Steelers head coach shitting on players FA rights

i don't *think* tomlin is trying to go after the vet. it sounded more like he thought they all agreed they would stay out of it by *not* going out at all. unfortunately, in this "war" - not picking a side only means someone will pick a side for you.

Libtards, Democrats, don't believe in neutrality. Either you join in their agenda or you're against them.

Being fascist scum is pointless if you believe in neutrality.
not as if i've not seen the right do a lot of that crap also.
NFL national anthem flap sees Steelers coach Mike Tomlin rap Alejandro Villanueva

For Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Mike Tomlin, being “respectful of our football team” trumped the right of Steelers offensive tackle Alejandro Villanueva to show respect for the national anthem.

A former Army Ranger, Villanueva was the only Steeler to break from the team's orders and come out of the tunnel Sunday in Chicago to stand for "The Star-Spangled Banner."

Speaking after his team's 23-17 loss to the Bears, Tomlin appeared to take a swipe at the Bronze Star recipient's decision.

“Like I said, I was looking for 100 percent participation, we were gonna be respectful of our football team,” Tomlin said.

Tomlin had the right to verbally shit on Villanueva's right.
Stop shitting on Tomlin's right.
who on here? I haven't seen one poster say these goofs don't have a right to take a knee. no one. they can do as they please, the consequences will be what they will have to deal with. cause I ain't gotta like it. and no one as I said has a right to force someone like what happened yesterday. sad day in the USA. fk them all

The players are at work. Standing for the National Anthem is part of the football show. They have no right to take a knee, because they're on the NFL's time, not their own. They can only take a knee because the NFL allows. And, the only reason the NFL allows it is because the NFL is race whipped.

If a white player decided to turn his back to kneeled players during the National Anthem, or protest for some other unPC cause, you'd see who quick the NFL declares that the one white player doesn't have a Free Speech right.
who on here? I haven't seen one poster say these goofs don't have a right to take a knee. no one. they can do as they please, the consequences will be what they will have to deal with. cause I ain't gotta like it. and no one as I said has a right to force someone like what happened yesterday. sad day in the USA. fk them all

The players are at work. Standing for the National Anthem is part of the football show. They have no right to take a knee, because they're on the NFL's time, not their own. They can only take a knee because the NFL allows. And, the only reason the NFL allows it is because the NFL is race whipped.

If a white player decided to turn his back to kneeled players during the National Anthem, or protest for some other unPC cause, you'd see who quick the NFL declares that the one white player doesn't have a Free Speech right.
I supposed that is a point, because it was the sport that brought in the playing of the anthem. again, me, I believe they have the right to, I would just like to know why they did it. And what they're doing to help with whatever they protest. dividing a nation doesn't seem productive. just saying they're creating more diversiveness themselves.



(BTW, FYI - for those interested, Congress / the military made it acceptable / ok for military veterans to salute the flag when not in uniform rather than simply put their hands over their hearts if they so choose. This is why he is saluting. A while back it was supposedly only acceptable for vets to place their hands over their hearts when not in uniform.
-- News Releases - Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

You don't see how his breaking ranks would annoy the teammates who seemed to agree to just stay in rather than anyone make a statement .
the anthem is not a team activity, it is a national activity, so he is proud to be an american before he is a steeler. just sayin you're fked up.

Or maybe he has one of those clauses for his tv deal that he can't boycott the anthem .



(BTW, FYI - for those interested, Congress / the military made it acceptable / ok for military veterans to salute the flag when not in uniform rather than simply put their hands over their hearts if they so choose. This is why he is saluting. A while back it was supposedly only acceptable for vets to place their hands over their hearts when not in uniform.
-- News Releases - Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

You don't see how his breaking ranks would annoy the teammates who seemed to agree to just stay in rather than anyone make a statement .
the anthem is not a team activity, it is a national activity, so he is proud to be an american before he is a steeler. just sayin you're fked up.

Or maybe he has one of those clauses for his tv deal that he can't boycott the anthem .
maybe he's a vet and he honors the flag and the nation. hmmmm maybe?



(BTW, FYI - for those interested, Congress / the military made it acceptable / ok for military veterans to salute the flag when not in uniform rather than simply put their hands over their hearts if they so choose. This is why he is saluting. A while back it was supposedly only acceptable for vets to place their hands over their hearts when not in uniform.
-- News Releases - Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs

You don't see how his breaking ranks would annoy the teammates who seemed to agree to just stay in rather than anyone make a statement .
the anthem is not a team activity, it is a national activity, so he is proud to be an american before he is a steeler. just sayin you're fked up.

Or maybe he has one of those clauses for his tv deal that he can't boycott the anthem .
maybe he's a vet and he honors the flag and the nation. hmmmm maybe?

Could be that too.

Let's face it. We are always suspect of everyone's motives over here.
Just to let you know, many veterans don't like the term "winning" a medal.

