Standing up to the left's denial if reality re: transgender

Why is it that "little boy" dolls are the hottest selling items in the fag sex shops?

BTW....we can only hope that a gay gene will be discovered. That way parents could be able to determine that a potential child is going to be gay before it is even born and they could choose to have any abortion.

IF gayness is caused by a genetic disorder, it wont be long before they will be able to cure this affliction.

Personally....I think not. Gayness is a behavioral affliction that is associated directly to the personality of the individual who is afflicted with the behavior.

there is no cure besides to lock them up and prvent them from sticking stuff in their anuses
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Why is it that "little boy" dolls are the hottest selling items in the fag sex shops?

BTW....we can only hope that a gay gene will be discovered. That way parents could be able to determine that a potential child is going to be gay before it is even born and they could choose to have any abortion.

IF gayness is caused by a genetic disorder, it wont be long before they will be able to cure this affliction.

Personally....I think not. Gayness is a behavioral affliction that is associated directly to the personality of the individual who is afflicted with the behavior.

there is no cure besides to lock them up and prvent them from sticking stuff in their anuses

Why lock them up? If they aren't harming anyone, who cares if they have ass sex? If someone knowingly or recklessly or even negligently passes on an STD, then yes, lock them up, but straights could do that as well. We shouldn't be the nanny control freaks that liberals are.
Believe what you want. But there is no "gay gene".

So you really don't know and you didn't make complex choices or puzzle over it in your teen years. Do you not wonder why? In the end you stick to your bigoted, unscientific point of view - as does Quantum Windbag.

When I was young mom was always concerned we boys, and there were lots of us, were having too many sexual thoughts and may even be doing that act that made you crazy. See progress has happened for at least now we know you won't go crazy. Mom was always looking for my girly magazines, being a dumb kid it took me a while before I found a safe hiding place. But my gay brother, I had no idea at the time he was gay, we were kinda dumb forty years ago, took no interest in my youthful perversions. It took me many years to realize why and also to know that was who he was and is. If gay were learned my brother would not be gay our family life was large, religious and very poor.

Is that proof, it is if you know and talk to gay people and you ask the hard questions. Just as some people are born with personalities that puzzle. Ask any teacher who the gays children are and they will know quite early. Did these children at this age make that decision. No, they did not nor could not. My wife has taught for over thirty years and will confirm that as will many other teachers. I know lots of gays today and I'm sure there are gay members in every family.

[ame=]Bryan's Coming Out Story - YouTube[/ame]

Nice sob story but there is no "gay gene". People are not born gay. They want you to believe that because it justifies their abominable lifestyle.

There's not one study either medical or from the field of psychology that proves or even remotely demonstrates that a person is born or has homosexual behavior from birth.

Since you were unable to answer my questions you proved my points. You did not make a choice as to your orientation, your genes gave you your orientation. No free choice existed for you or for anyone. Your genetic being was managed by your biologic makeup. That you still view others who are also creatures of biology, but different from you, as aberrant, only shows you as a bigoted moron. Don't feel bad about your ignorance, in reading the other replies above you have lots of company in the bigoted moronic group. Progress for human stupidity is a slow moving clock but it does move. Studies below.

"To test whether genes play a role, researchers have compared identical twins (in which all genes are shared) to fraternal twins (in which about 50 percent of genes are shared). A 2001 review of such twin studies reported that almost all found identical twins were significantly more likely to share a sexual orientation – that is, to be either both gay, or both straight – than fraternal twins, who are less genetically close. Such findings indicate that genes do factor into a person's orientation." link below

"Despite a popular perception that male-female pairings are the only "natural" way, the animal kingdom is actually full of examples of same-sex couples. Penguins, dolphins, bison, swans, giraffes and chimpanzees are just a few of the many species that sometimes pair up with same-sex partners." 5 Myths About Gay People Debunked | Homosexuality & Sexual Orientation Science | LiveScience

"Patrick is social, thoughtful, attentive. He repeatedly addresses me by name. Thomas is physical, spontaneous, a bit distracted. Just minutes after meeting me outside a coffee shop, he punches me in the upper arm, yells, "Gray punch buggy!" and then points to a Volkswagen Beetle cruising past us. It's a hard punch. They horse around like typical brothers, but Patrick's punches are less forceful and his voice is higher. Thomas charges at his brother, arms flexed in front of him like a mini-bodybuilder. The differences are subtle - they're 7-year-old boys, after all - but they are there.

When the twins were 2, Patrick found his mother's shoes. He liked wearing them. Thomas tried on his father's once but didn't see the point.

When they were 3, Thomas blurted out that toy guns were his favorite things. Patrick piped up that his were the Barbie dolls he discovered at day care." What Makes People Gay? - The Boston Globe

"In the study, researchers analyzed the genetic makeup of 456 men from 146 families with two or more gay brothers.

The genetic scans showed a clustering of the same genetic pattern among the gay men on three chromosomes -- chromosomes 7, 8, and 10. These common genetic patterns were shared by 60% of the gay men in the study. This is slightly more than the 50% expected by chance alone.

The regions on chromosome 7 and 8 were associated with male sexual orientation regardless of whether the man got them from his mother or father. The regions on chromosome 10 were only associated with male sexual orientation if they were inherited from the mother."

Is There a 'Gay Gene'?

Survival of genetic homosexual traits explained - life - 13 October 2004 - New Scientist
So you really don't know and you didn't make complex choices or puzzle over it in your teen years. Do you not wonder why? In the end you stick to your bigoted, unscientific point of view - as does Quantum Windbag.

