Still Waiting!!

Look Corky on your best day with your Mommy and the entire FBI helping you you would still not be a challenge for me

Play on Professor

True story, details SAP level clearance required
BS? Send me your 'SAP level clearance' email address and we'll chat there.
Look Corky on your best day with your Mommy and the entire FBI helping you you would still not be a challenge for me

Play on Professor

True story, details SAP level clearance required
BS? Send me your 'SAP level clearance' email address and we'll chat there.
Can't do that since you are a certified dipshit with a full ring ding attack area 51 t shirt level clearance

Who do you think I am Hillary Cliton the cankle queen


Did you see your mother in the cryotube?

Even the man most responsible for Darwinism, Stephen Jay Gould, says it isn't true.

I'm afraid not.

I'm afraid you have again tried to falsify a ''quote''. That is sleazy and dishonest but you excel at sleazy and dishonest.
Even the man most responsible for Darwinism, Stephen Jay Gould, says it isn't true.

I'm afraid not.

I'm afraid you have again tried to falsify a ''quote''. That is sleazy and dishonest but you excel at sleazy and dishonest.
Actually we are all still waiting to hear the name of the species that you claim were observed speciating

Are you a natural blonde?
Look Corky on your best day with your Mommy and the entire FBI helping you you would still not be a challenge for me

Play on Professor

True story, details SAP level clearance required
BS? Send me your 'SAP level clearance' email address and we'll chat there.
Can't do that since you are a certified dipshit with a full ring ding attack area 51 t shirt level clearance

Who do you think I am Hillary Cliton the cankle queen


Did you see your mother in the cryotube?

Why am I not surprised you couldn't back up your BS.
Look Corky on your best day with your Mommy and the entire FBI helping you you would still not be a challenge for me

Play on Professor

True story, details SAP level clearance required
BS? Send me your 'SAP level clearance' email address and we'll chat there.
Can't do that since you are a certified dipshit with a full ring ding attack area 51 t shirt level clearance

Who do you think I am Hillary Cliton the cankle queen


Did you see your mother in the cryotube?

Why am I not surprised you couldn't back up your BS.
You go right on believing, thinking and doing as the new American communist party demands, watch and believe the fake news, be a good zombie and take your vaccine on cue as big brother demands then you can get back to normal and follow the leader

Last edited:
Look Corky on your best day with your Mommy and the entire FBI helping you you would still not be a challenge for me

Play on Professor

True story, details SAP level clearance required
BS? Send me your 'SAP level clearance' email address and we'll chat there.
Can't do that since you are a certified dipshit with a full ring ding attack area 51 t shirt level clearance

Who do you think I am Hillary Cliton the cankle queen


Did you see your mother in the cryotube?

Why am I not surprised you couldn't back up your BS.
You go right on believing, thinking and doing as the new American communist party demands, watch and believe the fake news, be a good zombie and take your vaccine on cue as big brother demands then you can get back to normal and follow the leader

This has been the most entertaining thread on evolution. The insults don’t really lead to productive breakthroughs, but the banter has had me giggling. I am a biology educator who has also taught all the core MS and HS subjects for over 20 years. I currently teacher biology and forensic science. Evolution is taught as fact. One doesn’t have to say, “This is a fact.” To influence or convey that very sentiment. Anything to help support that “fact” is used regardless of its validity. The 14-16 year olds don’t know any better. Even if disproved comparative embryonic grids are used, how would the children know any difference? My colleagues do this. Some unknowingly and other do not care.
The theory of macroevolution is the weakest of all widely accepted scientific theories in any major scientific branch today. But the worshippers of Darwin won’t allow debate without gaslighting and ridicule. It truly is jaw-dropping, as our entire field is based on observing, pondering, hypothesizing, designing & executing experiments and drawing unbiased conclusions, just to go back and do it all again for the deep love of truth and discovery. Yet when it comes to the stale, improbable, unprovable, unobservable, molecularly never observed field of macroevolution. Crickets... and don’t even think about objecting without bracing yourself for pitying eye-rolling and immediate dismissal as, “ one of those people”.
This theory gives the freedom to be without ultimate consequence, purpose or accountability to a creator. It is too appealing to those who don’t want to accept that nothing that has been made was made by a God that is eternal and outside of the space & time constraints. Logic is denied. Suspension of disbelief is embraced and anyone who raises serious and legitimate fallacy claims is mocked.

