SPOT ON!!! "What party is this?" "Small minded attitude" of the GOP

Morning Joe employs the most insipid and droll participants I have ever seen on television. Even their so-called "right-wing" guests are a bore and a chore.

I have never seen such collective arrogance devoid of substance.
Brian Sullivan's problem is that he's bought into the Left's continuing rant that the GOP is "extreme".

Well, let's look at that rationally shall we?

Which Party nominates and runs national candidates from the extreme? Is it the GOP who nominated and ran Mitt Romney and John McCain...arguably two of the most moderate Republicans in the race...or is it the Democrats who nominated and ran Barack Obama and John Kerry as their last two candidates...arguably two of the most liberal Democrats in the race?

I'm sorry...I know that you on the Left love to make the charge that we in the GOP are extremists but reality simply doesn't back up that claim. Reality would indicate that it is YOU that are the extremists and you're simply annoyed that the GOP won't "join you" in that extremism!

From the very beginning of left-wing ideology one of their tools has always been to project their own extremism onto others; to paint themselves as victims.

obama's whole adult life has been one of immersion into the very farthest Left-wing ideology as one can go in he American body politic.

including his friendship with AMERICAN TERRORISTS LIKE WILLIAM AYERS who actively polotted to murder returning Vietnam veterans and their wives and children; and has said he has no regrets and "wish i did more"
Republicans believe inflation creates jobs. When Republicans say grow the economy, it is code for borrow money, increase deficit spending, increase inflation.

inflation; deficits and borrowed money are all higher since Democrats have been in office

yes deficits too;
Brian Sullivan's problem is that he's bought into the Left's continuing rant that the GOP is "extreme".

Well, let's look at that rationally shall we?

Which Party nominates and runs national candidates from the extreme? Is it the GOP who nominated and ran Mitt Romney and John McCain...arguably two of the most moderate Republicans in the race...or is it the Democrats who nominated and ran Barack Obama and John Kerry as their last two candidates...arguably two of the most liberal Democrats in the race?

I'm sorry...I know that you on the Left love to make the charge that we in the GOP are extremists but reality simply doesn't back up that claim. Reality would indicate that it is YOU that are the extremists and you're simply annoyed that the GOP won't "join you" in that extremism!

No you just bought into the Right rant about liberals. Calling Obama a liberal is about as funny as you can get with the money still going to the top and wall street making a killing.
Republicans believe inflation creates jobs. When Republicans say grow the economy, it is code for borrow money, increase deficit spending, increase inflation.

Where do you even come up with this kind of nonsense? What conservatives like myself "understand" is that jobs are created when people who possess capital see an opportunity to make a profit through investment.

What liberals can't seem to wrap their heads around is that profit making is not a bad's not a "sin" that someone makes a profit on their's crucial to the process.
Brian Sullivan's problem is that he's bought into the Left's continuing rant that the GOP is "extreme".

Well, let's look at that rationally shall we?

Which Party nominates and runs national candidates from the extreme? Is it the GOP who nominated and ran Mitt Romney and John McCain...arguably two of the most moderate Republicans in the race...or is it the Democrats who nominated and ran Barack Obama and John Kerry as their last two candidates...arguably two of the most liberal Democrats in the race?

I'm sorry...I know that you on the Left love to make the charge that we in the GOP are extremists but reality simply doesn't back up that claim. Reality would indicate that it is YOU that are the extremists and you're simply annoyed that the GOP won't "join you" in that extremism!

No you just bought into the Right rant about liberals. Calling Obama a liberal is about as funny as you can get with the money still going to the top and wall street making a killing.

So let me see if I understand how this works...

You guys nominate two men with the most liberal voting records in the Senate...but you're NOT extreme...

The GOP nominates two men with moderate voting records...but they ARE?

Funny how that makes sense to you...
And the fact that Obama takes huge amounts of money from Fat Cats doesn't mean that he's any less simply means that he's for sale at the right price.
Brian Sullivan's problem is that he's bought into the Left's continuing rant that the GOP is "extreme".

Well, let's look at that rationally shall we?

Which Party nominates and runs national candidates from the extreme? Is it the GOP who nominated and ran Mitt Romney and John McCain...arguably two of the most moderate Republicans in the race...or is it the Democrats who nominated and ran Barack Obama and John Kerry as their last two candidates...arguably two of the most liberal Democrats in the race?

I'm sorry...I know that you on the Left love to make the charge that we in the GOP are extremists but reality simply doesn't back up that claim. Reality would indicate that it is YOU that are the extremists and you're simply annoyed that the GOP won't "join you" in that extremism!

Not unlike the left's cries of racism when it is they who tell minorities that they are incapable of succeeding without their protection and special programs.
Brian Sullivan's problem is that he's bought into the Left's continuing rant that the GOP is "extreme".

Well, let's look at that rationally shall we?