When I was young mom was always concerned we boys, and there were lots of us, were having too many sexual thoughts and may even be doing that act that made you crazy. See progress has happened for at least now we know you won't go crazy. Mom was always looking for my girly magazines, being a dumb kid it took me a while before I found a safe hiding place. But my gay brother, I had no idea at the time he was gay, we were kinda dumb forty years ago, took no interest in my youthful perversions. It took me many years to realize why and also to know that was who he was and is. If gay were learned my brother would not be gay our family life was large, religious and very poor.

Is that proof, it is if you know and talk to gay people and you ask the hard questions. Just as some people are born with personalities that puzzle. Ask any teacher who the gays children are and they will know quite early. Did these children at this age make that decision. No, they did not nor could not. My wife has taught for over thirty years and will confirm that as will many other teachers. I know lots of gays today and I'm sure there are gay members in every family.

Bryan's Coming Out Story - YouTube

Nice sob story but there is no "gay gene". People are not born gay. They want you to believe that because it justifies their abominable lifestyle.

There's not one study either medical or from the field of psychology that proves or even remotely demonstrates that a person is born or has homosexual behavior from birth.

"Despite a popular perception that male-female pairings are the only "natural" way, the animal kingdom is actually full of examples of same-sex couples. Penguins, dolphins, bison, swans, giraffes and chimpanzees are just a few of the many species that sometimes pair up with same-sex partners." 5 Myths About Gay People Debunked | Homosexuality & Sexual Orientation Science | LiveScience

So you really don't know and you didn't make complex choices or puzzle over it in your teen years. Do you not wonder why? In the end you stick to your bigoted, unscientific point of view - as does Quantum Windbag.

When I was young mom was always concerned we boys, and there were lots of us, were having too many sexual thoughts and may even be doing that act that made you crazy. See progress has happened for at least now we know you won't go crazy. Mom was always looking for my girly magazines, being a dumb kid it took me a while before I found a safe hiding place. But my gay brother, I had no idea at the time he was gay, we were kinda dumb forty years ago, took no interest in my youthful perversions. It took me many years to realize why and also to know that was who he was and is. If gay were learned my brother would not be gay our family life was large, religious and very poor.

Is that proof, it is if you know and talk to gay people and you ask the hard questions. Just as some people are born with personalities that puzzle. Ask any teacher who the gays children are and they will know quite early. Did these children at this age make that decision. No, they did not nor could not. My wife has taught for over thirty years and will confirm that as will many other teachers. I know lots of gays today and I'm sure there are gay members in every family.

Bryan's Coming Out Story - YouTube

Nice sob story but there is no "gay gene". People are not born gay. They want you to believe that because it justifies their abominable lifestyle.

There's not one study either medical or from the field of psychology that proves or even remotely demonstrates that a person is born or has homosexual behavior from birth.

Since you were unable to answer my questions you proved my points. You did not make a choice as to your orientation, your genes gave you your orientation. No free choice existed for you or for anyone. Your genetic being was managed by your biologic makeup. That you still view others who are also creatures of biology, but different from you, as aberrant, only shows you as a bigoted moron. Don't feel bad about your ignorance, in reading the other replies above you have lots of company in the bigoted moronic group. Progress for human stupidity is a slow moving clock but it does move. Studies below.

"To test whether genes play a role, researchers have compared identical twins (in which all genes are shared) to fraternal twins (in which about 50 percent of genes are shared). A 2001 review of such twin studies reported that almost all found identical twins were significantly more likely to share a sexual orientation – that is, to be either both gay, or both straight – than fraternal twins, who are less genetically close. Such findings indicate that genes do factor into a person's orientation." link below

"Despite a popular perception that male-female pairings are the only "natural" way, the animal kingdom is actually full of examples of same-sex couples. Penguins, dolphins, bison, swans, giraffes and chimpanzees are just a few of the many species that sometimes pair up with same-sex partners." 5 Myths About Gay People Debunked | Homosexuality & Sexual Orientation Science | LiveScience

"Patrick is social, thoughtful, attentive. He repeatedly addresses me by name. Thomas is physical, spontaneous, a bit distracted. Just minutes after meeting me outside a coffee shop, he punches me in the upper arm, yells, "Gray punch buggy!" and then points to a Volkswagen Beetle cruising past us. It's a hard punch. They horse around like typical brothers, but Patrick's punches are less forceful and his voice is higher. Thomas charges at his brother, arms flexed in front of him like a mini-bodybuilder. The differences are subtle - they're 7-year-old boys, after all - but they are there.

When the twins were 2, Patrick found his mother's shoes. He liked wearing them. Thomas tried on his father's once but didn't see the point.

When they were 3, Thomas blurted out that toy guns were his favorite things. Patrick piped up that his were the Barbie dolls he discovered at day care." What Makes People Gay? - The Boston Globe

"In the study, researchers analyzed the genetic makeup of 456 men from 146 families with two or more gay brothers.

The genetic scans showed a clustering of the same genetic pattern among the gay men on three chromosomes -- chromosomes 7, 8, and 10. These common genetic patterns were shared by 60% of the gay men in the study. This is slightly more than the 50% expected by chance alone.

The regions on chromosome 7 and 8 were associated with male sexual orientation regardless of whether the man got them from his mother or father. The regions on chromosome 10 were only associated with male sexual orientation if they were inherited from the mother."

Is There a 'Gay Gene'?

Survival of genetic homosexual traits explained - life - 13 October 2004 - New Scientist

Simple statement of fact, if sexual choice is genetic every single set identical twins would have the same sexual orientation. Anyone that argues otherwise is ignorant of genetics and stands on the exact same ground as the people who insist that the Earth is only 6000 years old.

