Sralin sent KGB agents to Hollywood to kill J. Wayne because of his anti-communist beliefs


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
the story for a huge blockbuster, do you agree?

Sralin sent KGB agents to Hollywood to kill J. Wayne because of his anti-communist beliefs
The abused son of a poor, alcoholic Georgian cobbler, Josef Vissarionovich Djughashvili (the future Stalin) was one of the history’s most prolific killers. Stalin eliminated anyone and everyone who was a threat to his power – including (and especially) former allies. He had absolutely no regard for the sanctity of human life.

Stalin was, without a doubt, one of the most ruthless world leaders of the 20th Century, responsible for millions upon millions of deaths. But estimates of the number of deaths he caused vary wildly – from 30 million to 60 million.


Assassins were supposedly sent to Los Angeles in order to kill John Wayne. As Michael Munn says in his book, the FBI had discovered there were agents sent to Hollywood to assassinate the actor. They informed John about the plot and he told the FBI to let the men show up and he would deal with them himself.

John didn’t want his family to know about the fact that the KGB was trying to kill him and he moved with his family into a house with a big wall around it.
Mr. Munn says that a group of communists based in Burbank, near Hollywood, plotted to kill John Wayne. They failed to kill him just like the KGB agents that were sent before.

A further attempt to kill Wayne was made in Mexico on the set of the film Hondo led by a local communist cell, according to Mr. Munn.

The Soviet campaign was canceled after Stalin’s death in 1953 because his successor Nikita Khrushchev was a fan of the film star. The book says Krushchev told Wayne in a private meeting in 1958: “That was a decision of Stalin during his last five mad years. When Stalin died, I rescinded that order.”

The time when Stalin sent KGB agents to Hollywood to kill John Wayne because of his anti-communist beliefs
The Truman administration and most of America was anti-communist in the early 50's. Why in the world would Stalinist agents want to kill the "Duke"?
The Truman administration and most of America was anti-communist in the early 50's. Why in the world would Stalinist agents want to kill the "Duke"?

all US university camps were under Marxist - stalinist occupation

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