--9/11 happened. The terrorists themselves were atomized, and so the terrorist episode was over. The Taliban would later offer to police their own area, find Osama bin laden, and bring him to Moslem Trial--with their penalties.

Instead, now intentionally entered The USA-hating Bush Adminstration, its war planners, and the followers so-desping of their buddies in millitary uniform, that they went along with the intent to have them killed in two nations, and wounded in two nations, and disabled and dismembered in two nations.

That had to be paid for. There was a pittance for the actual paricipants in the killing in the two nations, and the wounding in the two nations, and the disabling and dismembering--intentionally--of their buddies--in the basis-free invasions and occupations of the two nations. There were procurements to the tune of $1.0 tril. now called the Great Entrepreneurial Spirt of "The Reagan Trajectory:" For everyone else, except for colored people, especially if they were young. The greatly admired, Spirited(?) Reagan Trajectory is about doing that,

Where did the money come from? Uncle Sam Lee knows the answer!

And that's how it started. Then people flush with Uncle Sam Lee bucks went out and bought houses. And then even people with no Uncle Sam Lee bucks went out and bought houses.

So that's how they all hang together!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Eventually Her Majesty's Prime Minister would have to call in the former aboriginies, and the former Colonials, in for a chat--At the Spirit of Davos! That is not The Great Entrepreneurial Spirt of the Reagan Trajectory! A sense of reason, and sanity, were needed: Instead!)
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Anyone would guess that Dude poster has no clue: About much of anything. Anyone would guess that Iraq really does have the Weapons of Mass Destruction, stored somewhere: Even now!

The Pentagon may now even think that they're somewhere in Persia.

Actually, the replay is nearly as absurd as the opening play itself--with no JW Booth around, for the Bush round, absurd as that seems!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(What does anyone have to say about someone who killed off over 0.75 mil. U. S. Nationals, while in office?!? The GOP made a statue of him--No doubt with George Bush an admirer!)
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Face it,California is Dead. There is no hope for that once great State at this point. The Socialist creeps have completely destroyed California. Anyone with common sense has already left or is planning to leave that mess. When all the common sense people leave California,who will be left in California? That's a scary thought huh? Seriously,there is no hope for California at this point. It's simply too late for them out there.
Now that's irrelvant, with a nod to LibocalypseNow poster.

Actually, arithmetic is a completely logical system, and so non sequiturs need not apply!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken Not Stirred!"
(And ignorance of the law, even, is not excuse! Even O. J. Simpson now knows this!)
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