Are you a creationist?
Nice sob story but there is no "gay gene". People are not born gay. They want you to believe that because it justifies their abominable lifestyle.

There's not one study either medical or from the field of psychology that proves or even remotely demonstrates that a person is born or has homosexual behavior from birth.

Since you were unable to answer my questions you proved my points. You did not make a choice as to your orientation, your genes gave you your orientation. No free choice existed for you or for anyone. Your genetic being was managed by your biologic makeup. That you still view others who are also creatures of biology, but different from you, as aberrant, only shows you as a bigoted moron. Don't feel bad about your ignorance, in reading the other replies above you have lots of company in the bigoted moronic group. Progress for human stupidity is a slow moving clock but it does move. Studies below.

"To test whether genes play a role, researchers have compared identical twins (in which all genes are shared) to fraternal twins (in which about 50 percent of genes are shared). A 2001 review of such twin studies reported that almost all found identical twins were significantly more likely to share a sexual orientation – that is, to be either both gay, or both straight – than fraternal twins, who are less genetically close. Such findings indicate that genes do factor into a person's orientation." link below

"Despite a popular perception that male-female pairings are the only "natural" way, the animal kingdom is actually full of examples of same-sex couples. Penguins, dolphins, bison, swans, giraffes and chimpanzees are just a few of the many species that sometimes pair up with same-sex partners." 5 Myths About Gay People Debunked | Homosexuality & Sexual Orientation Science | LiveScience

"Patrick is social, thoughtful, attentive. He repeatedly addresses me by name. Thomas is physical, spontaneous, a bit distracted. Just minutes after meeting me outside a coffee shop, he punches me in the upper arm, yells, "Gray punch buggy!" and then points to a Volkswagen Beetle cruising past us. It's a hard punch. They horse around like typical brothers, but Patrick's punches are less forceful and his voice is higher. Thomas charges at his brother, arms flexed in front of him like a mini-bodybuilder. The differences are subtle - they're 7-year-old boys, after all - but they are there.

When the twins were 2, Patrick found his mother's shoes. He liked wearing them. Thomas tried on his father's once but didn't see the point.

When they were 3, Thomas blurted out that toy guns were his favorite things. Patrick piped up that his were the Barbie dolls he discovered at day care." What Makes People Gay? - The Boston Globe

"In the study, researchers analyzed the genetic makeup of 456 men from 146 families with two or more gay brothers.

The genetic scans showed a clustering of the same genetic pattern among the gay men on three chromosomes -- chromosomes 7, 8, and 10. These common genetic patterns were shared by 60% of the gay men in the study. This is slightly more than the 50% expected by chance alone.

The regions on chromosome 7 and 8 were associated with male sexual orientation regardless of whether the man got them from his mother or father. The regions on chromosome 10 were only associated with male sexual orientation if they were inherited from the mother."

Is There a 'Gay Gene'?

Survival of genetic homosexual traits explained - life - 13 October 2004 - New Scientist

Simple statement of fact, if sexual choice is genetic every single set identical twins would have the same sexual orientation. Anyone that argues otherwise is ignorant of genetics and stands on the exact same ground as the people who insist that the Earth is only 6000 years old.

Are you a creationist?

That would work if identical were completely identically in every sense. And why would they do studies on why one twin develops a genetic disease while the other one doesn't.

Second article brings up epigenetics, which is what another article about sexual orientation I posted brought up.

Plus there is the whole fact one of my identical twins is taller than the other, one has larger eyes etc.. But they are still considered identical twins. This doesn't mean they have the same personality etc.
Nice sob story but there is no "gay gene". People are not born gay. They want you to believe that because it justifies their abominable lifestyle.

There's not one study either medical or from the field of psychology that proves or even remotely demonstrates that a person is born or has homosexual behavior from birth.

Since you were unable to answer my questions you proved my points. You did not make a choice as to your orientation, your genes gave you your orientation. No free choice existed for you or for anyone. Your genetic being was managed by your biologic makeup. That you still view others who are also creatures of biology, but different from you, as aberrant, only shows you as a bigoted moron. Don't feel bad about your ignorance, in reading the other replies above you have lots of company in the bigoted moronic group. Progress for human stupidity is a slow moving clock but it does move. Studies below.

"To test whether genes play a role, researchers have compared identical twins (in which all genes are shared) to fraternal twins (in which about 50 percent of genes are shared). A 2001 review of such twin studies reported that almost all found identical twins were significantly more likely to share a sexual orientation – that is, to be either both gay, or both straight – than fraternal twins, who are less genetically close. Such findings indicate that genes do factor into a person's orientation." link below

"Despite a popular perception that male-female pairings are the only "natural" way, the animal kingdom is actually full of examples of same-sex couples. Penguins, dolphins, bison, swans, giraffes and chimpanzees are just a few of the many species that sometimes pair up with same-sex partners." 5 Myths About Gay People Debunked | Homosexuality & Sexual Orientation Science | LiveScience

"Patrick is social, thoughtful, attentive. He repeatedly addresses me by name. Thomas is physical, spontaneous, a bit distracted. Just minutes after meeting me outside a coffee shop, he punches me in the upper arm, yells, "Gray punch buggy!" and then points to a Volkswagen Beetle cruising past us. It's a hard punch. They horse around like typical brothers, but Patrick's punches are less forceful and his voice is higher. Thomas charges at his brother, arms flexed in front of him like a mini-bodybuilder. The differences are subtle - they're 7-year-old boys, after all - but they are there.

