Starbucks Guilty Of Racism, Has To Pay Fired White Manager 25 Million


Too much reverse racism is allowed by people who claim to be against racism. It's ok to say you'll "put a black woman on the supreme court" or you'll admit more black students or hire more non white employees which is racist by it's very definition because it also means your excluding whites just based on their skin color. But somehow whites have to be punished and demonized simply for being white.

Course having a president and his administration running around saying white supremacists are a national crisis doesn't help anything either.

I don't understand how you can walk about screaming about racism while at the very same time be racist as hell.

it's like some paint thinner company complaining about oil companies polluting the earth meanwhile they are dumping paint thinner in the rivers. But because they aren't dumping oil it's ok to dump anything you want as long as it isn't oil.

I wish when slavery was abolished that had put all the blacks on a boat and sent them back to Africa.

I sometimes wish that mysefl.. Lincoln wanted to do that. He prophesied that theBlacks, if given freedom would turn on Whites.. I think it was Frederick Douglass who talked him out of the back to Africa thing. And it is true that America became their home due to slavery so it wasn't their fault and since the US was their home, they shouldn't be forced to leave.. I mean, that is not fair to them. They didn't ask to be brought to the US but once they were there, it did become their home. You would not want to be forced to leave your home just bc of... politics... or whatever...

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