Newton’s 2nd law of thermodynamics, in and of itself, destroys the theory. And this, we can observe. Nothing becomes more sophisticated without guidance. All systems become more disordered and chaotic over time. But some of you aren’t ready for that discussion.


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Look Corky on your best day with your Mommy and the entire FBI helping you you would still not be a challenge for me

Play on Professor

True story, details SAP level clearance required
BS? Send me your 'SAP level clearance' email address and we'll chat there.
Can't do that since you are a certified dipshit with a full ring ding attack area 51 t shirt level clearance

Who do you think I am Hillary Cliton the cankle queen


Did you see your mother in the cryotube?

Why am I not surprised you couldn't back up your BS.
You go right on believing, thinking and doing as the new American communist party demands, watch and believe the fake news, be a good zombie and take your vaccine on cue as big brother demands then you can get back to normal and follow the leader

This has been the most entertaining thread on evolution. The insults don’t really lead to productive breakthroughs, but the banter has had me giggling. I am a biology educator who has also taught all the core MS and HS subjects for over 20 years. I currently teacher biology and forensic science. Evolution is taught as fact. One doesn’t have to say, “This is a fact.” To influence or convey that very sentiment. Anything to help support that “fact” is used regardless of its validity. The 14-16 year olds don’t know any better. Even if disproved comparative embryonic grids are used, how would the children know any difference? My colleagues do this. Some unknowingly and other do not care.
The theory of macroevolution is the weakest of all widely accepted scientific theories in any major scientific branch today. But the worshippers of Darwin won’t allow debate without gaslighting and ridicule. It truly is jaw-dropping, as our entire field is based on observing, pondering, hypothesizing, designing & executing experiments and drawing unbiased conclusions, just to go back and do it all again for the deep love of truth and discovery. Yet when it comes to the stale, improbable, unprovable, unobservable, molecularly never observed field of macroevolution. Crickets... and don’t even think about objecting without bracing yourself for pitying eye-rolling and immediate dismissal as, “ one of those people”.
This theory gives the freedom to be without ultimate consequence, purpose or accountability to a creator. It is too appealing to those who don’t want to accept that nothing that has been made was made by a God that is eternal and outside of the space & time constraints. Logic is denied. Suspension of disbelief is embraced and anyone who raises serious and legitimate fallacy claims is mocked.

Newton’s 2nd law of thermodynamics, in and of itself, destroys the theory. And this, we can observe. Nothing becomes more sophisticated without guidance. All systems become more disordered and chaotic over time. But some of you aren’t ready for that discussion.
I'm not surprised you often run into people who think you are clueless. Evolution has been debated in the scientific community for over 150 years and has survived every objection, except one. That is the religious view that evolution somehow conflicts with religious dogma. People who have no idea how their God created anything are the first to explain how he didn't create something.
On this date, in the year 1858....

.....over a century and a half ago......Charles Darwin and Russell Wallace offered their theory of how the great number of species that inhabit the earth, came into existence.

"1st July 2018: 160th anniversary of the presentation of "On the tendency of Species to form Varieties"

And, while it has proven advantageous to particular political views, when it is applied to science.......the theory has never been proven. is presented in school as proven, a fact.