When the twins were 2, Patrick found his mother's shoes. He liked wearing them. Thomas tried on his father's once but didn't see the point.

When they were 3, Thomas blurted out that toy guns were his favorite things. Patrick piped up that his were the Barbie dolls he discovered at day care." What Makes People Gay? - The Boston Globe

"In the study, researchers analyzed the genetic makeup of 456 men from 146 families with two or more gay brothers.

The genetic scans showed a clustering of the same genetic pattern among the gay men on three chromosomes -- chromosomes 7, 8, and 10. These common genetic patterns were shared by 60% of the gay men in the study. This is slightly more than the 50% expected by chance alone.

The regions on chromosome 7 and 8 were associated with male sexual orientation regardless of whether the man got them from his mother or father. The regions on chromosome 10 were only associated with male sexual orientation if they were inherited from the mother."

Is There a 'Gay Gene'?

Survival of genetic homosexual traits explained - life - 13 October 2004 - New Scientist

Simple statement of fact, if sexual choice is genetic every single set identical twins would have the same sexual orientation. Anyone that argues otherwise is ignorant of genetics and stands on the exact same ground as the people who insist that the Earth is only 6000 years old.

Are you a creationist?

LOL! How bracingly dishonest.

You're conflating 'choice' with 'orientation'.

You're also committing the logical fallacy of False Dilemma.

Science, let alone genetics, clearly isn't something you should be trying to address.
Since you were unable to answer my questions you proved my points. You did not make a choice as to your orientation, your genes gave you your orientation. No free choice existed for you or for anyone. Your genetic being was managed by your biologic makeup. That you still view others who are also creatures of biology, but different from you, as aberrant, only shows you as a bigoted moron. Don't feel bad about your ignorance, in reading the other replies above you have lots of company in the bigoted moronic group. Progress for human stupidity is a slow moving clock but it does move. Studies below.

"To test whether genes play a role, researchers have compared identical twins (in which all genes are shared) to fraternal twins (in which about 50 percent of genes are shared). A 2001 review of such twin studies reported that almost all found identical twins were significantly more likely to share a sexual orientation – that is, to be either both gay, or both straight – than fraternal twins, who are less genetically close. Such findings indicate that genes do factor into a person's orientation." link below

"Despite a popular perception that male-female pairings are the only "natural" way, the animal kingdom is actually full of examples of same-sex couples. Penguins, dolphins, bison, swans, giraffes and chimpanzees are just a few of the many species that sometimes pair up with same-sex partners." 5 Myths About Gay People Debunked | Homosexuality & Sexual Orientation Science | LiveScience

"Patrick is social, thoughtful, attentive. He repeatedly addresses me by name. Thomas is physical, spontaneous, a bit distracted. Just minutes after meeting me outside a coffee shop, he punches me in the upper arm, yells, "Gray punch buggy!" and then points to a Volkswagen Beetle cruising past us. It's a hard punch. They horse around like typical brothers, but Patrick's punches are less forceful and his voice is higher. Thomas charges at his brother, arms flexed in front of him like a mini-bodybuilder. The differences are subtle - they're 7-year-old boys, after all - but they are there.

When the twins were 2, Patrick found his mother's shoes. He liked wearing them. Thomas tried on his father's once but didn't see the point.

When they were 3, Thomas blurted out that toy guns were his favorite things. Patrick piped up that his were the Barbie dolls he discovered at day care." What Makes People Gay? - The Boston Globe

"In the study, researchers analyzed the genetic makeup of 456 men from 146 families with two or more gay brothers.

The genetic scans showed a clustering of the same genetic pattern among the gay men on three chromosomes -- chromosomes 7, 8, and 10. These common genetic patterns were shared by 60% of the gay men in the study. This is slightly more than the 50% expected by chance alone.

The regions on chromosome 7 and 8 were associated with male sexual orientation regardless of whether the man got them from his mother or father. The regions on chromosome 10 were only associated with male sexual orientation if they were inherited from the mother."

Is There a 'Gay Gene'?

Survival of genetic homosexual traits explained - life - 13 October 2004 - New Scientist

Simple statement of fact, if sexual choice is genetic every single set identical twins would have the same sexual orientation. Anyone that argues otherwise is ignorant of genetics and stands on the exact same ground as the people who insist that the Earth is only 6000 years old.

Are you a creationist?

That would work if identical were completely identically in every sense. And why would they do studies on why one twin develops a genetic disease while the other one doesn't.
Identical Twins Not As Identical As Believed

BBC News - 'Not-so-identical' twins may hold the key to disease

Second article brings up epigenetics, which is what another article about sexual orientation I posted brought up.

Plus there is the whole fact one of my identical twins is taller than the other, one has larger eyes etc.. But they are still considered identical twins. This doesn't mean they have the same personality etc.

Nice of you to prove my point for me.

FYI, if the article is accurate, it is saying that diseases like Parkinson's is the result of copy errors, not genetics. As for epigenetics, that would conclusively prove that homosexuality is the result genetic error, not genetics. It would also raise the possiblity of testing for, and preventing, the problem that causes it.

Do you really want to argue that homosexuality is curable?
Since you were unable to answer my questions you proved my points. You did not make a choice as to your orientation, your genes gave you your orientation. No free choice existed for you or for anyone. Your genetic being was managed by your biologic makeup. That you still view others who are also creatures of biology, but different from you, as aberrant, only shows you as a bigoted moron. Don't feel bad about your ignorance, in reading the other replies above you have lots of company in the bigoted moronic group. Progress for human stupidity is a slow moving clock but it does move. Studies below.