Learned that the hard way. Years ago I was 15 or so and I met a retired Colonel. I asked him if he had WON a medal in Vietnam. He then informed me that in the future don't ask veterans if they "won" a medal. He let me know it is not a sport and we don't win them. We RECEIVE them.

Just to let you know. Some veterans get touchy about that.

When I was 16 a policeman addressed our driver-ed class and one of the students while asking a question addressed the police as "cops". The police officer got touchy about that and explained the word cop derived from a acronym for constable-on-patrol. Never understood why officer was so touchy about that or even if that is true (but sounds reasonable). Still, when a few months ago I heard a newscaster refer to police as cops, even after 47 years it still registered with me as being disrespectful.

I reckon being 15 or 16 is an especially good time to gain insight on these matters, a time when they'll stick with you throughout life.
Pat Tillman did not give up his million-dollar contract playing in the NFL to work his ass off to become an Army Ranger and go to war to win a medal.

Tillman's death hit this valley (Phoenix area) hard. I heard one ASU marching band member tell story on radio about how the band and football team were practicing on adjacent fields and after football practice ended, Tillman came over to the band and expressed the team's appreciation for their support and inspiration. Tears came to my eyes as phone call after phone call told similar stories about the man.
Tomlin took a swipe with his 100 percent remark. Because that is not what they actually did. It obviously wasn't 100 percent to hide in the tunnel. This is more Tomlin BS, just like how he is suppose to be so smart but his team almost always ill prepared. They are just lucky they have some very good athletes.

I'm sorry, did you SEE and HEAR his full press interview after yesterday's game live? I did. There was no swipe, none implied, none suggested, none inferred. Not even thought so in the 4 hours of analysis by local sports commentators afterwards.
I did listen to the press conference, I guess this will be chalked up to agree to disagree.

Well since Tomlin didn't seem to feel like there had been a problem and was merely stating he sought to get 100% agreement by everyone on doing one thing or another and failed and I didn't hear any of the press in the room state or claim or ask if he was taking a swipe at his one lone player who had every right and reason to go out, none of the players expressed an issue with him saluting the flag, and none of the approximately 5 or 6 sports analysts after the game expressed any feeling that Tomlin had taken any swipe, I don't think there was any intentional swipe by Tomlin. Just more media sensationalism over a total non-issue.

Had OBAMA said the same words that Trump said about the NFL and the American flag, it would have been taken and touted exactly diametrically opposite as a very patriotic statement. Obama said much worse things inflaming racial tension, giving rise to BLM, creating angst against the police, disparaging the police, but you never saw and never would have seen this "sit-out" by players against Obama! SIMPLY BECAUSE HE WAS BLACK and had anyone done so, they would be called a racist. There is this fiction that only white people can be racist; that protects blacks to say 90% of the racist statements with total impunity while whites are called racist even when not saying the SLIGHTEST thing.

Trump should know this and just keep his big mouth shut occasionally; he said he would be the most presidential president, but I've yet to see him give up his New York Counter-punching antagonism. Sometimes being president also means taking some on the chin for the greater good. Instead, he has just one more time fueled the flames of an issue that had almost disappeared. It is hard enough to watch the NFL games for the rules let alone now having half the teams sitting out the anthem disrespecting the flag.
The players are at work. Standing for the National Anthem is part of the football show. They have no right to take a knee, because they're on the NFL's time, not their own. They can only take a knee because the NFL allows. And, the only reason the NFL allows it is because the NFL is race whipped.

Actually the players aren't at work until the clock starts. And of course pregame prep including getting suited up. But a national anthem is in no way part of that work. Nor is it in the NFL rulebook. So that's NOT on employee time; it's a "tacit". They can do whatever they like And until a few years ago they weren't even out on fhe field for the NA anyway --- that only started when the Pentagon started pimping taxpayer money for fake patriotism.

If a white player decided to turn his back to kneeled players during the National Anthem, or protest for some other unPC cause, you'd see who quick the NFL declares that the one white player doesn't have a Free Speech right.

Speculation fallacy. Dismissed.
lol, so as soon as you people think the shoe is on the other foot, you flip flop and claim these players have 1st amendment rights under these circumstances?

Classic wingnuttery.
Oh how the left wish that guy was white. Damn!

Damn! Damn!

Not only is he Hispanic (not white) most of the media is leaving out that he was veteran who saw combat who is a recipient of the bronze star.

Try complaining about him left. Please espn, complain about him. Say how racist he is for disagreeing with the left.

Btw, that IS the new racism. It is simply if you disagree with their stance. That is all.

Villanueva isn't hispanic! He's Spanish, European Spanish. Hispanic normally describes central and south Americans. This guy sure looks about as white as can be. European Caucasian.

Although I agree with you about the rest.

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