As B.G. Ranganathan says, in his book ``Origins?’’, "There is no evidence in the fossil record of one kind of creature becoming another kind. No transitional links or intermediate forms between various kinds of creatures have ever been found."
Also, what about now? Has the evolutionary process stopped just before any observations could be made? If, as the Darwinists say, that continuous evolution is a fact, there should be plenty of examples to point to that are in the stages of transition, now, all around us, as well as proof in the past, in the fossil record. I want to see the half fish/half amphibian example, and, as Ranganathan says, "not a single fossil with part fins ... part feet has been found."

Why are so many afraid to question what has become a religion, "Darwinism"?????
You came from apes.
And it is clear you didn't fall far from the evolutionary tree.
Look Corky on your best day with your Mommy and the entire FBI helping you you would still not be a challenge for me

Play on Professor

True story, details SAP level clearance required
BS? Send me your 'SAP level clearance' email address and we'll chat there.
Can't do that since you are a certified dipshit with a full ring ding attack area 51 t shirt level clearance

Who do you think I am Hillary Cliton the cankle queen


Did you see your mother in the cryotube?

Why am I not surprised you couldn't back up your BS.
You go right on believing, thinking and doing as the new American communist party demands, watch and believe the fake news, be a good zombie and take your vaccine on cue as big brother demands then you can get back to normal and follow the leader

This has been the most entertaining thread on evolution. The insults don’t really lead to productive breakthroughs, but the banter has had me giggling. I am a biology educator who has also taught all the core MS and HS subjects for over 20 years. I currently teacher biology and forensic science. Evolution is taught as fact. One doesn’t have to say, “This is a fact.” To influence or convey that very sentiment. Anything to help support that “fact” is used regardless of its validity. The 14-16 year olds don’t know any better. Even if disproved comparative embryonic grids are used, how would the children know any difference? My colleagues do this. Some unknowingly and other do not care.
The theory of macroevolution is the weakest of all widely accepted scientific theories in any major scientific branch today. But the worshippers of Darwin won’t allow debate without gaslighting and ridicule. It truly is jaw-dropping, as our entire field is based on observing, pondering, hypothesizing, designing & executing experiments and drawing unbiased conclusions, just to go back and do it all again for the deep love of truth and discovery. Yet when it comes to the stale, improbable, unprovable, unobservable, molecularly never observed field of macroevolution. Crickets... and don’t even think about objecting without bracing yourself for pitying eye-rolling and immediate dismissal as, “ one of those people”.
This theory gives the freedom to be without ultimate consequence, purpose or accountability to a creator. It is too appealing to those who don’t want to accept that nothing that has been made was made by a God that is eternal and outside of the space & time constraints. Logic is denied. Suspension of disbelief is embraced and anyone who raises serious and legitimate fallacy claims is mocked.

Newton’s 2nd law of thermodynamics, in and of itself, destroys the theory. And this, we can observe. Nothing becomes more sophisticated without guidance. All systems become more disordered and chaotic over time. But some of you aren’t ready for that discussion.
All nonsense. Evolution is a fact and is rightfully taught as such to children, just like the other established theories, like electromagnetism. If you cant abide by that, you are not qualified to teach science to children and should not be trusted to lead the science class.
But the worshippers of Darwin won’t allow debate without gaslighting and ridicule.
That's what you get, when you have absolutely no evidence, and all the evidence stands against you. You get laughed at. And mocked. Same as if you claimed your houseplants talk to you.
On this date, in the year 1858....

.....over a century and a half ago......Charles Darwin and Russell Wallace offered their theory of how the great number of species that inhabit the earth, came into existence.

"1st July 2018: 160th anniversary of the presentation of "On the tendency of Species to form Varieties"

And, while it has proven advantageous to particular political views, when it is applied to science.......the theory has never been proven. is presented in school as proven, a fact.

As B.G. Ranganathan says, in his book ``Origins?’’, "There is no evidence in the fossil record of one kind of creature becoming another kind. No transitional links or intermediate forms between various kinds of creatures have ever been found."
Also, what about now? Has the evolutionary process stopped just before any observations could be made? If, as the Darwinists say, that continuous evolution is a fact, there should be plenty of examples to point to that are in the stages of transition, now, all around us, as well as proof in the past, in the fossil record. I want to see the half fish/half amphibian example, and, as Ranganathan says, "not a single fossil with part fins ... part feet has been found."