"To test whether genes play a role, researchers have compared identical twins (in which all genes are shared) to fraternal twins (in which about 50 percent of genes are shared). A 2001 review of such twin studies reported that almost all found identical twins were significantly more likely to share a sexual orientation – that is, to be either both gay, or both straight – than fraternal twins, who are less genetically close. Such findings indicate that genes do factor into a person's orientation." link below

"Despite a popular perception that male-female pairings are the only "natural" way, the animal kingdom is actually full of examples of same-sex couples. Penguins, dolphins, bison, swans, giraffes and chimpanzees are just a few of the many species that sometimes pair up with same-sex partners." 5 Myths About Gay People Debunked | Homosexuality & Sexual Orientation Science | LiveScience

"Patrick is social, thoughtful, attentive. He repeatedly addresses me by name. Thomas is physical, spontaneous, a bit distracted. Just minutes after meeting me outside a coffee shop, he punches me in the upper arm, yells, "Gray punch buggy!" and then points to a Volkswagen Beetle cruising past us. It's a hard punch. They horse around like typical brothers, but Patrick's punches are less forceful and his voice is higher. Thomas charges at his brother, arms flexed in front of him like a mini-bodybuilder. The differences are subtle - they're 7-year-old boys, after all - but they are there.

When the twins were 2, Patrick found his mother's shoes. He liked wearing them. Thomas tried on his father's once but didn't see the point.

When they were 3, Thomas blurted out that toy guns were his favorite things. Patrick piped up that his were the Barbie dolls he discovered at day care." What Makes People Gay? - The Boston Globe

"In the study, researchers analyzed the genetic makeup of 456 men from 146 families with two or more gay brothers.

The genetic scans showed a clustering of the same genetic pattern among the gay men on three chromosomes -- chromosomes 7, 8, and 10. These common genetic patterns were shared by 60% of the gay men in the study. This is slightly more than the 50% expected by chance alone.

The regions on chromosome 7 and 8 were associated with male sexual orientation regardless of whether the man got them from his mother or father. The regions on chromosome 10 were only associated with male sexual orientation if they were inherited from the mother."

Is There a 'Gay Gene'?

Survival of genetic homosexual traits explained - life - 13 October 2004 - New Scientist

Simple statement of fact, if sexual choice is genetic every single set identical twins would have the same sexual orientation. Anyone that argues otherwise is ignorant of genetics and stands on the exact same ground as the people who insist that the Earth is only 6000 years old.

Are you a creationist?

LOL! How bracingly dishonest.

You're conflating 'choice' with 'orientation'.

You're also committing the logical fallacy of False Dilemma.

Science, let alone genetics, clearly isn't something you should be trying to address.

I am not confusing anything, I simply stated a fact, if sexual choice/orientation is genetic every identical twin would have both twins with the same sexual preference.

I am also not creating a logical fallacy of a false dilemma. In order for that to apply I would have to insist that the only alternatives are between genetics and something else, I never said anything like that, did I? I simply pointed out a fundamental choice everyone has between accepting reality and living in a delusion that science is wrong. The problem here is your complete ignorance and inability to admit that the claptrap you have been spoon fed all your life is wrong.
If you are "born" something then aren't you a "victim" and pedophiles should get "help" and not prison?

The problem is you can't really help a pedophile. You can 'train' them to not act on their impulses, but they are a virtual time bomb waiting to go off. At the same time, you can't lock them up when they haven't yet committed a crime.
Nice sob story but there is no "gay gene". People are not born gay. They want you to believe that because it justifies their abominable lifestyle.

There's not one study either medical or from the field of psychology that proves or even remotely demonstrates that a person is born or has homosexual behavior from birth.

So you are saying that basically, people are born straight, but they choose to have sex with people they are not naturally attracted to, and they demand the right to marry people they are not naturally attracted to.

Are you insane?

Why is it that "little boy" dolls are the hottest selling items in the fag sex shops?

BTW....we can only hope that a gay gene will be discovered. That way parents could be able to determine that a potential child is going to be gay before it is even born and they could choose to have any abortion.

IF gayness is caused by a genetic disorder, it wont be long before they will be able to cure this affliction.

Personally....I think not. Gayness is a behavioral affliction that is associated directly to the personality of the individual who is afflicted with the behavior.

there is no cure besides to lock them up and prvent them from sticking stuff in their anuses

So you really don't know and you didn't make complex choices or puzzle over it in your teen years. Do you not wonder why? In the end you stick to your bigoted, unscientific point of view - as does Quantum Windbag.

When I was young mom was always concerned we boys, and there were lots of us, were having too many sexual thoughts and may even be doing that act that made you crazy. See progress has happened for at least now we know you won't go crazy. Mom was always looking for my girly magazines, being a dumb kid it took me a while before I found a safe hiding place. But my gay brother, I had no idea at the time he was gay, we were kinda dumb forty years ago, took no interest in my youthful perversions. It took me many years to realize why and also to know that was who he was and is. If gay were learned my brother would not be gay our family life was large, religious and very poor.

Is that proof, it is if you know and talk to gay people and you ask the hard questions. Just as some people are born with personalities that puzzle. Ask any teacher who the gays children are and they will know quite early. Did these children at this age make that decision. No, they did not nor could not. My wife has taught for over thirty years and will confirm that as will many other teachers. I know lots of gays today and I'm sure there are gay members in every family.

Bryan's Coming Out Story - YouTube

Nice sob story but there is no "gay gene". People are not born gay. They want you to believe that because it justifies their abominable lifestyle.

There's not one study either medical or from the field of psychology that proves or even remotely demonstrates that a person is born or has homosexual behavior from birth.

