My oh my.
The political corruption just piles on these days...
Report: Democratic districts received nearly twice the amount of stimulus funds as GOP districts
By: Mark Hemingway
Commentary Staff Writer
December 16, 2009 A new analysis of the $157 billion distributed by the American Reinvestment and Recovery act, popularly known as the stimulus bill, shows that the funds were distributed without regard for what states were most in need of jobs.
You would think that if the stimulus money was actually spent to create jobs, there would be more stimulus money spent in high unemployment states, said Veronique de Rugy, a scholar at the Mercatus Center who produced the analysis. "But we don't find any correlation."
...The Mercatus Center analysis also found that Democratic congressional districts received on average almost double the funding of Republican congressional districts. Republican congressional districts received on average $232 million in stimulus funds while Democratic districts received $439 million on average.
We found that there is a correlation [relating to the partisanship of congressional districts], de Rugy said. Her regression analysis found that stimulus funds are expected to decrease by 24.19 percent if a district is represented by a Republican.
Full article here:
Report: Democratic districts received nearly twice the amount of stimulus funds as GOP districts | Washington Examiner
The political corruption just piles on these days...
Report: Democratic districts received nearly twice the amount of stimulus funds as GOP districts
By: Mark Hemingway
Commentary Staff Writer
December 16, 2009 A new analysis of the $157 billion distributed by the American Reinvestment and Recovery act, popularly known as the stimulus bill, shows that the funds were distributed without regard for what states were most in need of jobs.
You would think that if the stimulus money was actually spent to create jobs, there would be more stimulus money spent in high unemployment states, said Veronique de Rugy, a scholar at the Mercatus Center who produced the analysis. "But we don't find any correlation."
...The Mercatus Center analysis also found that Democratic congressional districts received on average almost double the funding of Republican congressional districts. Republican congressional districts received on average $232 million in stimulus funds while Democratic districts received $439 million on average.
We found that there is a correlation [relating to the partisanship of congressional districts], de Rugy said. Her regression analysis found that stimulus funds are expected to decrease by 24.19 percent if a district is represented by a Republican.
Full article here:
Report: Democratic districts received nearly twice the amount of stimulus funds as GOP districts | Washington Examiner