Why are so many afraid to question what has become a religion, "Darwinism"?????
So you're going to rehash the other thread you started?

So I'll rehash my question.

Where in any widely used public school text book in the US at any grade level does it state Darwin's Theory of Evolution has been scientifically proven to be fact?

"Where in any widely used public school text book in the US at any grade level does it state Darwin's Theory of Evolution has been scientifically proven to be fact?"

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy

“By examining fossils from sequential layers of rock, one could view how a species had changed and produced different species over time.” Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph S. Levine, Prentice Hall Biology (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002), 382.

The actual fossil record shows the opposite of Darwin’s beliefs: " A few of the gaps (which are systematic in the fossil record) they claim to fill, but there’s another deposit in the region that throws the whole evolutionary story into disrepute: the Chengyiang bed in southern China. Here, the Cambrian Explosion has been documented in fine detail; all the major animal phyla appear in the early Cambrian without precursors."
Chinese Fossil Beds Astound Paleontologists (

. Haeckel’s embryo diagram.They were faked to prove Darwin's common ancestor theory.

".... Haeckel's drawings of embryonic similarities were not correct. British embryologist Michael Richardson and his colleages published an important paper in the August 1997 issue of Anatomy & Embryology showing that Haeckel had fudged his drawings to make the early stages of embryos appear more alike than they actually are! As it turns out, Haeckel's contemporaries had spotted the fraud during his lifetime, and got him to admit it. However, his drawings nonetheless became the source material for diagrams of comparative embryology in nearly every biology textbook, including ours!"
Haeckel s Embryos

How about you try to answer the question instead of demanding silence about a topic that clearly hurts you.

Why are so many afraid to question what has become a religion, "Darwinism"?????
So you're trying the same old crap from the last thread.

So I'll ask again

Where in the first excerpt does it say the Theory of Evolution has been scientifically proven to be a fact?

That last bit is from the 19th Century not the 20th as you wrote and you have not shown that those 19th century drawings are part of any widely used text book in the US.

And once again illustrating the principles of any theory that can be observed is not an endorsement of that theory as fact as such an illustration merely points out some of the reasons the theory was postulated in the first place.

And I'll remind you that in the last thread by you on this subject which you have decided to recreate , you agreed that plants have been observed to exhibit speciation which again is part of Darwins theory.

I gave you a link to a study by biologists in Europe that documented observable changes in a single bird species that are directly linked to a change in migration patterns and food availability. The scientists conducting the study believe this is the early stages of speciation for this bird population.

You did not refute that either did you?

So by your "logic" if either of the 2 aforementioned examples of speciation and likely speciation were mentioned in a classroom you would equate that with teaching the theory of evolution as a scientifically verified fact.

And you would be wrong

. Well-known scientists who dissent from Darwinism, click here: . Scientists on this list include Russell W. Carlson, Prof. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, U. of Georgia; Jonathan Wells, PhD Molecular & Cell Biology-U.C. Berkeley; Dean Kenyon, Prof. Emeritus of Biology, San Francisco State; Marko Horb, Researcher, Dept. of Biology & Biochemistry, U. of Bath; Tony Jelsma, Prof. of Biology, Dordt College; Siegfried Scherer, Prof. of Microbial Ecology, Technische Universität München; Marvin Fritzler, Prof. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, U. of Calgary, Medical School; Lennart Moller, Prof. of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Inst., U. of Stockholm; Matti Leisola, Prof., Laboratory of Bioprocess Engineering, Helsinki U. of Technology; Richard Sternberg, Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institute (2002)

How about you try to answer the question instead of demanding silence about a topic that clearly hurts you.