Since you were unable to answer my questions you proved my points. You did not make a choice as to your orientation, your genes gave you your orientation. No free choice existed for you or for anyone. Your genetic being was managed by your biologic makeup. That you still view others who are also creatures of biology, but different from you, as aberrant, only shows you as a bigoted moron. Don't feel bad about your ignorance, in reading the other replies above you have lots of company in the bigoted moronic group. Progress for human stupidity is a slow moving clock but it does move. Studies below.

"To test whether genes play a role, researchers have compared identical twins (in which all genes are shared) to fraternal twins (in which about 50 percent of genes are shared). A 2001 review of such twin studies reported that almost all found identical twins were significantly more likely to share a sexual orientation – that is, to be either both gay, or both straight – than fraternal twins, who are less genetically close. Such findings indicate that genes do factor into a person's orientation." link below

"Despite a popular perception that male-female pairings are the only "natural" way, the animal kingdom is actually full of examples of same-sex couples. Penguins, dolphins, bison, swans, giraffes and chimpanzees are just a few of the many species that sometimes pair up with same-sex partners." 5 Myths About Gay People Debunked | Homosexuality & Sexual Orientation Science | LiveScience

"Patrick is social, thoughtful, attentive. He repeatedly addresses me by name. Thomas is physical, spontaneous, a bit distracted. Just minutes after meeting me outside a coffee shop, he punches me in the upper arm, yells, "Gray punch buggy!" and then points to a Volkswagen Beetle cruising past us. It's a hard punch. They horse around like typical brothers, but Patrick's punches are less forceful and his voice is higher. Thomas charges at his brother, arms flexed in front of him like a mini-bodybuilder. The differences are subtle - they're 7-year-old boys, after all - but they are there.

When the twins were 2, Patrick found his mother's shoes. He liked wearing them. Thomas tried on his father's once but didn't see the point.

When they were 3, Thomas blurted out that toy guns were his favorite things. Patrick piped up that his were the Barbie dolls he discovered at day care." What Makes People Gay? - The Boston Globe

"In the study, researchers analyzed the genetic makeup of 456 men from 146 families with two or more gay brothers.

The genetic scans showed a clustering of the same genetic pattern among the gay men on three chromosomes -- chromosomes 7, 8, and 10. These common genetic patterns were shared by 60% of the gay men in the study. This is slightly more than the 50% expected by chance alone.

The regions on chromosome 7 and 8 were associated with male sexual orientation regardless of whether the man got them from his mother or father. The regions on chromosome 10 were only associated with male sexual orientation if they were inherited from the mother."

Is There a 'Gay Gene'?

Survival of genetic homosexual traits explained - life - 13 October 2004 - New Scientist

It was a rhetorical question. It didn't require an answer.

Anyone that disagrees with your opinion is a bigot . Got it.

Fact is there is no gay gene.


BTW..........The reasoning behind the animal homosexuality theory can be summed up as follows:

- Homosexual behavior is observable in animals.
- Animal behavior is determined by their instincts.
- Nature requires animals to follow their instincts.
- Therefore, homosexuality is in accordance with animal nature.
- Since man is also animal, homosexuality must also be in accordance with human nature.

This line of reasoning is unsustainable. If seemingly "homosexual" acts among animals are in accordance with animal nature, then parental killing of offspring and intra-species devouring are also in accordance with animal nature. Bringing man into the equation complicates things further. Are we to conclude that filicide and cannibalism are according to human nature?

It is poor science to "read" human motivations and sentiments into animal behavior, and irrational animal behavior is not a yardstick to determine what is morally acceptable behavior for rational man.
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Nice sob story but there is no "gay gene". People are not born gay. They want you to believe that because it justifies their abominable lifestyle.

There's not one study either medical or from the field of psychology that proves or even remotely demonstrates that a person is born or has homosexual behavior from birth.

So you are saying that basically, people are born straight, but they choose to have sex with people they are not naturally attracted to, and they demand the right to marry people they are not naturally attracted to.

Are you insane?

Why is it that "little boy" dolls are the hottest selling items in the fag sex shops?

BTW....we can only hope that a gay gene will be discovered. That way parents could be able to determine that a potential child is going to be gay before it is even born and they could choose to have any abortion.

IF gayness is caused by a genetic disorder, it wont be long before they will be able to cure this affliction.

Personally....I think not. Gayness is a behavioral affliction that is associated directly to the personality of the individual who is afflicted with the behavior.

there is no cure besides to lock them up and prvent them from sticking stuff in their anuses


No that's not what I'm saying. But nice strawman.
Simple statement of fact, if sexual choice is genetic every single set identical twins would have the same sexual orientation. Anyone that argues otherwise is ignorant of genetics and stands on the exact same ground as the people who insist that the Earth is only 6000 years old.

Are you a creationist?

LOL! How bracingly dishonest.

You're conflating 'choice' with 'orientation'.

You're also committing the logical fallacy of False Dilemma.

Science, let alone genetics, clearly isn't something you should be trying to address.

I am not confusing anything, I simply stated a fact, if sexual choice/orientation is genetic every identical twin would have both twins with the same sexual preference.

More evasion and prevarication form you. How surprising.

I never said you were 'confusing' anything, but that you were conflating two different things, and transparently so. I notice you've failed to address this.
I am also not creating a logical fallacy of a false dilemma. In order for that to apply I would have to insist that the only alternatives are between genetics and something else, I never said anything like that, did I? I simply pointed out a fundamental choice everyone has between accepting reality and living in a delusion that science is wrong. The problem here is your complete ignorance and inability to admit that the claptrap you have been spoon fed all your life is wrong.

