Steve Baker withdraws support for Braverman over grooming gangs rhetoric, says ally

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

In May, more than 50 researchers and organisations working in child protection, including the NSPCC and Victim Support, signed an unprecedented joint letter warning that “inaccurate or divisive claims” about grooming gangs undermined efforts to tackle the crime and almost certainly made children less safe.

The month before, when setting out new measures to tackle grooming gangs, Braverman singled out British-Pakistani men as a problem.

This is interesting stuff. Baker is actually a govt colleague of Braverman. He is a right wing brexit shit but has a strange morality. He will speak out when he feels he has too.

His abandoning of the disgusting Braverman makes her position in the cabinet less secure. She only has the job to appease the wing of the party led by Baker. If even he cant stomach it any more then the game is up.

The Home office is a huge department an she is failing on all counts. She aint up to the job and in most cases has made things worse. Imagine if MTG was actually given a govt department to run.

Moe importantly it humiliates the dickheads who focus on "Paki rape gangs" to the exclusion of qll other abusers. It is clear that this impacts on child safety and is just a racist trope. It has nothing to do with child safety.

Is it a sign that the tories are growing up ? Hmmm! That the liks of Braverman holds high office still makes me doubt that. Sunak is still a weak leader in thrall to poundshop racist members. Nobody is betting on him doing the right thing.
My goodness, one would almost think there is something actually WRONG with Pakistani men gang raping British children.

Thank goodness that Tommy is here to set us straight.
I knew that you would show up.
Any rape gang is wrong. But when trash like ypu vent your racism on asians you let everyone else off the hook.
That is why sensible people like Steve Baker are walking away from Cruella.
I knew that you would show up.
Any rape gang is wrong. But when trash like ypu vent your racism on asians you let everyone else off the hook.
That is why sensible people like Steve Baker are walking away from Cruella.
I have vented no racism on Asians. I have opposed the racism coming FROM Pakistanis.

Now, you, on the other hand............
So, yet again, Tommy shows what he is all about.

He responds to opposition against Pakistani men gang raping British children by calling that opposition racist. Since he considers the word racist as just about the worst thing a person could be, then logic would dictate that he would not indulge in this accusation if he ALSO opposed these gang rapes of children.

In mathematics, multiplying a negative with a negative results in a positive. By using basic logic, if Tommy calla a person names for opposing something, that means he supports it.
So, yet again, Tommy shows what he is all about.

He responds to opposition against Pakistani men gang raping British children by calling that opposition racist. Since he considers the word racist as just about the worst thing a person could be, then logic would dictate that he would not indulge in this accusation if he ALSO opposed these gang rapes of children.

In mathematics, multiplying a negative with a negative results in a positive. By using basic logic, if Tommy calla a person names for opposing something, that means he supports it.
Every child care and victims agency in the UK dissagrees with you. Plus a growing number of Conservative ministers.. You dont give a fuck about kids, you just hate muslims.
You are sick.
Every child care and victims agency in the UK dissagrees with you. Plus a growing number of Conservative ministers.. You dont give a fuck about kids, you just hate muslims.
You are sick.
I am sick for opposing the right of Pakistani supremacists to rape British children?

There you have it, folks -- the fat little turd has spoken.
So, yet again, Tommy shows what he is all about.

He responds to opposition against Pakistani men gang raping British children by calling that opposition racist. Since he considers the word racist as just about the worst thing a person could be, then logic would dictate that he would not indulge in this accusation if he ALSO opposed these gang rapes of children.

In mathematics, multiplying a negative with a negative results in a positive. By using basic logic, if Tommy calla a person names for opposing something, that means he supports it.
Tummy Turd is not the brightest electric bulb in the room . But I want it clearly known that he is not English . For those who do not know him , he lives in a tent in the car park of a football ground in Wales which is a small dot on the map somewhere in Europe .
Your o.p. is about Pakistani Rape gangs.

Are you on their payroll or something? One of your major activities here involves defending them by calling people names for opposing them.
The OP is about a senior tory withdrawing his support because of rape gang rhetoric.
If you could read you would be aware of that.

Nobody decent supports rapists of any sort. But your type supports rapists by only focussing on one type of rapist.

So you can score a cheap political point. You make me sick. You are fucked in the head.

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