Which Party nominates and runs national candidates from the extreme? Is it the GOP who nominated and ran Mitt Romney and John McCain...arguably two of the most moderate Republicans in the race...or is it the Democrats who nominated and ran Barack Obama and John Kerry as their last two candidates...arguably two of the most liberal Democrats in the race?

I'm sorry...I know that you on the Left love to make the charge that we in the GOP are extremists but reality simply doesn't back up that claim. Reality would indicate that it is YOU that are the extremists and you're simply annoyed that the GOP won't "join you" in that extremism!

No you just bought into the Right rant about liberals. Calling Obama a liberal is about as funny as you can get with the money still going to the top and wall street making a killing.

So let me see if I understand how this works...

You guys nominate two men with the most liberal voting records in the Senate

According to you.

...but you're NOT extreme...

The GOP nominates two men with moderate voting records...but they ARE?

Funny how that makes sense to you...

Let me repeat. Obama has the money going to the top 1%, Under Obama Wall Street is smoking hot. If those actions reflect liberal policies then you are delusional.
Brian Sullivan's problem is that he's bought into the Left's continuing rant that the GOP is "extreme".

Well, let's look at that rationally shall we?

Which Party nominates and runs national candidates from the extreme? Is it the GOP who nominated and ran Mitt Romney and John McCain...arguably two of the most moderate Republicans in the race...or is it the Democrats who nominated and ran Barack Obama and John Kerry as their last two candidates...arguably two of the most liberal Democrats in the race?

I'm sorry...I know that you on the Left love to make the charge that we in the GOP are extremists but reality simply doesn't back up that claim. Reality would indicate that it is YOU that are the extremists and you're simply annoyed that the GOP won't "join you" in that extremism!

No you just bought into the Right rant about liberals. Calling Obama a liberal is about as funny as you can get with the money still going to the top and wall street making a killing.

i love this, obama who is pro gay, pro abortion, appoints kagan and sotomeyer to the court, obamacare, .0

so what has he done on the right? Wall street will go up regardless to an extent, but hos shit doesnt help out. And no bailouts are not a right wing position.

you people are loons......
No you just bought into the Right rant about liberals. Calling Obama a liberal is about as funny as you can get with the money still going to the top and wall street making a killing.

So let me see if I understand how this works...

You guys nominate two men with the most liberal voting records in the Senate

According to you.

...but you're NOT extreme...

The GOP nominates two men with moderate voting records...but they ARE?

Funny how that makes sense to you...

Let me repeat. Obama has the money going to the top 1%, Under Obama Wall Street is smoking hot. If those actions reflect liberal policies then you are delusional.

According to me? I think if you'll check both Kerry and Obama's voting records you'll find I'm 100% correct in that statement. John McCain on the other hand was such a moderate that Al Gore considered him as a running mate and Mitt Romney was a moderate Governor from a heavily Democratic State that worked exceptionally well across the aisle.

As for the 1% getting richer? What's happened is Barack Obama's solution to a stagnant economy is keeping interest rates at nearly zero with round after round of quantitative easing for his entire Presidency. He talks about income inequality at the same time his only economic "plan" is to give rich people essentially free money to invest while absolutely crucifying the Middle Class with increased cost of living and shrinking income.

Your problem, that liberal economic policy has failed epically and now you've fallen back on "income inequality" as a populist message to try and mask that failure.
So let me see if I understand how this works...

You guys nominate two men with the most liberal voting records in the Senate

According to you.

...but you're NOT extreme...

The GOP nominates two men with moderate voting records...but they ARE?

Funny how that makes sense to you...

Let me repeat. Obama has the money going to the top 1%, Under Obama Wall Street is smoking hot. If those actions reflect liberal policies then you are delusional.

According to me? I think if you'll check both Kerry and Obama's voting records you'll find I'm 100% correct in that statement. John McCain on the other hand was such a moderate that Al Gore considered him as a running mate and Mitt Romney was a moderate Governor from a heavily Democratic State that worked exceptionally well across the aisle.

As for the 1% getting richer? What's happened is Barack Obama's solution to a stagnant economy is keeping interest rates at nearly zero with round after round of quantitative easing for his entire Presidency. He talks about income inequality at the same time his only economic "plan" is to give rich people essentially free money to invest while absolutely crucifying the Middle Class with increased cost of living and shrinking income.

Your problem, that liberal economic policy has failed epically and now you've fallen back on "income inequality" as a populist message to try and mask that failure.

like most of the deluded left-wing losers here Closed Caption is simply an idiot deep in denial over the failures of the Progressive agenda under obama

You just educated the Left. Most have no idea what the hell is going on, because the news they digest is filtered by Liberalism.

No doubt they will discount the polls because they were done by Fox News and know...only polls done by left wing news outlets count...further proof they delude themselves.

I wonder...if the MSM worked to report only the truth, would liberalism even exist.

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