Yes, you did. You gave a very clear either/or scenario where there is no justification for it to exist. Your words: "Anyone that argues otherwise is ignorant of genetics and stands on the exact same ground as the people who insist that the Earth is only 6000 years old. "

You have not demonstrated that your conclusions are based in reality; rather you've only made bare assertions, and it's been demonstrated here why your assertions are not credible.

The problem here is that you're attempting to hold forth on two things you clearly don't understand: science and logic.

You're embarrassing yourself.
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There is a simple test to see if sexuality is a choice and those who think it is a choice can confirm their beliefs easily. The test is to switch hit. Very simple test, there is no need to go all the way but simply to choose to be gay or transgender or whatever. In order to take the challenge, prove you are right, and still believe orientation is a choice, simply switch hit for a week. During this week you must stop looking a men's or women's asses and instead admire and desire women's and men's asses. See just switch. If you want a real challenge google porn sites that are opposite of your assumptions. Every town has a gay or lesbian bar or meeting place and if you really want to prove it choice go there and mingle. Again there is no choice to hug or kiss but prove to yourself what you belief. Don't forget you must stick to your choice for the week. You may even learn something about yourself that you were unaware of. Good luck and report back next week, let us how you made out. And please do not blame me if you find you really were someone you thought you weren't. Best of luck.
More evasion and prevarication form you. How surprising.

I never said you were 'confusing' anything, but that you were conflating two different things, and transparently so. I notice you've failed to address this.

What, exactly, am I conflating? The best you can argue is that my use of the word choice instead of orientation shows my bias toward the theory that sexual preference is a choice. I will admit that up front it it makes you feel better, but I will also admit that is simply my bias speaking, and that I cannot conclusively prove whether or not it is a choice. I will also point out that, even if there existed clear evidence that homosexuality is genetic, that does not mean that it is not a choice a sentient being can make despite his genetic predisposition.

Yes, you did. You gave a very clear either/or scenario where there is no justification for it to exist. Your words: "Anyone that argues otherwise is ignorant of genetics and stands on the exact same ground as the people who insist that the Earth is only 6000 years old. "

You have not demonstrated that your conclusions are based in reality; rather you've only made bare assertions, and it's been demonstrated here why your assertions are not credible.

The problem here is that you're attempting to hold forth on two things you clearly don't understand: science and logic.

You're embarrassing yourself.


Does that mean that every scientist that insist that evolution is true is creating a false dilemma? Does that mean that every scientist that insists the world is 4.56 billion years old is creating a false dilemma?

Midcan cited a study that pointed out that studies of identical twins show that both do not always end up to be straight or homosexual. Since identical twins are born with identical genes, if sexual preference was genetic identical twins always develop the same genetic traits. This conclusively proves that homosexuality is not genetic in nature, and every single study that every claimed to find a gay gene has always been debunked.

Care to explain how, given our current understanding of genetics, that statement is wrong? Or how me pointing out that anyone who rejects this simple fact is, at best, basing their position on non scientific mumbo jumbo?

Simple fact, if their are only two choices possible, it is not a false dilemma to insist that there are only two choices.
There is a simple test to see if sexuality is a choice and those who think it is a choice can confirm their beliefs easily. The test is to switch hit. Very simple test, there is no need to go all the way but simply to choose to be gay or transgender or whatever. In order to take the challenge, prove you are right, and still believe orientation is a choice, simply switch hit for a week. During this week you must stop looking a men's or women's asses and instead admire and desire women's and men's asses. See just switch. If you want a real challenge google porn sites that are opposite of your assumptions. Every town has a gay or lesbian bar or meeting place and if you really want to prove it choice go there and mingle. Again there is no choice to hug or kiss but prove to yourself what you belief. Don't forget you must stick to your choice for the week. You may even learn something about yourself that you were unaware of. Good luck and report back next week, let us how you made out. And please do not blame me if you find you really were someone you thought you weren't. Best of luck.

Let me get this straight, if I can find one person that swith hits that proves that sexual orientation is a choice. In that case, David Bowie proves that sexual preference is a choice.
More evasion and prevarication form you. How surprising.

I never said you were 'confusing' anything, but that you were conflating two different things, and transparently so. I notice you've failed to address this.

What, exactly, am I conflating? The best you can argue is that my use of the word choice instead of orientation shows my bias toward the theory that sexual preference is a choice. I will admit that up front it it makes you feel better, but I will also admit that is simply my bias speaking, and that I cannot conclusively prove whether or not it is a choice. I will also point out that, even if there existed clear evidence that homosexuality is genetic, that does not mean that it is not a choice a sentient being can make despite his genetic predisposition.

What? You cannot conclusively prove that? Are not these your very words?

"As I have already conclusively proven, sexual orientation is not genetic. That leaves you with the burden of proof if you insist that children are born that way to explain how it happens, not me."

This is what it's like trying to have a rational discussion with you. You keep changing what you're saying to the point of absurdity.
Yes, you did. You gave a very clear either/or scenario where there is no justification for it to exist. Your words: "Anyone that argues otherwise is ignorant of genetics and stands on the exact same ground as the people who insist that the Earth is only 6000 years old. "

You have not demonstrated that your conclusions are based in reality; rather you've only made bare assertions, and it's been demonstrated here why your assertions are not credible.

The problem here is that you're attempting to hold forth on two things you clearly don't understand: science and logic.

You're embarrassing yourself.


Does that mean that every scientist that insist that evolution is true is creating a false dilemma? Does that mean that every scientist that insists the world is 4.56 billion years old is creating a false dilemma?