Why are so many afraid to question what has become a religion, "Darwinism"?????

Really hilarious that you list a collection of Disco'tute charlatans to press your agenda of religious extremism.
Look Corky on your best day with your Mommy and the entire FBI helping you you would still not be a challenge for me

Play on Professor

True story, details SAP level clearance required
BS? Send me your 'SAP level clearance' email address and we'll chat there.
Can't do that since you are a certified dipshit with a full ring ding attack area 51 t shirt level clearance

Who do you think I am Hillary Cliton the cankle queen


Did you see your mother in the cryotube?

Why am I not surprised you couldn't back up your BS.
You go right on believing, thinking and doing as the new American communist party demands, watch and believe the fake news, be a good zombie and take your vaccine on cue as big brother demands then you can get back to normal and follow the leader

This has been the most entertaining thread on evolution. The insults don’t really lead to productive breakthroughs, but the banter has had me giggling. I am a biology educator who has also taught all the core MS and HS subjects for over 20 years. I currently teacher biology and forensic science. Evolution is taught as fact. One doesn’t have to say, “This is a fact.” To influence or convey that very sentiment. Anything to help support that “fact” is used regardless of its validity. The 14-16 year olds don’t know any better. Even if disproved comparative embryonic grids are used, how would the children know any difference? My colleagues do this. Some unknowingly and other do not care.
The theory of macroevolution is the weakest of all widely accepted scientific theories in any major scientific branch today. But the worshippers of Darwin won’t allow debate without gaslighting and ridicule. It truly is jaw-dropping, as our entire field is based on observing, pondering, hypothesizing, designing & executing experiments and drawing unbiased conclusions, just to go back and do it all again for the deep love of truth and discovery. Yet when it comes to the stale, improbable, unprovable, unobservable, molecularly never observed field of macroevolution. Crickets... and don’t even think about objecting without bracing yourself for pitying eye-rolling and immediate dismissal as, “ one of those people”.
This theory gives the freedom to be without ultimate consequence, purpose or accountability to a creator. It is too appealing to those who don’t want to accept that nothing that has been made was made by a God that is eternal and outside of the space & time constraints. Logic is denied. Suspension of disbelief is embraced and anyone who raises serious and legitimate fallacy claims is mocked.

Newton’s 2nd law of thermodynamics, in and of itself, destroys the theory. And this, we can observe. Nothing becomes more sophisticated without guidance. All systems become more disordered and chaotic over time. But some of you aren’t ready for that discussion.
The Christian Taliban are holding a recruiting drive.
On this date, in the year 1858....

.....over a century and a half ago......Charles Darwin and Russell Wallace offered their theory of how the great number of species that inhabit the earth, came into existence.

"1st July 2018: 160th anniversary of the presentation of "On the tendency of Species to form Varieties"

And, while it has proven advantageous to particular political views, when it is applied to science.......the theory has never been proven. is presented in school as proven, a fact.

As B.G. Ranganathan says, in his book ``Origins?’’, "There is no evidence in the fossil record of one kind of creature becoming another kind. No transitional links or intermediate forms between various kinds of creatures have ever been found."
Also, what about now? Has the evolutionary process stopped just before any observations could be made? If, as the Darwinists say, that continuous evolution is a fact, there should be plenty of examples to point to that are in the stages of transition, now, all around us, as well as proof in the past, in the fossil record. I want to see the half fish/half amphibian example, and, as Ranganathan says, "not a single fossil with part fins ... part feet has been found."

Why are so many afraid to question what has become a religion, "Darwinism"?????
Who cares what you are waiting for? People who took 7th grade science have moved on.
On this date, in the year 1858....

.....over a century and a half ago......Charles Darwin and Russell Wallace offered their theory of how the great number of species that inhabit the earth, came into existence.

"1st July 2018: 160th anniversary of the presentation of "On the tendency of Species to form Varieties"

And, while it has proven advantageous to particular political views, when it is applied to science.......the theory has never been proven. is presented in school as proven, a fact.

