Still Wearing Your 'Wuhan Submission' Mask????

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Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Posted October 20......

1. I have posited that, as Trump's greatest asset in the campaign has been his miraculous economy, after Hussein 'masterminded' the slowest recovery in history, and the answer to this by the party of evil is to organize a nationwide shutdown of the economy through lock-downs, riots, and closing schools to keep parents from going back to work.

Time will tell if it worked.

2. Looks like I was right, and all you hand-wringing mask-wearing Biden voters were suckers.
‘Is Covid over?’ Suddenly Dems like Schumer lead ‘Super Spreader’ events, but it’s ok for them?
Now that Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden has been declared by the media to be the winner of the 2020 presidential election, it appears the coronavirus pandemic has magically disappeared — just as had been expected.

How so? The same Democrat politicians and liberal media figures who spent months promoting authoritarian decrees pertaining to masks, large gatherings and lockdowns have seemingly jettisoned all of their prior concerns.

Case in point: While celebrating Biden’s alleged victory with a large, tightly-packed crowd outside the Barclays Center in Brooklyn his Saturday afternoon, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer ripped off his mask like a Scooby-Doo villain.

He then proceeded to loudly yell and spit his joy to a crowd of Democrats."
'Is Covid over?’ Suddenly Dems like Schumer lead 'Super Spreader' events, but it's ok for them?

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic appears to magically be over now that Joe Biden has been declared by the media to be the winner of the 2020 race.

View attachment 420457

3. “Pandemic is Over” – Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer Says “Second Wave” Faked On False-Positive COVID Tests

“Pandemic is Over” – Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer Says “Second Wave” Faked On False-Positive COVID Tests by Tyler Durden for Zero Hedge
TDC Note – With corporate owned stores – HomeDepot, Walmart, Autozone, and the like never closing, slowing down or making any real changes, was it really a pandemic or was a guise, a rouse to steal more from the people and give to the satanic globalist corporations? /END
This video provides one of the most erudite and informative looks at Covid-19 and the consequences of lockdowns. As AIER notes, it was remarkable this week to watch as it appeared on YouTube and was forcibly taken down only 2 hours after posting.
The media is already making statements about eliminating those who supported Donald Trump and any conservative agenda.

So, listen to this video people and all you need to do is substitute Democrat for Nazi and Conservative for Jew and think about what will be your moment when you say, "No, fuck off. I will not comply"

Before the Covid we had 4% unemployment in Israel. Now it is bad. but the vaccine is coming:)
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