Nope, and that's completely irrelevant to what I stated.
Midcan cited a study that pointed out that studies of identical twins show that both do not always end up to be straight or homosexual. Since identical twins are born with identical genes, if sexual preference was genetic identical twins always develop the same genetic traits. This conclusively proves that homosexuality is not genetic in nature, and every single study that every claimed to find a gay gene has always been debunked.

No, it does not 'conclusively prove' that whatsoever and it doesn't debunk any study that came before that. You are reading into that information what you so desperately want to be there, and again you're presenting everything in a binary context w/zero justification for doing so.
Care to explain how, given our current understanding of genetics, that statement is wrong? Or how me pointing out that anyone who rejects this simple fact is, at best, basing their position on non scientific mumbo jumbo?

Simple fact, if their are only two choices possible, it is not a false dilemma to insist that there are only two choices.

** Facepalm x1000 **

There are not only two choices, scientifically illiterate child.

Your inability to remain consistent with what you say and you intellectual dishonesty precludes the chance of any meaningful exchange.

Go ahead and have the last word. I'll let your nonsensical babbling speak for itself.
Nice sob story but there is no "gay gene". People are not born gay. They want you to believe that because it justifies their abominable lifestyle.

There's not one study either medical or from the field of psychology that proves or even remotely demonstrates that a person is born or has homosexual behavior from birth.

Since you were unable to answer my questions you proved my points. You did not make a choice as to your orientation, your genes gave you your orientation. No free choice existed for you or for anyone. Your genetic being was managed by your biologic makeup. That you still view others who are also creatures of biology, but different from you, as aberrant, only shows you as a bigoted moron. Don't feel bad about your ignorance, in reading the other replies above you have lots of company in the bigoted moronic group. Progress for human stupidity is a slow moving clock but it does move. Studies below.

"To test whether genes play a role, researchers have compared identical twins (in which all genes are shared) to fraternal twins (in which about 50 percent of genes are shared). A 2001 review of such twin studies reported that almost all found identical twins were significantly more likely to share a sexual orientation – that is, to be either both gay, or both straight – than fraternal twins, who are less genetically close. Such findings indicate that genes do factor into a person's orientation." link below

"Despite a popular perception that male-female pairings are the only "natural" way, the animal kingdom is actually full of examples of same-sex couples. Penguins, dolphins, bison, swans, giraffes and chimpanzees are just a few of the many species that sometimes pair up with same-sex partners." 5 Myths About Gay People Debunked | Homosexuality & Sexual Orientation Science | LiveScience

"Patrick is social, thoughtful, attentive. He repeatedly addresses me by name. Thomas is physical, spontaneous, a bit distracted. Just minutes after meeting me outside a coffee shop, he punches me in the upper arm, yells, "Gray punch buggy!" and then points to a Volkswagen Beetle cruising past us. It's a hard punch. They horse around like typical brothers, but Patrick's punches are less forceful and his voice is higher. Thomas charges at his brother, arms flexed in front of him like a mini-bodybuilder. The differences are subtle - they're 7-year-old boys, after all - but they are there.

When the twins were 2, Patrick found his mother's shoes. He liked wearing them. Thomas tried on his father's once but didn't see the point.

When they were 3, Thomas blurted out that toy guns were his favorite things. Patrick piped up that his were the Barbie dolls he discovered at day care." What Makes People Gay? - The Boston Globe

"In the study, researchers analyzed the genetic makeup of 456 men from 146 families with two or more gay brothers.

The genetic scans showed a clustering of the same genetic pattern among the gay men on three chromosomes -- chromosomes 7, 8, and 10. These common genetic patterns were shared by 60% of the gay men in the study. This is slightly more than the 50% expected by chance alone.

The regions on chromosome 7 and 8 were associated with male sexual orientation regardless of whether the man got them from his mother or father. The regions on chromosome 10 were only associated with male sexual orientation if they were inherited from the mother."

Is There a 'Gay Gene'?

Survival of genetic homosexual traits explained - life - 13 October 2004 - New Scientist

It was a rhetorical question. It didn't require an answer.

Anyone that disagrees with your opinion is a bigot . Got it.

Fact is there is no gay gene.


BTW..........The reasoning behind the animal homosexuality theory can be summed up as follows:

- Homosexual behavior is observable in animals.
- Animal behavior is determined by their instincts.
- Nature requires animals to follow their instincts.
- Therefore, homosexuality is in accordance with animal nature.
- Since man is also animal, homosexuality must also be in accordance with human nature.

This line of reasoning is unsustainable. If seemingly "homosexual" acts among animals are in accordance with animal nature, then parental killing of offspring and intra-species devouring are also in accordance with animal nature. Bringing man into the equation complicates things further. Are we to conclude that filicide and cannibalism are according to human nature?

It is poor science to "read" human motivations and sentiments into animal behavior, and irrational animal behavior is not a yardstick to determine what is morally acceptable behavior for rational man.

A dog will hump a kitchen table leg, doesn't mean it's sexually attracted to it. Some liberals, do too.
Why is it that "little boy" dolls are the hottest selling items in the fag sex shops?

BTW....we can only hope that a gay gene will be discovered. That way parents could be able to determine that a potential child is going to be gay before it is even born and they could choose to have any abortion.

IF gayness is caused by a genetic disorder, it wont be long before they will be able to cure this affliction.

Personally....I think not. Gayness is a behavioral affliction that is associated directly to the personality of the individual who is afflicted with the behavior.

there is no cure besides to lock them up and prvent them from sticking stuff in their anuses

Your level of ignorance is astounding.

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