As B.G. Ranganathan says, in his book ``Origins?’’, "There is no evidence in the fossil record of one kind of creature becoming another kind. No transitional links or intermediate forms between various kinds of creatures have ever been found."
Also, what about now? Has the evolutionary process stopped just before any observations could be made? If, as the Darwinists say, that continuous evolution is a fact, there should be plenty of examples to point to that are in the stages of transition, now, all around us, as well as proof in the past, in the fossil record. I want to see the half fish/half amphibian example, and, as Ranganathan says, "not a single fossil with part fins ... part feet has been found."

Why are so many afraid to question what has become a religion, "Darwinism"?????
Who cares what you are waiting for? People who took 7th grade science have moved on.

"Who cares what you are waiting for?"

You do.....or you wouldn't have slithered in.
On this date, in the year 1858....

.....over a century and a half ago......Charles Darwin and Russell Wallace offered their theory of how the great number of species that inhabit the earth, came into existence.

"1st July 2018: 160th anniversary of the presentation of "On the tendency of Species to form Varieties"

And, while it has proven advantageous to particular political views, when it is applied to science.......the theory has never been proven. is presented in school as proven, a fact.

As B.G. Ranganathan says, in his book ``Origins?’’, "There is no evidence in the fossil record of one kind of creature becoming another kind. No transitional links or intermediate forms between various kinds of creatures have ever been found."
Also, what about now? Has the evolutionary process stopped just before any observations could be made? If, as the Darwinists say, that continuous evolution is a fact, there should be plenty of examples to point to that are in the stages of transition, now, all around us, as well as proof in the past, in the fossil record. I want to see the half fish/half amphibian example, and, as Ranganathan says, "not a single fossil with part fins ... part feet has been found."

Why are so many afraid to question what has become a religion, "Darwinism"?????
Who cares what you are waiting for? People who took 7th grade science have moved on.

"Who cares what you are waiting for?"

You do.....or you wouldn't have slithered in.
That makes about as much sense as your copypasta hissies.
On this date, in the year 1858....

.....over a century and a half ago......Charles Darwin and Russell Wallace offered their theory of how the great number of species that inhabit the earth, came into existence.

"1st July 2018: 160th anniversary of the presentation of "On the tendency of Species to form Varieties"

And, while it has proven advantageous to particular political views, when it is applied to science.......the theory has never been proven. is presented in school as proven, a fact.

As B.G. Ranganathan says, in his book ``Origins?’’, "There is no evidence in the fossil record of one kind of creature becoming another kind. No transitional links or intermediate forms between various kinds of creatures have ever been found."
Also, what about now? Has the evolutionary process stopped just before any observations could be made? If, as the Darwinists say, that continuous evolution is a fact, there should be plenty of examples to point to that are in the stages of transition, now, all around us, as well as proof in the past, in the fossil record. I want to see the half fish/half amphibian example, and, as Ranganathan says, "not a single fossil with part fins ... part feet has been found."

Why are so many afraid to question what has become a religion, "Darwinism"?????
Who cares what you are waiting for? People who took 7th grade science have moved on.

"Who cares what you are waiting for?"

You do.....or you wouldn't have slithered in.
That makes about as much sense as your copypasta hissies.

You just proved what I wrote.

I control you like the pet doggie that you are.
as Ranganathan says, "not a single fossil with part fins ... part feet has been found."
Maybe now you're ready to answer a simple question. If new species don't evolve from older species, where do new species come from?

Why does Ranganathan question the fossil record, he could just go to the zoo and see the sea lions.

That isn't the question.

Perhaps you'd like to try: since I've provided tons of real scientists who are disappointed with all of the flaws in Darwin's theory....

...why is the theory imposed on students as though it were a fact, proven?

Why is that?
Because it's a fact. Biological organisms evolve over time.... unlike you Harun Yahya groupies.

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