Stephen Bannon: "I'm a Leninist. Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal, too,”


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
libs are gonna lose their mind over this one!

He's got a chance.

If this is real post by Bannon, if it can be proved, and if MSM broadcasts a thousand times a day, what Trump does will be curious.
Inlove that word play. These guys are way smarter than the press, its gonna be a fun 4 years.
libs are gonna lose their mind over this one!


Yeah....context is key....he wasn't talking about actually being a communist...he was talking about the establishment republicans, democrats and political correctness.....
anadaronjim admits by comparison that Bannon is an enemy of the state.

The dif is that Bannon is his chosen enemy of the state

anadaronjim admits by comparison that Bannon is an enemy of the state.

The dif is that Bannon is his chosen enemy of the state

Now Jake the Fake, please don't put words into my mouth. I never said that, but I will say, that if Bannon is what you hate, the Bannon is the "RIGHT" choice for the Trump Admin. He is from Breitbart, and we all know, except you libtards, that Breitbart exposed all the corruption that Acorn had done, all the corruption of Unplanned Parenthood, and others, so if you hate Bannon, I love Bannon. He isn't the enemy of the state, you lefties are the enemies of the state, and when the Nuremburg trials begin, I will be there as an eye witness. Liberalism and the Constitution do now work. When you want to fundamentally transform it, then you are an enemy of the US of A.
andaronjim accuses me of what he does, which is mirroring. Alinsky and Limbaugh both endorse the tactic.

Bannon is a self proclaimed Leninist, which makes a bolshevik. andaronjim is a bolshevik as well.

They swear allegiance to Putin and Russia. Their hatred of civil liberties and the American constitution are quite obvious.

Their time in the dock will arrive sooner than later.
andaronjim accuses me of what he does, which is mirroring. Alinsky and Limbaugh both endorse the tactic.

Bannon is a self proclaimed Leninist, which makes a bolshevik. andaronjim is a bolshevik as well.

They swear allegiance to Putin and Russia. Their hatred of civil liberties and the American constitution are quite obvious.

Their time in the dock will arrive sooner than later.
I would trust Putin over any of you left wing nut jobs. Putin wants to destroy ISIS, while Obama coddles up with the Muslim Brotherhood, and ISIS both. Liberals have a death wish, and voted for that wish. The 70% of US didn't like you vagina candidate who wanted 550% more, and Breitbart exposed it. That is why you hate him...

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